c3翻译的基本技巧3 英汉互译课件

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1、第三章 翻译的基本技巧 Translation Techniques第三部分 Part ThreeProcedures of today: Inversion / Restructuring Conversion Division Exercises in class Assignments of today Inversion / Restructuring 换序法也称顺序调整法,指在翻译过程中将原文 的语言成分(词、词组或从句)在原句中的位置 进行变动,使译文符合译入语的表达习惯。 英语思维模式是由点及面的外展螺旋式,其表达 方式是由小到大,由近及远,由轻到重,由弱到 强。汉语相反,是内旋

2、式:由面到点,由大到小 ,由远及近,由重到轻,由强到弱。 英语多倒装句,汉语则很少见。 Jurisprudence is the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of what is right and what is wrong. 法理乃天上人间诸事之知识,亦公正与否之科学。 All men are liable to error, and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it. 人都会犯错误,在许多情况下,大

3、多数人都是由于欲望或兴趣 的引诱而犯错误的。 No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any mans permission when we ask him to obey it. 无人不受法律约束,也无人不受法律保护;我们要求哪个人遵 守法律,也不用征求他的同意。Some more examples: My uncle passed away in hospital at 2:30 a.m. on September 12, 1999. 我的伯父于1999年9月12日凌晨2点30分在医院逝世。 Most of

4、 the information we have got is through that channel. 我们得道的大部分消息时通过那个渠道获得的。 The fear that their port would lose its importance also worried the people of Baltimore. 巴尔的摩人也担心这样一来他们的港口就会失去重要性。 疑问、祈使、感叹、假设、否定等等在英语中都会用到倒装 结构,汉语则不需要。 What did you do yesterday? 你昨天干什么来着? “Speak you,” said Mr. Black, “Spea

5、k you, good fellow!” 布莱克先生叫道:“说,说吧!伙计!” How dreadful this place is! 这地方好可怕呀! Had you come yesterday, you could have seen him here. 要是你昨天来了,你就会在这里看到他的。 Through a gap came an elaborately described ray. 一束精心描绘的光线从空洞透出来。 On this depends the whole argument. 整个争论都以此为论据。 By strategy is meant something wide

6、r. 这里用“战略”一词,其含义较广。 Not a word did he say. 他只字未说。 A woman infected with HIV may be ostracized or abandoned by her husband if her condition is revealed, even when he is the source of the disease. 感染了HIV的妇女,如果其病情被泄露出来,可能被丈夫赶 走或抛弃,即使她的病情是因丈夫而引起时也是这样。 即使妇女的HIV是被丈夫传染的,病情一旦泄露,还是会遭 受冷待或抛弃。 It is easy to se

7、e what weight can be overcome and what thrust is necessary to maintain flight. 要知道应该抵消多大重力并需要多大推力才能保持飞行,这 很容易。 As was cleared up some time later, news came from a distance that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper ball fell. 过了一些时候从远方传来消息:在小铜球坠落的当天,确实 发生了地震。这一切终于得到了澄清。 Interest in h

8、istorical methods has arisen less through external to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. 人们关注历史研究的方法,主要是因为史学界内部意见不统 一,其次是因为外界怀疑历史是不是一门学科。 一位美国当代优秀作家 an outstanding contemporary American writer 各条战线上的先进工作者们 advanced worke

9、rs from various fronts 许多代表激动地说,“我们从来没有看见过这样光明的前 途。” A great number of deputies said excitedly, “Never have we seen so bright a future before us.” 我们必须清楚地了解所有牵涉到的问题。 We must get a clear understanding of the things concerned. Conversion 句子成分的转译 p.p.4950 主语的转译: 在英语句子中,能够作主语的可以是单词、词组 、短语或从句,其位置一般都在谓语的前

10、面。在 译成汉语时,一般情况下可以保留主语在句中的 位置。 The most frightening thing of all was that no sound could be heard in the cave. 最可怕的事情是在那个山洞里什么东西都听不到 。主语转译为定语、宾语、状语、谓语 He has a different opinion from others. 他的观点与众不同。 Nowadays, a typical radio transmitter has a power of 100 kilowatts so that it can broadcast informat

11、ion over a large area of influence. 如今,一台常见的无线电发射机的功率已达到100千瓦, 因此它的播送范围很大。 Thorp was almost unanimously chosen the greatest athlete of modern times. 人们几乎一致地推选索普为现代最伟大的运动员。 As the match burns, heat and light are given off. 火柴燃烧时发出光和热。 Waiting for Mr. Ambassador to see me for such a long time made me

12、very unhappy last Friday. 上个星期五,我因长久地等候大使先生接见而感到非常不 快。 His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. 他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。于是,他决心只要一碰到 舒适的阴凉处,就坐下来休息。 In recent years increasing attention had been paid to the economic benefit in the production of our factory.

13、 近年来,我厂越来越注重经济效益。谓语转译为主语 It is surprising that the naughty boy behaved very well in such a big party. 令人吃惊的是,在这么盛大的晚会上那个顽皮男孩的表现 相当不错。 Water with salt conducts electricity very well. 盐水的导电性能良好。宾语转译为主语、谓语 Take it easy. A cup of hot coffee will make you feel better. 放松点,你喝些热咖啡就会感觉好些的。 Light beams can c

14、arry more information than radio signals because light has a much higher frequency than radio waves. 光束运载的信息比无线电运载的信息多,因为光波的频率比 无线电波高。 Atoms differ in their atomic weights. 各种原子的原子量是各不相同的。 The secretary cast impatient glances at the young man, turned away without answering his questions. 秘书不耐烦地看了看这个

15、年轻人,转过头去,没有理睬他的 问题。定语转译为谓语、状语、表语 There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction. 由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。 We should have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of computer science. 我们应该牢固掌握计算机科学的基本知识。 The earth was formed from the same kind of materials that makes up the sun. 构成地球的物质与构成太阳的物质是相同的。 状语转译为主语、定语、补语 We know that oxygen is necessary for the breathing of animals and plants, and for burning. 我们知道,动植物呼吸和燃烧都需要氧气。 In this world, things are complicated and are decided by many factors. 世上的事情是复杂的,是由各方面的因素决定的。 The pretty doll was placed too high for her to get it down.



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