九年级英语全册《unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》教学设计 人教新目标版

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1、UnitUnit 3 3 TeenagersTeenagers shouldshould bebe allowedallowed toto choosechoose theirtheir ownown clothesclothes . . 教学设计教学设计教学内容及分析教学内容及分析内容: 本单元要学的内容是谈论规则,指的是某人是否被允许做某事,其核心是用 should (not) be allowed to do 结构来谈论以及对此发表赞同或反对,要理解它关键就是要学习 should be allowed to do sth 结构的运用及交际英语的开展。分析:学生已在初二年级 unit2 学

2、习了 should 的用法,在 unit7 学习了 allow 的用法,具有了学习本单元知识的前提条件。由于它还与后面 unit9 的被动语态有联系,所以在本册书中也是比较重要的内容。教学的重点是用 should (not) be allowed to do sth 来谈论规则,解决重点的关键是突出听说训练。教学目标及分析教学目标及分析目标定位:了解,掌握并会用本单元的词汇,词组及句型。会用 should (not) be allowed to do sth 来谈论规则会谈论允许或不允许做的事情能够谈论被允许做或不被允许做的事情以及对此发表自己的观点(同意或不同意),能够表达同意或不同意的理由

3、目标分析:了解本单元的一些词汇指的是会读,知道意思的单词,如 pierce , opportunity , volunteer , local , mess , newsletter , realistic 等掌握并会用的词汇词汇就是指 allow, drive , silly , present , importance , earring, concentrate, 掌握并会用的词组词组就是指 should (not) be allowed to do sth , drivers license , part-time jobs , stay up , clean up , be stri

4、ct with sb , the other day , concentrate on , learn from each other , be good to sb , have an opportunity to do sth , old peoples home ,get in the way of , be serious about , spend time on , care about .理解并掌握的句型句型就是指 I think Ss should be allowed to do homework with friends .I disagree . They talk in

5、stead of doing homework .问题诊断与分析问题诊断与分析在本单元的教学中,学生可能遇到的问题是对含情态动词的被动语态结构 should be allowed to 的运用存在障碍,因为学生之前没有接触过被动语态,而这个知识点恰好是其中含情态动词被动语态的一种,要解决这一问题就要明确这个结构的含义,通过大量的练习来巩固。教学教学支持条件分析支持条件分析在本单元的教学中,A 部分考虑用到多媒体,可以参考一些有关规则方面的图片,使教学直观,A 部分 1b, 2a, 2b , B 部分 2a, 2b 3a 需要用到录音机,这是听力训练的需要。教学过程教学过程Period 1-2

6、SectionA (1a- Grammar focus)Period 3 Section A(3a-4)Period 4 Section B(1a-2c)Period 5 Section B(3a-self check)Period 6-7 Reading SectionSection A(1a-A(1a- GrammarGrammar focus)focus)教学设计教学设计教学内容及分析教学内容及分析内容:本节课要学的内容是谈论规则,指的是谈论允不允许做某事,其核心是 should(not) be allowed to do sth 的用法,要理解它关键是掌握含 should 的被动语态的

7、用法。分析:学生已在初二年级 unit2 学习了 should 的用法,在 unit7 学习了 allow 的用法,具有了学习本单元知识的前提条件。由于它还与后面 unit9 的被动语态有联系,所以在本册书中也是比较重要的内容。教学的重点是用 should (not) be allowed to do sth 来谈论规则,解决重点的关键是突出听说训练。教学目标及分析教学目标及分析目标定位:理解 should(not) be allowed to do sth 来谈论允不允许做某事及对此发表赞同或反对的看法。理解并掌握本页的核心词组及结构目标分析:理解 should(not) be allowe

8、d to do sth 来谈论允不允许做某事指的是针对学生而言,允许做某事就是 sb should be allowed to do sth ; 不被允许做某事就是指 sb should not be allowed to do sth 结构。对此发表赞同指的是 I agree ; 反对就是 I disagree .理解并掌握本页的核心词组及结构指的是能够背诵,默写及运用下列词组,be allowed to do sth , should(not) be allowed to do sth , get sth done , drivers license , instead of , not

9、serious enough , need to do sth , need doing sth , spend time with friends .问题诊断与分析问题诊断与分析在本节课的教学中,学生可能遇到的问题是对含情态动词的被动语态结构 should be allowed to 的运用存在障碍,因为学生之前没有接触过被动语态,而这个知识点恰好是其中含情态动词被动语态的一种,要解决这一问题就要明确这个结构的含义,通过大量的练习来巩固。教学支持条件分析教学支持条件分析在本节课的教学中,1b, 2a ,2c 需要用到录音机,这些部分包含了听力训练,同时本节课的1a 可以用多媒体展示一些图片,

10、让学生操练 should(not) be allowed to do sth 句型。教学过程教学过程Q1: What rules should our teenagers obey ? 设计意图:提出问题,谈论规则, finish 1a ,1b 1c .例 1:We cantcant bring our cell phone to school . 变式练习 1:We areare notnot allowedallowed toto bring our cell phone to school .例 2:Teenagers should be allowed to go out with t

11、heir friends every night . Disagree 变式练习:Circle by themselves .例 3: Anna can go to the mall with John . T F变式练习:Listen and circle T or F. 例 4:A: I dont think sixteen year olds should be allowed to drive.B: I agree .They arent serious enough .变式练习:Make conversations with partners .师生活动: 1.What do you

12、 usually do after school ? Can you surf the Internet ? Can you go out at night ? Can you watch TV?2. What rules do you have at home , list some .3.Get the Ss to read the sentences , after understanding , choose A or D, finish 1a .4. Anna has some rules at home , what are they ? Listen to the tape, c

13、ircle T or F, finish 1b .5.Look at the statements in 1a and make conversations .Use the phrases in the box in 1c . Q2: Molly and Kathy are talking some rules , what do they think of the rules ?设计意图:听力训练,完成 2a, 2b .例 1: 1.Sixteen-year olds should not be allowed to work at night .Molly disagrees .变式练习

14、:check and circle the words by listening to the tape .例 2:Listen again and number the reasons in the correct order . 师生活动:1.Make sure the Ss understand the meaning of each sentence in 2a , finish 2a .2.Read the sentence first , then listen to the tape again and finish 2b .Q3: According to your own s

15、ituation , can you make conversations by using the key structure we have learned today ?设计意图:口语练习,巩固知识点。例:A: Do you think teenagers should ?B: Yes , I 变式练习:Make conversatio ns by themselves .师生活动:1.Invite two Ss to read the sample .2. Make a similar conversation with one of the Ss .3. Listen to thei

16、r conversations. 本课小结本课小结本节课初步学习了 should be allowed to do sth 结构来谈论允不允许做某事,以及对此发表自己的看法,了解了本课时的一些重要词组及结构,如 be allowed to do sth , get /have sth done , drivers license , sb seems to do sth , instead of .SectionSection A A (3a-4)(3a-4)教学设计教学设计教学内容及分析教学内容及分析内容:本节课要学的内容是继续谈论规则,指的是用 Dont 和 You can 来谈论能不能做某事,其核心是掌握这两个结构的用法,理解它关键就是明确这两者后面都是接动词原形。分析:学生已经在初一学习过这样的句型,本节课就是在此基础上的拓展和巩固,教学的重点是理解 be allowed to do


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