七年级下册-生物重点复习试题(grade seven - biological key review questions)

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七年级下册-生物重点复习试题(grade seven - biological key review questions)_第1页
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《七年级下册-生物重点复习试题(grade seven - biological key review questions)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级下册-生物重点复习试题(grade seven - biological key review questions)(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七年级下册七年级下册- -生物重点复习试题(生物重点复习试题(GradeGrade sevenseven - - biologicalbiological keykey reviewreview questionsquestions)Seven grade biology review questions(examination time 60 minutes, 100 points out)Volume 1 (multiple-choice questions, 50 points)A choice (every day, 2 points, 50 points)1. teenagers s

2、hould pay more attention to eating more food.A. carbohydrate, B., fat, C., protein, calcium, vitamin D., inorganic salt2. when eating steamed bread, the more you chew, the more you feel sweetA. saliva can turn into glucose, and B. starch is broken down into glucoseC. starch into maltose D. malt suga

3、r into glucose3., four test tubes were injected with the same amount of vegetable oil, and then drip the following groups of digestive juices separately, oscillating and resting at 37 DEG C in warm water. It was observed that the first disappearance of vegetable oil was ().A. bile, bile and saliva,

4、gastric juice and intestinal saliva B.C., D. of gastric juice and intestinal juice bile and pancreatic juice and intestinal juice4., teenagers are in a period of vigorous growth and development, and they need a variety of nutrients. Please choose a reasonable and economical lunch recipe for yourself

5、A. one carton of milk, one egg, and one ice creamB. a bowl of rice, fried pork slices, braised hairtail, tofu soup, a bowl of vegetables, a piece of fruitC. a meat bun, a slice of braised pork, a bottle of coke and a piece of chocolateD. Steamed Rice a bowl, a lobster, a grass carp, a Roasted Chicke

6、n, a bowl of soup, a vegetable5., the body lacks vitamin B1, easy to suffer ()A. B. C. D. beriberi tinea pedis disease rickets rough skin6. which of the following is not the function of the airway to the air?A. kills bacteria in the air. B. moist airC. clean air, D. warm air7. in the following state

7、ment, there is no direct relation with the gas exchange effect of the lungs.A. has a large number of alveoliB. the alveoli are located at the end of the bronchiolesC. the alveoli are wrapped around the capillaries8. the gas inhaled by the human body compares with the exhaled gasA. has the highest ox

8、ygen content in the inhaled gas and the highest carbon dioxide in the exhaled gasB. inhaled oxygen and exhaled carbon dioxideC. exhaled gas has a higher carbon dioxide content than when inhaledD. whether inhaled or exhaled air is air, so it is the same9. when organic matter breaks down and releases

9、energy, it requires the participation of () in the air.A. nitrogen, B. oxygen, C. carbon dioxide, D. water vapor10., the basic measures to prevent air pollution and improve air quality are ().A. takes an active part in aerobic exercise, B. and tree plantingC. controls arbitrary emissions of pollutan

10、ts and D. conducts smoking cessation education activities11. Wangs hand immediately hits the fire and retracts, and then feels pain, indicating what function the spinal cord hasA. reflex, B. conduction, C. reflex, and conduction D. cannot be determined12. the alveolar gas enters the bloodstream and

11、needs to pass through ().A. one cell, B. two cell, C. three cell, D. four cell13. in the blood vessel shown below (arrows indicate the direction of blood flow), the thicker end is ()A. artery, B. veinC. capillary, D., artery or vein are possible14. hemoglobin binding or separation depends on the blo

12、odA. oxygen content, B. carbon dioxide contentC. hemoglobin and oxygen binding capacity, D. hemoglobin content15. if the tadpoles are to develop into frogs in a short period of time, they can be fed ()A. containing growth hormone food; B. containing sex hormone feedC.A diet containing thyroid hormon

13、e; D.; a large number of insects16. the following does not belong to the excretion is ()A. exhaled carbon dioxide, B. sweating, C. excreted faeces, D. voiding17., you should have a skin test before you inject penicillin. When you try it, you will feel very painful, because there is a lot of sensory

14、nerve endings in it.A. epidermis, B., dermis, C., stratum corneum, D., germinal layerD. both the alveolar wall and the capillary wall are composed of only one layer of epithelial cells18. healthy people have 1.5 liters of urine per day, while the daily amount of raw urine is about 150 liters, result

15、ing in a big difference between urine and raw urineA. glomerular filtration, B. reabsorption of renal tubulesC. bladder has the function of temporarily storing urine and D. sweat glands discharging urine19. which of the following diseases are caused by abnormal hormone secretion?A. and B. hyperthyro

16、idism scurvy rickets and cretinismC. diabetes and gigantism D. local goiter and night blindness20., in combination with the schematic of the eyeball, point out the errors in the following statementThe structure of A. l lesions or injury by transplantation of the patient to lightB. if the structure 2 over convex, it is difficult to see near objectsThe structure of C. 4 can be transformed into nerve impulses to stimulate the imageThe D. structure 2 is equivalent to a convex lens during ima


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