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1、Unit 19 Chinese playsBeijing OperaHenan OperaShanxi OperaShaoxing OperaKunqu OperaHuangmei OperaWilliam William ShakespeareShakespeare(1564 - 1616 )(1564 - 1616 )Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford on the river Avon and died there in 1616. His father was prosperous businessman. He was brought

2、up in a comfortable house on Henley Street along with several small brothers and sisters. He was a great British playwright and poet in the worlds history of literature.He wrote about 37plays and a large number of poems in his life.William ShakespeareShakespeares Birth placeComedies (喜剧)Tragedies (悲

3、剧)Historical plays (历史剧)ComediesThe King Henry IV 亨利四世 A Midsummer Nights Dream 仲夏之夜 The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人 Twelfth Night(What You Will) 第十二夜Alls Well That Ends Well 皆大欢喜TragediesRomeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶 Hamlet 哈姆莱特Othello 奥赛罗King Lear 李尔王Macbeth 麦克佩斯Henry IV King John Henry VIII 亨利八世亨利四世约翰王His

4、torical playsIn his plays, there are many famous lines, which people like very much.Now try to find where these linesare from?1. “To be or not to be:that is the question” 2. “uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” 3. “ neither a borrower nora lender be.” 4. “Romeo, Romeo, why areyou Romeo? Deny y

5、our father, and refuse your name.” 5. “ Words, words, only words,no matter from the heart.”HamletKing Henry IVHamletRomeo and JulietTroilus andCressidaKing Henry IVUneasy lies the head that wears a crown.A person who has great responsibilities, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doe

6、snt sleep soundly.HamletTo be or not to be: that is the question.That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing.Neither a borrower nor a lender be.HamletIt is best not to lend money to others and not to borrow from others. When we lend somethi

7、ng. We risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.Romeo & JulietRomeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your nameWhy must you be the son of my familys greatest enemy? Refuse your family for my love.Troilus & CressidaWords, words, only words, no

8、 matter from the heart.Empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.Antonio:Bassanio:Duke:Shylock :Portia:the moneylenderBassanios wifeAntonios friendthe merchant of VeniceWhat is their relation to the other characters in the play?the judge Questions:1. In which city does the play take pla

9、ce?2. How much time passes between the beginning of the play and the end?3. How much money does Bassanio need to marry Portia?4. What must Antonio give Shylock if he cant pay back the debt?Questions:1. In which city does the play take place?2. How much time passes between thebeginning of the play an

10、d the end?Venice.Three months.3. How much money does Bassanioneed to marry Portia?4. What must Antonio give Shylock if hecant pay back the debt?Three thousand ducats.A pound of flesh.Recite the new words.Preview the next lesson.Do exercise in The Road to Success.; http:/ 百度网盘 百度云搜索 flp382bej 如果说过去的往

11、事是我心灵上的伤疤,现在的现实却是我身躯的残疾,竟然成了一个瘸子拄着单拐苟延残喘地活在鬼屋里。 车祸又一次改变着我的命运,我的人生面临着又一次最大的考验。“苏林,我们回家吧,离开这个伤心地,回到老家去过我们该过的日子,好吗?”妻子有点动摇了。 提起老家,我何尝不想回家呢?那里有我的父母,有我的兄弟,也有我的乡里乡亲;那里的一山一水一草一木无不留在我美好的记忆里;那才是 我的根!但是我不能这样回去。风风火火地来,灰溜溜地去,无脸见江东父老!“肖艳,你后悔了吗?”“如果人生还能重来,我选择的绝不是你” 我呆了,无言以对。“肖艳,我们分开吧,你回家搞你的蘑菇种植,我留下来陪宝根,好吗?” 妻子看着我

12、,长长地叹了口气,“唉!从种蘑菇到贩青菜,一干就是十几年,成了一种职业病,突然改行,真叫人有点舍不得再说,小 荷和宝根正是用钱的时候,我们再去搞别的投资,万一亏了本,恐怕连孩子们的学费也拿不出,到那时” 她没有再说下去,硬生生把要说的话咽了回去。 我知道她心里有多难受,我却不能帮她 过了良久,她才说:“你的腿也需要治,我不能撇下你不管”“肖艳,分开吧,不要再为我难过我已经想好了,你回老家去,过你想过的生活,我要留下来,买一辆电动三轮车,去捡破烂儿你看, 捡破烂儿的吴疯子不是也活得很好吗?”“闭上你的乌鸦嘴!你不说话没人把你当哑巴!”妻子不高兴了。“肖艳,我说的都是真心话,这可是件无本生意,既能

13、赚钱又能环保,是一举两得的好买卖”我一本正经地说。“既然你决心已定,我也不阻拦你,你捡你的破烂儿,我做我的青菜生意,咱俩各干各的,等你干够了的时候,再来帮我守摊儿” 这是我俩第一次发生的争执,也许妻子的看法是对的。因为从我的身体状况来看,我根本就是一个废人,恐怕什么也干不了。 但我不想成为生活的累赘,我必须要干点事,哪怕是一件很小的事,能自食其力地挣个能买馒头的钱我也很高兴!我毕竟还没有彻底地倒下去, 至少还说明我还活着,活得很自信,很充实 第二天,妻子果真给我买来了一辆电动三轮,让我载着她到附近的垃圾场去演习。 我拄着单拐,拿着自己特治的小铁钩蹒跚地在垃圾堆里寻找着我所需要的东西。 几个小时

14、过去了,妻子见我见我满头大汗,便担心起我的身体来,催促我回家休息。 我执意要去一家回收点卖掉才回家。 我把卖的钱放这妻子跟前,“你看,短短几个小时就能挣七八块钱,要是一天下来,我们的房租和饭钱不就解决了吗?”其实我知道大多数是妻 子一个人捡的,我怕妻子不同意我再去捡破烂儿,故意扼杀了她的功劳。 她却出乎意料的没有反驳我的话,郑重其事地对我说:“苏林,钱是小事,关键要注意你的身子,累了就歇着只要你活得开心,我就心满意 足了” 她的话让我无言以对,二十多年过去了,我的妻子却依然那样的关心我爱护我,无怨无悔,永不抛弃。 假设人生真的有来世,我一定还娶她做我的妻子我在心里暗暗地对自己说。 从此,县城的大街上便多了一个捡破烂儿的苏瘸子,住在城西的鬼屋里,是个早起晚归神出鬼没的家伙


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