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1、荀 子The Works of Xunzi P21 名言 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。 ( 荀子劝学 ) 白话不半步一步地积累起来,就无法达到千里;不把细流汇积起来,就无法形成。 English Without the accumulation of small steps, a one-thousand-mile journey cannot be finished; without the accumulation of the streamlets, there would be no confluence of a great river or the sea. Wit

2、hout small steps, no long distance can be covered; without tiny streams, no rivers and seas can be accumulated.P26 名言 不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之,见之不若知之,知之不若行之。学至于行之而止矣。 (荀子儒效) 白话没有听到不如听到,听到不如见到,见到不如了解到,了解到不如应用到。学习达到应用就是达到了顶点。 English It is better to hear something than not to hear it; it is better to see somethi

3、ng than to hear it; it is better to understand something than to see it; it is better to practise something than to understand it. Learning ends up in practice. P31名言 不知则问,不能则学,虽能必让,然后为德。 (荀子非十二子)白话不懂就问,不会就学,虽然有才能却一定很谦逊,这样才会成为(有)品德(的人)。 English A man of virtue is not reluctant to consult others when

4、 he does not know something; he is not reluctant to learn from others when he is incapable of doing something; he remains modest when he is capable of doing that thing. Only when a man behaves himself in such a way, can he be considered a man of virtue. P62名言道虽迩,不行不至;事虽小,不为不成。 (荀子修身)白话道路即使很近,不去行走,是达

5、不到目的地的;事情即使很小,不去做,是不会办成的。 English Although Tao is close at hand, one cannot reach it without self-cultivation. Although a thing is by no means difficult, one cannot accomplish it without making efforts. P85 名言 非我而当者,吾师也;是我而当者,吾友也;谄谀我者,吾贼也。 (荀子修身 ) 白话批评我十分准确的,是我的老师;肯定我十分恰当的,是我的朋友;阿谀逢迎我的,是我的祸害。 Englis

6、h He who correctly criticizes me is my teacher; he who correctly praises me is my friend; he who insidiously flatters me is my foe. P168 名言 君者,舟也;庶人者,水也。水则载舟,水则覆舟。 ( 荀子王制 ) 白话君主,是船;老百姓,是水。水能把船浮载起来,也能使船倾覆。 English The relationship between a king and the common people is similar to that between a boat and water. It is on water that a boat floats, and it is in water that a boat may capsize. 韩非子The Works of Hanfeizi



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