英美文学课件Part Seven English Poetry II

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1、Part Seven English Poetry II II. Different Kinds of Poetry 1) Lyric Poetry: The word “lyric” means “adapted to the lyre ( a stringed instrument in ancient Greece). A lyric was originally intended to be sung and accompanied by the lyre. It is usually short and expresses one incident, situation or emo

2、tion.Part Seven English Poetry II Lyric poetry comprehends several different kinds: a “song”, an “ode” or a “ballad” (It usually contains a story). 2). Epic, or Heroic Poetry: great and lengthy narrative poems describing some important national enterprise or the adventure of distinguished heroes. Ho

3、mers Iliad and Odyssey, Dantes Divine Comedy, Miltons Paradise Lost are some of the greatest epics.Part Seven English Poetry II 3). Dramatic Poetry: This kind of poetry is made up of dialogues and is intended to be acted. “Tragedy” and “Comedy” are the two chief forms of drama. “Tragedy” was intende

4、d to excite the patriotic, sublime, heroic feeling of the audience, and to arouse its sympathy for the suffering devotion or virtue. “Comedy”, by its ridicule, turned the laugh of the audience against some weakness and vices.Part Seven English Poetry II 4). Pastoral(牧歌): Poems of this kind describe

5、the rural life, usually consisting of conversation between shepherds about their love affairs, their losses, the state of their flocks, and the prospect of the coming harvest.Part Seven English Poetry II 5). Elegy (悲歌,挽歌): A lament told in meter. 6). Didactic Poetry: Poems of this kind is intended t

6、o instruct, whether in art, moral or philosophy, as Popes Essay on Criticism.Part Seven English Poetry II 7). Satire: Its object is to improve manners and promote virtue by depicting vice in its true colors. Swift, Burns and Byron are some of the famous English satirists. Part Seven English Poetry I

7、I 8). The Sonnet in English Poetry In English poetry there are, in order of importance, three main types of the sonnet: the Italian, the Shakespearean, and the Spenserian. The Italian, or Petrarchan, receives its name from the fact that it was used by Petrarch and other Italian poets. Each of the ot

8、her two types takes its name from the most illustrious English poet.Part Seven English Poetry II The Italian sonnet consists of 14 iambic pentameter lines. The first eight lines form the octave, which rimes abbaabba; the remaining 6 lines constitute the sestet, riming cdecde. - - When I consider how

9、 my light is spent a Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide, b And that one talent which is death to hide b Lodge with me useless, though my soul more bent aTo serve therewith my Maker, and present a My true account, lest He returning chide; b “Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?” b I fo

10、ndly ask: But Patience, to prevent a Part Seven English Poetry IIPart Seven English Poetry IIThat murmur, soon replies: ” God doth not need c Either mans work, or his own gift; who best d Bear his mild yoke, they serve Him best: His state e Is kingly. Thousands at His bidding speed c And post oer la

11、nd and ocean without rest: d They also serve who only stand and wait. e John MiltonPart Seven English Poetry II The Shakespearean sonnet also consists of 14 iambic pentameter lines, divided into 3 quatrains followed by a couplet. This structure produces a sweeping movement and the concluding couplet often gives the thought an effective epigrammatic turn. Its rime scheme is abab cdcd efef gg.


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