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1、Module 4 My familyUnit 2 Ive got a small family.grandmother grandmagrandfather grandpaauntmotherfatheruncle(daughter) sister(son) brother(grandparents)(parents)新课教学1. Match the words in Box A with the words in Box B.aunt grandma grandmother mother mum sisterbrother dad father grandfather grandpa unc

2、leIm Chen Hui. Ivegot a small family . There are three peoplein my family . Has Chen Huichi got a small family or a big family ? She has got a small family . There are three people in her family . Im Wang Hua . Ive got a big family . There are five people in my family .Has Wang Hui got a small famil

3、y or a big family ? She has got a big family . There are seven people in her family . 例如:(1). Is your father a worker or farmer?Hes a worker.(2). Are you Lucy or Lily?Im Lily.(3). Do you like Chinese or English?I like English.Have you got a small family or a big family?_Ive got a small family.Ive go

4、t a big family.Have you got a small family? No, Ive got a big family. Have you got a small family or a big family ? Ive got a big family. There are people in my family.Work in groups . Talk about your family.1. How many people are there in Bettys family?2. Is Bettys family small?3. Has Betty got any

5、 brothers or sisters?4. How many people are there in Tonys family?Nine.No, it isnt. Its big.Yes. Shes got two brothers.Eleven.Look at this passage. Underline the capital letters , full stops and question marks in Activity 4. capital letter 大写 (A 、) full stop 句号 ( . ) question mark问号 ( ? )WritingLing

6、 ling has got a small family . How many people are there in her family ? There are fiveLingling , her two parents and her two grandparents . Shes got an aunt . She hasnt got any uncles . She hasnt got any brothers or sisters .1. capital letter- F B2. full stop-. 3. question mark-?When shall we use t

7、hem ?Capital letters: for namesand at the beginning of a sentence Full stop: at the end of a statement sentence Question mark: at the end of a questionBooks open. Do Activities 4 & 5 individually. Check the answers together.Tonys English and hes got a big family. How many people are there in his fam

8、ily? He hasnt got any grandparents in China.Theyre in England. Hes got his parents and sister here. He hasnt got any brothers.1.Thank you for your email.谢谢你的电子邮件。thank you for =thanks for 后接名词或动名词Thank you for telling me.Thank you for your help. =Thank you for helping me.Important & difficult points

9、2. I havent got any uncles , or brothers and sisters. 我没有叔叔, 没有兄弟姐妹。这里的brothers and sisters 看作是与uncles并列 的内容.and 和or 的区别,肯定句用and, 否定句用or 。I like apples and oranges. I dont like pears or bananas.3. 选择疑问句:提出两种或两种以上 的情况,要求对方选择一种作回答。其结构是 “ 一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句 ?” ,常把后一部分与前一部分相同的内容省略。回答不能用“Yes” 或“No”,而要具体回答。翻译

10、下列句子1. 我家有五人我爷爷,我爸爸妈妈,我和弟弟。There are five people in my familymy grandpa, my mum and dad, my brother and I.2. “你有个大家庭吗?”“不。我有个小家庭。”“Have you got a big family?”“No. Ive got a small family.”3. 玲玲没有个大家庭。她有个小家庭。Lingling hasnt got a big family. Shes got a small family.恶灵退散官网地址:http:/ 恶灵退散官网地址 ioq162fgk 中国

11、人的承受极限。大家一时楞在那里,不知所措,整个会议室静若坟场。就在那一刹那间,突然张钢铁拍案而起、情 绪高昂地叫道:“曾总,你说的话我实在听不下去!中国人的素质差这句话打击面太广了,我们坚决反对恶灵退散!你 说的那种人毕竟是少之又少,你不能一棍子打死一邦人。”张钢铁今生“阅人无数”,今天是第一次不由自主地从他口 中迸出这样的话,他吼完就铁青着脸看着曾臣人,像一只随时准备战斗的藏獒。张钢铁是个老党员,70年刚一生产啤酒 时,他就在啤酒厂,是啤酒厂元老!平时在领导面前很会掌握说话的分寸。今天还是第一次出言顶撞领导,底下的人有 的在偷偷地笑、有的铁青着脸、有的涨红了脸。“肏他妈妈来个。” 一个国骂,

12、恶灵退散马启明听到“这就是中国 人的素质差”这个话时心里也恨恨地骂道!总经理就是总是、经常不讲理的人!曾臣人话刚启个头,就被人公然对抗, 敢顶撞总经理呵呵权威。他吃惊万分,脸色陡然变煞白,连话都说不出来:“你你你”他惊恐地看着张钢 铁,又看看其他人,像个无助的小孩。可张钢铁又说得没错,曾臣人一时也不知道该怎么说,尴尬地咧了咧嘴,使得会 场气氛立刻变得尴尬紧张起来,又预示着一场狂风暴雨即将来临。十几秒钟过后,曾臣人强压住心头怒火,会议进入正 题,他让范翔宇把这次啤酒瓶罚款的事从头到尾详细说一遍。范翔宇颤颤巍巍地讲道:“曾曾总,各位,我把这一 次啤酒瓶罚款的事故报告汇报一下。啤酒瓶的使用问题一直未

13、受到啤酒生产厂家的重视,只要瓶子外观是好的,不管是 什么瓶也不管是什么年代的瓶都上线使用,中国相当一部分啤酒厂都是这样做的。现在啤酒瓶炸人的事故越来越多,媒 体不断曝光,国家非常重视这个问题。再加上我们上一次非B瓶炸人事件直接投诉到了工商部门,因此这次海涛州 质量技术监督局把我们单位当作重点对象来检查。根据啤酒瓶国家质量标准规定,啤酒瓶必须使用专用B字瓶,并 建议啤酒瓶的回收使用期限为两年。现在厂里啤酒瓶还有许多非B瓶,使用期限超过两年的啤酒瓶更是多不胜数, 超期服役情况比较严重,甚至还有极少量的酱油瓶、汽水瓶、白酒瓶被用于生产。质量技术监督局下来检查后,随 即下达了整改通知单。事关重大我不敢擅自采取措施,只能等你回来后再做决定,错过了整改期限,技术监督局就以啤 酒瓶存在安全隐患,未按时整改为由做出罚款处理的决定,恶灵退散就是这样。曾曾总。”战战兢兢地讲完以后, 范翔宇望着曾臣人像个犯了错的小学生一样,等候发落。“瓶场上有这么多问题瓶子,质量技术部、物流部难道就没有 发现吗?”曾臣人又严厉地看着物流部经理马启明和金俊英,恶灵退散发出狮子般地怒吼,“质量技术部、物流部是干 什么的?经理主任


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