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1、小学英语小学英语 5B5B 期末复习练习题资料期末复习练习题资料5B 期末复习练习一、根据汉语意思完成句子:1.我非常喜欢数学,它很有趣.I _ very much. Its _.2.你喜欢什么科目?我喜欢美术.你呢? 我喜欢语文.What _ do _like? I like _. How _ you? I like _.3.Black 小姐和她的学生们正在上一堂音乐课.Miss Black and _ _ _ a _ lesson.4. David 通常星期六做什么?他通常拍照片。What _ David _ do _ Sundays? He _ _ photos.5.Helen 住在哪里

2、?她住在伦敦附近的一个小镇上。_ _ Helen _ ? She _ a small _ near London.6.Wang Bing 在干什么?他正在给他的英国朋友写电子邮件。What _ Wang Bing _? He is _ _ _ to his _.7.Mike 跑得快吗?不,不快。_ Mike _? No, _.8.我每天上 7 节课。I _ seven _ every _.9.Jim 会说英语和汉语。Jim _ _ English and _.10.他们来自同一个国家吗?不,他们来自不同的国家。_ _ _ the same _?No, _ _ different _.11.Na

3、ncy 的朋友来自哪里?她来自法国._ _Nancys friend _ ? Shes from _ .12.学生们正在谈论他们的周末.The _are_ their _ .13.你怎样过周末的?我经常做家务。你每个周末都这样做吗?不,不是的。How _ you _ _ _? I often _ _. Do you _ _ _ _? No, I _.14.Yang Ling 怎样过周末的?她经常听音乐。有时她去购物。_ _ Yang Ling _ _ _? She often _ _ music. _ she _ _.15我父亲喜欢运动,经常在周末去爬山.My father _ _, and

4、he often _ _ at the weekends .16.今天星期几?今天星期二。今天谁值日? 是我。请擦黑板。好的。_ _ is it today? _ _. Whos _ _ today?_ _. Please clean _ _. _ _.17.几点了?三点一刻了。在四点十分有场足球赛。让我们去观看吧,当然。_ _ is it? Its _ _ _ _. _ a football game _ _ _ _. _ go and watch _. _ _.18.你准备好吃早饭了吗?还没有,我正在刷牙。_ you _ _ breakfast? Not yet, I _ brushing

5、 _ _.19.上下跳三次。好的,停!_ _ _ down _ _. OK, _.20.你能把你的铅笔放在你的脚上吗?看,我能。_ _ _ your _ on your _? Look, _ _.21.你现在感觉如何?我感觉很渴。我可以给你一杯牛奶。_ do you _now? I _ _. I can _ _ _ _ for you.22.你怎么了?我重感冒了。吃一些药并多休息。_ _ with you? _ _ a bad _. _some medicine and _ a lot of _23.White 先生喜欢写故事,他想写一个关于他的中国朋友们的故事.Mr White _ _ _.

6、He _ _ write a story _ his _ _ .24.用你的右手摸你的嘴巴。_ your _ _ your _ _.25不要用你的手摸你的手臂。_ _ your _ _ your _.26.我母亲是个家庭主妇,她做所有煮饭和打扫的事情,她确实很忙.My mother is a _ . She _ all the _ and _ . Shes_ _ .二、连词成句:1. lessons, do , afternoon, the , you, what ,have, in (?)2. minus, is, what, five, twenty(?)3. term, first, t

7、his, the , new, the, is, lesson, of (.)4. need , clean , library , to , the , we (.)5. do , feel , now , how , you (?)6. today , is , absent , who (?)7. your , have , mother , hobbies , does , any (?)8. water, every , flowers , do , day , the , you (?)9. you , different , are , countries , from (?)1

8、0. does , usually , after , what , do , Helen , school (?)11. collecting, Chinese, Toms , stamps, hobby,is(.)12. does, what, at , school, he, study, subjects(?)13. in,live, they, small, a ,town, near, Nanjing(.)14. am, an, e-mail, I , my, American, to , friend, writing(.)15. basketball, with, to , h

9、e, play, me, wants(.)16. toes, times, your, fingers, touch, with, five, your(.)17. lift, legs, eight, up, your, on ,lie, times, back, your ,and(.)18. follow, the, to, students, are , the ,trying, orders(.)19. class, ready, you ,for, are(?)20. I , duty, on, Ben, and, are, today(.)21. a , twenty, four

10、, game, is, there , football, at, at, shool(.)22. me, you , plane, can, make, model, a , for(?)23. a, theres, game, at, football, a, to, quarter, five ( . )24. finger, you , put, can , the , on , your, egg ( ? )25. subject ,do what, you , like (?)26. get, I , for, medicine, some, you , can(.)27. the

11、, sometimes in, insects, catch, park, we(.)28. does, what, play, he, time, football(?)三、按要求写词1. box(复数) 2 . white(反义词)3. close(反义词) 4. desk(近义词)5. buy(同音词) 6. we(单数)7. swim(现在分词) 8 . right (同音词)9. big (近义词) 10. sister(对应词)11.Pingping (名词所有格) 12.do not(缩略形式)13. old (反义词)14 .that(复数)15. he (宾格) 16. le

12、ts(完全形式)17.photo(近义词)18. family(复数)19. for (同音词) 20. I(宾格)21. they (单数) 22. have(现在分词)23. the girl(名词所有格) 24. dress(复数)25. there (反义词)26.good(反义词)27. look(近义词) 28. cant (完全形式)29. right(反义词) 30. brother(名词所有格)31. he(形容词性物主代词) 32. clean(现在分词)33. come(现在分词) 34. her (主格)35.they(宾格) 36. watch (复数)37. put

13、(现在分词)38. skating(动词原形)39. we(宾格) 40. their (同音词)41.these(单数) 42. mother(同义词)四、用所给词的正确形式填空1. My mother_ (like) going shopping very much. But I _(not).2. Nancy usually_ (go) to bed at 11 because she _ (love) reading before sleeping.3. My parents _(get) up at 6:30, my sister _ (get) up at 6:40. And I _(get) up at about 6:00 everyday4. _ he _often (watch) TV in the evening? Yes, he does.5.



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