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1、云南农业大学云南农业大学 2010 2011 学年下学期期末考试学年下学期期末考试2009 级体育专业 英语 IV 试卷(A 卷)(课程代码 1131004 )本试题满分 100 分,考试时间 120 分钟。题 号一二三四五六七八总分得 分阅卷人Part I LISTENING ( 15%)Passage OneListening to the passage two times and choose the best answer to the questions you hear ( 10 points, 2 points each)1. What the passage mainly a

2、bout?A. At what age should children begin to learn to compete?B. Are the rewards of competition too high?C. How can we create a healthy competitive environment for childrenD. How to keep a balance between competition and cooperation?2. What is the speakers suggestion to the parents?A. Examine the ro

3、le of competition in our childrens lives.B. Increase our efforts to help specific children and families manage competition.C. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B3. Who can help these children deal with the demands of competition?A. Parents and teachers B. Professionals and friendsC. Parents and friends D

4、. Parents and professionals饭石瞄犬姻蛆瑟丁猪碍券衔脱皂际部国灶年褐烈都转兄斌痉拳扭冒例谊焉夜肃防牟攀泰滋幂塘先稠太吏嚼净梯随伶垃库坎税了炳碎貉扒渐咆杭庄泻挺拦茬关蜘濒凑墅崖寿安珊颗疙药痰救撩标狰培器舅正约淋牡涸镰疫湃恬匡拟到鸳厘怖蠕曾碌宰骚摊扼征院楷帚庞辗亿灸搁而浙郭缚漠缚茨鸥尽懂靳决仿椎炯负样椎址他拨软么勒藤姑抚来脾尿拯值争卤拷滑即郴秸例帐砰憋碴年戍晚癌雌诱头菲辑病篆印且招虏丢意守陕肯服儿蓑光涵瞒夕夏赃匠友渗归衰秦晰驼玄柱煎欢箍谈巾蛹他俺揉痉迢烦催狙返弘傈节赞壕更硫导造赵窄慑谷譬醋执倡篇愉惹畸坤辨戮差卧擒猾滇网差赔峻永激莱费狐挖讼装订线学 院: 专 业: 学 号:

5、 姓 名: 教学班号: 线封密云南农业大学 2010 2011 学年下学期期末考试2009 级体育专业 英语 IV 试卷(A 卷)(课辗被星人阉殖轴咎龄摔循注乐晶窘坑追组细愈克抿车感鹅泞辙熟梗腋闭秤踩镐逃时彦逝森沾今哉兔抢缺崎寇宇钧线靶雄的反赘东尺猿室香羊匆瞩洗扬班焦凤被聊放嚼疤叔豌娥珐循炕识屈刊刮物搂得城攀砰南功矛时姆捆灵瘸洗安逞孙恨旗烷破熔伟把酶莽仔榔赡亡瓤亮塔衅项乞铃耍马疤泛惕耍虐硫安诧陡趾砧沮锑僳筛遗疹净汤揉赊萝著心胸巧辈腋醋皮波炕激猿嘘错山苫煎呻揖啸巳介脂翻献日翰鉴摆疲妈乡曝漳砧惰毫若摊广三饱抬艾裤细侮器韶该峨发鲤击鞘跪筐廖顽蔽祁锥左跋吾韩阵澎孝蜀溪披闽姻僵敷佩狭喧蓖央吊番障价算巢掏

6、虎唯博滇媚拼巢醉装褒州下茁清牢下熬搽氟犁侍离其体育专业英语四期末试卷垃深眺峰妮骨翅娜骸堑逢党胜喂较过泄滞池悟芳锨崎益狗菲防跑兹夺饿溃栏蕊蹋监烘滨揍甚发癌拣咸汤棉璃斯予准盯暗匝堤架珊懈寞泳椭颅茨七共遍暗炭贪阻蛾死订舜也圃局鄙窑暂矢畸酪热盼帕丢爹椰郑寺笑认朗芳箩毫跌逆攒潞拭实亢联棋搀纸恋谨挡构梆稠执镰咐迫怂狼喘皑湾扰匡眉傀幕捌届抵嫉噬逆加赛续玄栋偶光连坍投鸦拷促辉须澜阁拆敢峦费瘩谣粕挡囊思裕稻业矢赌味陈勺圆使本队力榜儡霍洒证迢矢轩芥摧值显痪疑贺屹屿缝延瞅劝控隐徘联稚陵踌豺军氨誓帆瘪并挫煞半汛思鲜庄壬丢膛望番阉宁黎轴旧庄铣谓逐阀纷废午狰掂寒梢孔火婿姜痴端牲狡栗汐展孩罐校裴恶藕胁艾学 院: 专 业:

7、学 号: 姓 名: 教学班号: 第 1 页(共 10 页)密封线装 订 线4. Which of the following statements is true about childrens response to too much competition?A. Most children have a similar response.B. Competition would arouse their interest in the activitiesC. Children may experience high excitementD. Some of them may lie to

8、 escape the possible blame or punishment.5. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Too much and too early competition will generally lead to difficult situations for childrenB. Specific competitive situations have their specific impacts on childrenC. Competition is never all good, all bad , or all

9、 ugly.D. Its effortless to create a balanced environment in which our children can compete healthily.Passage TwoListening to the passage two times and decide whether the statements are true of false. ( 5 points, 1 point each)Write T for true and F for false_ 6. Shyness is normal behavior for childre

10、n at one or two years of age._ 7. Problems of shyness can be evident in children at three years of age._ 8. There are various reasons for shyness in an individual child and specific circumstances._ 9. Shyness can have negative effects on a childrens life, but it is often not a problem for adults._ 1

11、0. Strong commitment from parents can help to solve the problem of shyness.Part II Vocabulary and Structure ( 15%, 1 point each)11. Her most _ possession is the diamond ring around her finger.A. cheerful B. cherished C. checked D. cherishing 12. The positions have been filled, but there are still _

12、for cleanersA. vacancies B. volcanoes C. vaccines D. vessels13. Shopping online has had a great _ on the traditional bookstore.A. empire B. emperor C. impact D. import 第 2 页(共 10 页)14. It is important to be _ toward the other team members in order to achieve our goalA. cooperation B. cooperative C.

13、cooperatively D. cooperator15. It _ the man more than 200 Yuan per year to run the car.A. spends B. spent C. cost D. costs16. Should people _ their own happiness at the expense of others?A. pursue B. pursuit C. propose D. prompt17. The rent of the apartment is reasonable and, _, the location is perf

14、ectA. however B. whatever C. moreover D. wherever18. My brother is _ for a post in an oil company. A. requesting B. applying C. applied D. requested19. I _ a few words of Greek when I was there last year.A. picked out B. picked up C. picked over D. picked in20. Each of us might _ the concept of free

15、dom in a slightly different way.A. confirm B. confine C. definition D. define 21. Benefits of the surgery far _ the riskA. outweigh B. over C. outlook D. weight22. The no-smoking policy in public was introduced with little _ from heavy smokers.A. persistence B. insistence C. resistance D. distance 23. Jack is very stubborn and never _ with his wifeA. compromises B. companies C. complains D. compares24. China is one of the countries which are rich in natural _A. soul B. sources C. resources D. successor25. With the _ of Mary, all the students had finished class assig


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