新目标八年级上 Unit9 教案示例

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《新目标八年级上 Unit9 教案示例》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标八年级上 Unit9 教案示例(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 1 页 共 5 页1Unit 9 When was he born?教案示例教案示例( (一一) )Period 1教学过程:processStudents activitiesTeachers activities Before-class Do the researchSearching for the occupations of different walks(行业) and divide them into various walksGive some help and provide som

2、e resources or website for themChoose one kind of way that they can illustrate their results easily and clearlyIn classList all the occupationsGive all the occupations they have found Invite the students to list the occupation in order to enlarge the vocabularyThe great people from different walks o

3、f workShow the great people from different walks of work and show their experience, personal information and their Listen and look. Ask some questions to the students if necessary中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 2 页 共 5 页2personalities as wellChoose the best groupChoose the group who giv

4、es the best researching resultsListen to the tapeListen to the tape and write down the birth year of each sports starWalk around and check the answersAnswer the questionsCheck the answersYour future jobGroup work: What do you want to be in the future? And then record the answers of the group members

5、Give them some advice if they needAccording to the searching results choose your exampleSuggest them to find a great person as an example so that students can learn from themFind out the reason why they become so successful Set an example to the students. And lead them to find the reasons from their

6、 personalities and educational background.Group work: If we want to be as successful as they are, what we should do?Ask them to tell us their final decision and the measure theyll take After-class Short passage Write a short passage of what they should do to turn the dream into realitiesTell them to

7、 write a short passage 教案点评:教案点评:在本课时的教学过程中,我感受最强烈的一点是学生在选择自己未来的职 业和学习的榜样上表现出了很强的判断能力。由于教学设计贴近学生的生活,中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 3 页 共 5 页3在教学过程的开展中真正做到了主动学习和交流。这节课是本单元的导入部分,让学生都够有足够的信息输入是决定着是否 能够顺利完成所有任务的至关重要的因素。因此我在这个部分中首先让学生在 课下对于本单元相关的单词进行了比较系统的学习,对学生自主学习能够进行 有效的指导。除了完成课本上的听力内容外,

8、我还将课本上的内容进行了进一步的拓展。 把公众人物与学生的未来发展结合在一起,启发学生从明星身上发现可以学习 的优点。从而激发他们不断进步,努力发掘自己的潜力。当然,作为本单元的第一个引入课任务的设计有些难,所以学生在刚刚开 始的时候有一些不适应,对于任务中所需要的句型也不够了解。教案示例教案示例( (二二) )教学过程:processStudents activitiesTeachers activities Beforeclass Remind of the first time in their childhoodThink about the first time they did b

9、efore and how old they wereSuggest them to think about the first time in their childhood Inclass Make an interview Group work: ask Give the useful 中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 4 页 共 5 页4the group member about how old they were when they did something for the first timeexpressions on

10、the blackboardHow long had they had?Give the useful expressions on the blackboard.Fill in the blanksAsk the questions and fill in the blanks Walk around and give some help if necessaryMake some recommends to the rest of the studentsAccording to the results of the survey find the best studentsAsk the

11、m to choose the best studentsThe weeks star Find the best students as the candidates Give some requirements about the weeks starMake a speech for their good habitsChoose the weeks starGive them some guide about how to make a speechReadingRead the text and fill in the blanksGive the students two minu

12、tes to read it Answer the questionsCheck the answersAfter-classSelfintroduction The weeks star write a composition Give the students homeworkLook at the composition and make some contents附表:Name Achievement Age More information课后反思:中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 5 页 共 5 页5作为班主任,在英语教学中我

13、重视将德育教育与文化知识的教育结合在一 起。在本节课的教学中我将日常管理中评选每周一星的活动在英语课上进行了 评选。结合本单元的主题我将本周的一周一星确定为能持之以恒养成良好习惯 的同学。在教学过程中,为了避免出现混乱的课堂场面,我将评选工作的要求和过 程都有条理的写在了黑板上,并且像正式的每周评选一样由班长主持,同时并 且有专门的人员统计票数。结合了日常实际的课堂内容很充实,学生在参与的 过程中学生充满热情,积极参与并且评选的过程非常激烈。总的来说,本节课内容符合实际和学生的生活密切相关。在教学的过程中, 学生与老师,学生之间有了很好的交流,将老师所讲的内容和学生所学的内容 通过实践的方式结合在一起,起到了比较好的效果。



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