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1、上海华驰印刷有限公司上海华驰印刷有限公司 Shanghai Huachi Printing Co.,Ltd Date1华驰印刷华驰印刷 电话:电话:008621 57417903 008621 57417903 电子邮件:电子邮件: .com 网址:网址: huachiprint factory | Phone:0086 21 57417903 | | 企业简介企业简介 Brief Introduction 生产工序生产工序 Production Procedure 质量控制质量控制 Quality Control 客户服务客户服务 Customer Service 产品投诉产品投诉 Pro

2、duct Complaints 展现未来展现未来 Looking Into FutureDate2华驰印刷华驰印刷 电话:电话:008621 57417903 008621 57417903 电子邮件:电子邮件: .com 网址:网址: huachiprint factory | Phone:0086 21 57417903 | |企业简介企业简介Brief Introduction 华驰产品布满全球华驰产品布满全球 Huachi Products All Over The World 上海华驰印刷有限公司位于上海市化学工业 区。占地面积7000多平方米,现有员工140多名 。建厂几十年来,

3、凭着自身的不断努力和客户多 年来的鼎立支持,从白手起家俨然成为区纳税超 百万的企业之一。现已形成集出版物、包装及商 标印制业务为一体的现代化企业。在2000年及 2003年分别通过了ISO9002、ISO9001.2000版质 量体系认证,并拥有自营进出口权,产品远销世 界各地,赢得了中外客商的一致好评。Shanghai Huachi Printing CO.,Ltd is located in Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone with an area of 7000 sqm the second step is to analysis the reason

4、 why the problem occurs and correct the production procedure; the third step is to give penalty and education to person relevant to the problem.Exterior complaints:the client give calls or correspondence to the complain of product quality.the department who receive the complaints should feedback the

5、 information to the office immediately. The way of handling will be strengthened on the basis of interior complaints. And feedback the relevant information to the client until the client fully satisfies with it. As to the product complaints, our principle is never let it pass until find out the reas

6、on and never let it pass until relevantpreventing action is taken. Thus to further satisfy clients requirement and provides guarantee to improve the market reputation. 产品投诉产品投诉production appealingproduction appealingDate17华驰印刷华驰印刷 电话:电话:008621 57417903 008621 57417903 电子邮件:电子邮件: .com 网址:网址: huachipr

7、int factory | Phone:0086 21 57417903 | |展望未来展望未来look forward to the futurelook forward to the future “麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。”我们已形成了集设计、制版、印刷、装订和后道加工一条龙的生产 体系。作为一个印刷企业,我们始终把文化效益与经济效益放在同等的位置,在创造物质财富的同时 ,也在为社会创造着艺术文化,我们以自己贡献社会的责任与激情证明华驰品牌的价值。尽管我们的生产设备不是最先进的,但我们精心维护着它,使它保持在一个最佳生 产状态;尽管我们的厂房不是最大最漂亮的,但我们努力呵护着它,使它保持在

8、一个干净整 洁的状态。华驰的明天有赖你我的努力,华驰的辉煌是我们共同的心愿!在新世纪,华驰将以自己全齐的设备、一流的人才、科学的管理、优质的服务,奋 力拼搏、不懈努力,与广大朋友共创美好的明天! Our factory is small but complete.We have formed a coordinated process of production, including design, plate producing, printing, binding and later processing. Being a printing enterprise, we always la

9、y emphasis on cultural cultivating as well as economic benefit. We are creating the material value, meanwhile we also creating cultural art for our society. We devote ourselves to the society and shoulder social responsibility to prove our value.Although our equipment may not be the most advanced, w

10、e maintain it carefully to keep it work best;Although our factory may not be the most beautiful, we protect it affectionately to keep it clean.Huachis tomorrow is depending on us, Huachis prosperity is our common will. Equipped with advanced equipment, first-grade personnel, scientific administration and best service, Huachi will create a wonderful tomorrow with our friend in the new century. Date18



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