牛津译林版英语八下《Unit 5 International Charities》word学案

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1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ Unit 5 International charities 课题课题Unit 5 Welcome to the unit知识目标了解世界的几大慈善组织。能力目标探讨如何更好的帮助需要帮助的人。学习目标情感目标乐于助人是一种美德学习重点了解世界的几大此时你组织和掌握课本中的四会词汇及句型。学习难点探讨如何更好的帮助需要帮助的人。课前自学1.通过查字典或根据参考资料找出重要的单词和词组。2.写出你知道的中国的慈善组织。_3.通过预习你还知道哪些慈善组织?4.Have you ever done any

2、 fund-raising activities for charities? What did you do?5.如果你没为慈善事业做过任何事。What will you do to help with the poor/ charity when you grow up/ if you can?课堂交流展示1.小组展示找出的重要单词及词组。2.小组展示知道的中国和世界的慈善组织。3.全班展示 Welcome to the unit Part A (要求认识4.各个慈善组织的标志。)5.组内交流再全班展示 What did you do for charities?What will you

3、 do to help with the poor/charities when you grow up?中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 6.组内交流再全班展示What do you think people in poor countries need most? And give the reasons.A.books B.cars C.clothes D.education E.food F.healthcareG.homes H.jobs I.money J.computer K.TVs L.water6. Eddie an

4、d Hobo are also talking about the charities.What charity are they tallking about? Listen to the tape then answer it.7. Listen to the tape again the answer the questions.(1 ) What does Oxfam need ?(2 ) What does Hobo want Eddie to do?(3 ) What does Eddie want to dofirst? Why ?8. Follow the tape and r

5、ead it in pairs.9. 学生表演对话。10. 全班探讨:What do you know about Oxfam?11. 小组讨论:Which charity would you like to work for? Why?课堂达标检测一、两人一组展示:Which charity would you like to work for? Why?二、完成以下短文。Oxfam needs money .Hobo has some _ _ left.He wants to _ it to the charity. He also wants to ask Eddie to give p

6、ocket money to it.But its _, Eddie _ _ _ going out before lunch.Eddie said to Hobo “I am _ weak _ I cant walk _ _ .”Hobo replied that he would take him to a big _ next to the _ shop afterwards.三、根据句意和首字母和中文意思完成句子。1.I used to _ (fly) kites in spring.2.We can go out for a walk _ .(后来)3.She is not used

7、 to _ (travel) by train.4.Im too w_ to walk any further.5.I remember you have enough p_ money.6.Be quick!There are only two minutes l_.四、根据汉语意思完成下列各句。1.我太累了不能走了。Im_.2.她习惯于在饭后散步。She _ after meals.3.让我们首先吃一顿午餐。Lets _.4.你知道全世界有多少慈善机构吗?Do you know how many _ in the world?学习感悟中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须

8、注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 课题课题Unit 5 Reading (1)知识目标读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作状况。能力目标1、 能用正确的语言介绍奥比斯医生的工作。2、 能用英文采访,学会采访中使用的开放性问题。学习目标情感目标让学生体会到我们是幸福的,幸运的,引导学生在日常生活中能帮助需要帮助的人学习重点读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作状况。学习难点能用英文采访且用正确的语言介绍奥比斯医生的工作。课前自学1、 通过查字典或根据参考资料找出重要的单词和词组。2、 翻译下列短语。(1) 影响世界上大约四千五百万人 (2)这些病例的 80%(3)有钱支付医学治疗(4)给某人做手术

9、(5)把用作教学中心 (6)教他们新的技能与知识(7)感激某人 (8)以某人/事而感到自豪(9)改善病人的生活 (10)同过给奥比斯捐款3、阅读文章并完成课本 80 页 B 部分的练习。课堂交流展示1.Look at the logo and say something about it. 小组谈论,再全班展示。 (What is it about? What does it look like?Is a plane in the logo? What do ORBIS doctors do every day?)2.分组展示刚才谈论中所涉及的新词汇及短语。3.听课文录音回答以下问题How m

10、any people are affected by blindness in the world?Why dont ORBIS doctors work in hospital?How can people support ORBIS?4.快速阅读文章的前 7 行,并判断正误。(1) All the cases of blindness can be cured or prevented.( )(2) blind people dont receive medical treatment because they dont have中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册

11、!中小学教育资源站 http:/ money( ) 5. 阅读文章 8-25 行,判断正误和回答问题。(3)ORBIS doctors perform operations on the plane but the plane is not a teaching centre.( ) (4)By training local doctors and nurses, they hope to help less people.( )(5)How many operations did Dr Ma perform during their work?(6)Is it hard work for h

12、im?6. 阅读文章 26-38 行,回答问题。(7) What do people feel about ORBIS treatments?(8). What is the most important thing for the doctors?(9)What does ORBIS need to carrry on with their work?What can we do for them?题组内展示再全班展示。7. 全班跟读录音朗读课文,然后试完成课本 Part C 练习。8. Have a discussion (小组讨论再全班展示。)What do you th

13、ink of Dr Mas job?Since Dr Mas job is meaningful, can you make a website or poster for him to ask more people to help and support him?课堂达标检测1.How well do you understand the interview?(1) Many blind people do not have the money for _ (treat)(2) ORBIS uses a _ (fly) eye hospital to visit poor countrie

14、s, the plane is also used as a _ (teach) centre.(3) The doctors working on the plane perform _ (operate) on patients. A doctor once _ (operate) on 150 patients during a visit.(4) The ORBIS doctors want people to support their work by _(send) donations.(5) Modern medicine is developing so _ (quick) that it can treat and cure most eye problems and improve the lives of the patients.(6) _ (blind )affects millions o



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