牛津译林版英语高二上册Module 5《Unit 2 The environment》word教案(一)

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1、1M5 Unit 2 The environment Welcome and Reading学习目标:1.培养学生学习和运用词汇的能力 2.通过练习巩固所学词汇和句式学习要求:1 课前识记文中生词表中的重点词汇和短语2 通过自学和合作探究,提高分析句子的能力3 通过练习检测自己对词汇和句子的掌握情况,查漏补缺,进一步提高解题能力课前学习: A. 词形变换词形变换: 1. economy(n.)- _(adj.) 2. arrive (v.) -_(n.) 3. reponsible (adj.)- _(n.) 4. poison (n.) - _(adj.) 5. industrial(adj

2、.) - _ (n.) 6. destroy (v.) - _ (n.) 7.benefit (n.) - _ (adj.) 8.effect (n.) - _(adj.) 9.environment(n.)-_ (adj.) 10. preserve (v.)-_ (n.) Keys: 1. economic 2. arrival 3. responsibility 4. poisonous 5. industry 6. destruction 7. beneficial 8. effective 9. environmental 10. preservation B. 短语互译短语互译:1

3、.另外_2.扫除;消灭_3.对有持久影响_4.削减_5.大量_6.对关心_7.自由发言_8.逃避责任_9.经济发展_10. 愿意做某事_11. recycled materials_12. side by side_13. agree with sb. _14. cut down_15. ask around_16. as long as_17. see as _18. be smart about_19. run out (of) _20. take responsibilities for_Keys:1.in addition (to)2.wipe out3.have a lasting

4、effect on4.cut back on5.a large amount of6.be concerned about7.open the floor (for)8.hide from their responsibilities9.economic development10. be willing to11. 循环材料循环材料12. 肩并肩肩并肩13. 同意某人同意某人14. 砍倒砍倒215. 四处打听四处打听16. 只要只要17. 将将视为视为18. 对对精明精明19. 用完用完20. 对对负责任负责任中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 h

5、ttp:/ C选择方框中词组的适当形式填空 in addition, ask around, side by side, pour into, be bad for, be concerned about, large amounts of, open the floor, clean up, run out of, wipe out, seeas1. There are fine meals to be had if you ask around. 2. The two children are walking side by side.3. TV presenter, thank you.

6、 Lets open the floor to questions.4. After his first novel was published, he was seen as one of the most outstanding new authors of his generation. 5. It shows your friends havent stopped being concerned about you. 6. We are always ready to wipe out any enemy who dares to attack.7. The waiter hurrie

7、d to clean up the pieces of the broken plates.8. More and more waste and poison are poured into the water, the soil and the air.9. In addition, my visits will encourage people working on the projects and draw local peoples attention to the situation. 10. Large amounts of money were spent on the brid

8、ge. 课堂学习: Key sentences: 1. With me is Mr Lin Shuuiqing, from the Society for Environmental Preservation, and Mr Qian Liwei, an economist.(page 22, lines 56)与我一起的是来自环境保护协会的林水清先 生和经济学家钱利伟先生。 这是一个完全倒装句。这个句子由于主语较长,为避免句子头重脚轻,往往把介词 短语或其他成分提到句首。这种句子的谓语多为连系动词以及 lie, stand, sit, fly, come, go, run, rush 等动词

9、。翻译翻译: 宴会后在广场上燃放了烟花。_ 场地上坐着一群年轻人在弹吉他。_ 山顶上有一个气象站。 _ Keys: After the banquet came a firework display in the square. Seated on the ground were a group of young men playing guitar. At the top of the hill stands a weather station.2.Pollution is so bad that many rivers are full of chemicals which flow in

10、to the sea and kill sea creatures.(page 22, lines 1415)污染情形如此严重,致使许多河流饱含化学物质, 河水流入海洋,杀死海洋生物。 辨析:sothat, suchthat 1)sothat 与 suchthat 都表示“如此以致” 。它们用法的区别在于搭配不同: so 是副词,所以后接形容词或副词,而 such 是形容词,所以后接名词。例如:中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 2)但如名词前有表数量的 many,few,much,little 修饰时,则要求用 so。即: soman

11、y (few, much, little)名词that 从句 用用 sothat和和 suchthat填空填空 1. He improved his English _greatly _ he began to talk freely with foreigners. 2. It was _ hot a day _ they went swimming. 3. Pingpong is _ a popular game _ people all over the world play it. 4. He had _little education _it was not easy for him

12、 to solve the embarrassing problem. 5. He made _a lot of mistakes in his maths exercises _he had to do them all over. 6. I have had many _ falls _ I cannot rise to my feet again. Keys: 1. so; that 2. so; that 3. such; that 4. so; that 5. such; that 6. such; that 3.The worlds population has grown to

13、more than six times what it was in 1800. 目前世界 人口与 1800 年相比已经增长到那时的六倍多。 倍数的常见表示法:倍数的常见表示法: 1)A is + 倍数倍数+比较级比较级+than+ BAsia is four times larger than Europe. 2) A is +倍数倍数+as+原级原级+as+BAsia is four times as large as Europe. 3) A is +倍数倍数+ the size (length/width/height) of + BAsia is four times the size of Europe. 相关高考试题:相关高考试题: 1At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _Great Britain. (05 上海)A. three times the size as B. the size



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