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1、模块三3-模块四1单元 一、重要短语 Unit 3 Reading 1.感到幸运 2.赢得一个位置 3.飞往 4.作为出名 5.失落的文明 6.占领 7.倾泻而出feel luckywin a place on/infly totake overlost civilizationbe known aspour out 8.在这个区域挖珠宝 9.导致许多损毁 10.至于保护之下 11.漫步城市 12.踏脚石 13.踩在烂泥里 14.用装饰 15.结果(是) 16.逃离城市dig in the area for treasurecause much damageput under protecti

2、onwalk around the citystepping stonesstep in the mudbe decorated withIt turns out thatflee the city 17.分解 18.留下空白 19.制作逼真的塑像 20.毁灭整个城市 21.一个歇脚处 22.据信已经做了 23.发现废墟 24.埋在沙子下 25.一片绿洲break downleave empty spacesproduce true-to-life figuresdestroy the whole citya stopping point Sb/Sth is said to have been

3、 done.discover the ruins ofburied beneath the sand a green land 26.砍伐 27.导致 Unit 3 Project 1.可能已经做了某事 2.毫无疑问 3.起来反抗 4.阻挡某人 5.一直行进到 6.患病 7.将某物在某人中分享cut downresult incould have doneno doubtrise up agaist stand in ones waymarch all the way to come down withdivide sth among sb 8.在接下来的几个世纪 9.作为的结果 10.被看作

4、 11.免费教书 12.除了还有 13.对有深刻影响 14.设问教学 15.挑战学生形成并解释他们自己的论点 16.使知晓for centuries to come as a result ofbe thought of asteach for freeaside fromhave deep influence onteach by asking questionschallenge Ss to develp and explain their own argumentsmakeaware of 17.改变主意 18.接近真相 19.现代哲学和科学的根基 20.受够了某人 21.将告上法庭 2

5、2.腐化青年 23.使情况更糟 24.处死 25.被迫服毒change ones opinionsapproach the truththe basis of modern philosophy and science have enough of sbtake sb to courtcorrupt the yound people make a bad situation worsebe put do deathbe forced to drink poisonUnit 1 Reading 1.习惯于 2.对做一些研究 3.说服某人做了某事 4.相信一个理念 5.付款 6.免费投放 7.旨在

6、 8.教育某人关于be used todo some research onpersuade sb to dobelieve in an ideapay forrun for freebe meant toeducate sb about 9.影响公共福利 10.治愈口臭 11.以为自豪 12.对感到愉快 13.产生头脑联想 14.为公众服务 15.帮某人过上更好生活 16.开始一个全国范围内的公益广告活动 17.处理affect public welfarecure bad breathbe proud ofbe pleased aboutmake a mental connection w

7、ithserve the publichelp sb lead a better lifebegin a nationwide public service advertising campaign deal with 18.当谈到 Unit 1 Project 1.达到某一受众 2.想象出,弄明白 3.需要雇佣不同种类的媒体 4.目标受众 5.做一点研究和分析 6.提前 7.创造出合适的信息When it comes toreach a certain audiencefigure outemploy different kinds of media target audiencedo a

8、little research and analysis in advancecreate the right message 8.该做了 9.吸引 10.使某人用特定的方法回应 11.关心 12.与相关 13.转达(意思),表达(观点) 14.主要依赖 15.由于 16.极大损害It is time to doappeal toget sb to react in a certain way care about be connected withget ones message across depend mainly ondue tocause great damage to 17.大量

9、的 18.目标受众 19.劝阻某人做某事 20.关心 21.敦促某人做某事 22.戒烟 23.说服某人不要做某事 24.向某人提供 25.提醒/警告/通知某人某事 26.死得太早huge numbers of target audiencediscourage sb from doingbe concerned abouturge sb to dogive up smokingprovide sb withconvince sb not do doinform sb about die too soon二、课文填空 This morning we (1) _ a lecture about P

10、ompeii .The city was founded in the 8th century BC. In 89 BC, the Romans (2)_over Pompeii . It then became a rich and busy city .Near the city was a (3)_ .On 24 August AD 79,the volcano(4)_ and lava ,ash and rocks(5) _out of it onto the (6)_countryside .It continued to erupt for the next two days .M

11、any people were buried (7)_,and (8)_was the city. How (9) _!volcanotooksurroundingerupted pouredattendedaliveso fortunate When I walked around the city, I saw streets just (10) _ they had been, with (11)_stones along the road so you did not have to step in the mud (12)_rainy days ! I saw several hou

12、ses which were (13)_ with wall paintings. I also saw the people who had been buried alive .It (14)_out that after the ash covered the people who (15)_to (16)_the city ,their bodies nearly completely(17)_ down and disappeared ,(18)_empty (19)_in the ash . as stepping ondecoratedturns failedfleebroke

13、leavingspaces Years later ,researchers were able to use these empty spaces to produce (20)_figures of the people who had died in the (21)_.You can see them today in Pompeii ,in the same places (22)_ the people fell. The volcano is still there, but looks very quite now. Its hard to (23)_how this peac

14、eful volcano (24)_the whole city!true-to-lifedisasterwhereimaginedestroyed An advertisement uses words and pictures to(1)_ people to buy a product or service, or to believe in an idea. Newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio and television are the most common places to find them . A (2)_ advertis

15、ement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service. PSAs are often run for free, and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public (3)_. There are laws to protect people from advertisements that cheat people. However, we still must be aware of



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