九年级英语unit8 sectiona教学设计【优质】

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1、 九年级英语Unit8 It must belong to Carla.第一课时 Section A (1a-2d)设计人:佛山中学 崔娟(18353858989) 审核人:韩海燕一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1 、知识目标、知识目标 a .识记词汇:whose, truck ,rabbit, attend, valuable, pink, picnic, anybody 短语:must be, at the picnic, belong to, attend a concert, the rest of my friends,pick upb.掌握目标语言:(1) Whose book is

2、this?-It must be Marys. J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer.(2) I attend a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.(3) It cant be stolen.(4) Could it still be in the park?(5) The hair band must belong to Linda. 2、能力目标、能力目标: a. 学生能用情态动词并根据相关信息对物品所属进行推测。 b. 学生能听懂录音并做简单的记录。 3、情感目标:、情感目标

3、: 通过开展对物品的推论,培养学生的逻辑思维能力,推断能力和自信心。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 重点:学生能用情态动词并根据相关信息对物品所属进行推测。 能听懂录音并做简单的记录。 难点:正确区别运用 belong to 和名词所有格表示所属关系。 三、课前准备三、课前准备: 录音机和一些物品背包,发带和手表四、教学过程设计四、教学过程设计Step 1 Check the students preparationTake out the leading paper and check the answers.(1) Work in groups to check the answers a

4、nd deal with the difficulties.(2) Check in class.(3) Possible mistakes: pick up, the rest of, whose, belong to.(4) Read and try to remember them. Step 2 Presentation (1a)T: Hello, class.Now, look at 1a . There is a picture with many things in it. What can you see in the picture? S: We can see a hat,

5、 a T-shirt, a volleyball, a CD, a toy car, a plate, three cups, some books and magazines. T:It ist hard for us to judge who the things belong to. Read theexamples first, and then write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart as soon as possible. Then ask the students to read their ans

6、wers. T: When we talk about things we are not sure of, we use the words could, might, cant and must. For example:(1) It could be Bills. (2)It might be Bills. (3)It cant be Marias. (4)It must be Lees. Make sentences using the information in the chart like this:A hat must belong to clothing. S: Sure.

7、The hat, the jacket and the T-shirt must belong to clothing. The volleyball, the CD, the toy car, the magazine, and the book must belong tofun things. The plate, the cups must belong to kitchen things. Step 3 Listening(1b) Just now you saw so many things in the picture. Whose thing are they? Why do

8、you think so? Lets come to 1b. 1) Read the instruction together. 2) Read each column one by one to make sure if students have any difficulties. 3) Listen and match.4) Check their answer. Step 4 Pairwork Do in pairs: -Whose volleyball is this? -It must be Carlas. It must belong to Carla.1) Read the e

9、xamples. 2) Make their own conversations using the information in 1b or their things.3) Share their conversations in class. Step 5 Listening(2a,2b) and exercises. In 1b, you saw so many things and after listening, you know the volleyball belongs to Carla. Now, I found a backpack in front of your sch

10、ool. Whats in the backpack and whose backpack is that? Lets come to 2a. 1) Read the information together. 2) Listen and write down the things in the backpack. 3) Check their answers. 2b 1) Listen to it again and fill in the blanks. 2) Check their answers. 3) Listen again , follow and answer “Whose b

11、ackpack is that?” 4)Read the sentences together and pay more attention to “must”, “might”, “could” and “cant”. Work in groups: Read the tapescripts in group and discuss when to use “must”, “might”, “could” and “cant”. Sum up: Just read and try to learn to use “must”, “might”, “could” and “cant” . No

12、te: must(100%) might,could(20-80%) cant(0%) Lets try: 1) Please do exercises on the screen. 2) Check their answers. 3) Read these sentences by themselves. Step 6 Reading(2d) Do you want to know whose schoolbag it is? Lets read 2d and find the answers. 1) Read and find out: Whose schoolbag is it? 2)

13、Read again and underline the difficulties. 3) Discuss the difficulties in groups,try to understand them.4) Possible difficulties: (1)attend “出席,参加”为正式用语take part in 参加活动join 加入组织团体(2)pick up 拿起,捡起/ 开车接人 5) Role play the conversation, then ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class. Step 7 Do

14、 the exercises on the leading paper,explain some points to the students.Homework: 让学生放学回家后,猜猜你的同桌和他家人晚上在家可能做什么,写一篇短文。 板书设计Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section A (1a-2d)Words:belong, belong to, whose, truck, picnic, rabbit, attend, valuable, pink. Sentence structures: (1)Whose English book is this

15、? It must be Carlas. It has her name on it. . (2) Whose volleyball is this ? It could /might be Alices. She loves volleyball. (3)Whose pen is this ? It might belong to Helen. Its under her chair. (4)Whose T-shirt is this ? It cant be Johns. Its too much small for him. Note:must(100%) might,could(20-

16、80%) cant(0%) (5)It must/could /might be HanLeis = It must/could/might belong to HanLei. 九年级英语 Unit8 It must belong to Carla. 第二课时 Section A (3a-4c)设计人:佛山中学 崔娟(18353858989) 审核人:韩海燕一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1 、知识目标、知识目标 a .识记词汇:noise policeman wolf 短语:something unusual, next-door neighbor, feel uneasy, go away, makefear,


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