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1、说明文写作的基本知识审题:体现文体的语句(确定体裁):请你介绍一下,我们该如何.请结合自身谈谈我们如何才能请你谈谈的好处/的方法请你谈谈是怎样影响着的。拟题:HOW TOTHE WAY TO.THE BENEFITS/EFFECT OFHOW CAN WE.说明文教师点评 集中纠错 佳作展示谋篇 布局理清结构,分析说明顺序常见的结构形式有: “总分”式、 “总分总”式、 “分总”式、 并列式、 递进式等。应试有效型: “总分总”式开头段: 采用多种形式铺垫,点明主题 我们要说明的是“怎样做”。(要有 承上启下的句子衔接上下文)结尾段: 要进行总结、提升、呼应开头,点 题并体现方法“如何做”或发

2、出 号召与倡议。主体段: 要充分体现说明文“说”的特点,而 且要说得有逻辑性、有层次性。为 了要把事物说明白,就必须把握事 物的特征,进而揭示出事物的本质 属性,即不仅要说明 “怎么做”(How),还要说明“为什 么”(Why)这样做。阐述性说明文 必须揭示出问题的本源和实质。Title: HOW TO _ Paragraph1. -铺垫+点题 Paragraph2. -1.2.3. Paragraph3. - 总结提升呼应点题How + WhyTitle: Paragraph1. - Paragraph2. -1.2.3. Paragraph3. - 三个要点层层 递进,遵循由 浅入深的逻辑

3、 。拓展句要做到逻 辑性要强,推理 严密,解释说明 要充分且条理清 晰,有理有力。表示逻辑顺序的词语:First, Second,Third, First of all, Whats more,Most importantly,写英语作文的步骤? 审题拟题列纲打稿(充实内容,丰富词句)检查修改(语法、句法、人称、时态、拼写)定稿誊写(卷面整洁,书写规范)Unit 9 Staying Healthy写作训练文题:健康胜于财富。无论是工作、学习、游 戏还是旅游,健康都是保障与前提。没有健康 的身体,我们将无法体会到幸福的滋味。请以 如何保持健康为话题,展开思路,写一篇作文 。文体: 说明文拟题:H

4、OW TO KEEP HEALTHY 写作提示:第一段:好句+点题(承接上下文的语句: How can we keep healthy? Here are some ideas.)第二段:我们的具体做法。(三条以上的建议,每条要有1-2个拓展句)注意要使用表示逻辑顺序的词语。First, we should +拓展句Second, we should. +拓展句Third, we should. +拓展句第三段:好句+点题。好句子:1.Nothing is more important than to keep healthy.2.Nowadays, more and more people

5、have known the importance of keeping healthy.3.Without health, no pleasure can be tasted by man. 4. we should take enough exercise .Regular exercise can keep us from getting fat.5. Its important to eat lots of fruits and vegetables , because theyre rich in fiber(纤维 素) and low in fat. As a proverb sa

6、ys, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 6. Forming a good habit can benefit us . Have three meals or more at regular time . In this way, our body will work better.7. If you follow the tips mentioned above, youll keep healthy. 8.In a word, health is better than wealth . 9. Healthy people make a he

7、althy country.10. Taking exercise can make us healthy, keep slim(苗条身材) , reduce diseases (减 少疾病), give us energy, make us think more clearly and help us get success11. We should eat different kinds of food because they can provide prvaid 提供 the nutrition nju:trin 营养 we need every day.12. Different f

8、oods can make us grow taller and make our bones strong.13.Junk food is low in fiber and high in fat. It can cause many health problems.14.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.范文: HOW TO KEEP HEALTHYHealth is better than wealth. Nothing is more important than to keep h

9、ealthy. But how can we keep healthy? Here are some tips for you. First ,we should take enough exercise. Regular exercise can keep us from getting fat. Second, Its important to eat lots of fruits and vegetables , because theyre rich in fiber and low in fat. As a proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Finally, Forming a good habit can benefit us . Have three meals or more at regular time . In this way, your body will work better.“Without health, no pleasure can be tasted by man.” If you follow my advice, you will keep healthy.


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