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1、 1. What should a good friend be like?I think a good friend should be kind.2. What qualities should a good friend have?A good friend is someone who makes me happy.kindhonestbraveloyalhappywisestrongbeautifulhandsomerichsmartfunnyclevertall shorthelpfulfriendlypolitehardworkingdiligentlovelylivelypre

2、ttyhealthyuprightcreativeeasy-goingopen-mindedopen-heartedwarm-heartedkind-heartedstrong-willeddeterminedattractivecharminggenerous1.What are they arguing arguing aboutabout?2. What do they think they should do to solve their solve their problemsproblems? Situation 1Problem: Peter is often _ .Soluti

3、on: I think Peter should _ .late for the football practicetry to be on time in the futureSituation 2Problem: Ann usually _.Solution: I think Ann should _ .borrows things without asking and she doesnt return things on timeask the owner if she wants to lend something and try to return it on time in th

4、e futureSituation 3Problem: _.Solution: _ .Adam borrowed Johns CD player yesterdayand now it is brokenAdam can ask his uncle to fix it.NameJohnStevePeterAnnSarahJoeAge15GenderboyLikesfootball readingDislikessingingcomputersrock music14girlskiingreadinghikingrock musicfootball15bo ysingin gfootball c

5、lassical music dancing16girldancingcomputers rock musichikingreading14girlreadingfootballdancingcomputersboycomputer sskiingfootballhiking1.I am sure _ and _ could be friends, because 2. Im not sure if _ and _ could be friends, because 3. Perhaps _ and _ could be friends, because 1. especially = par

6、ticularly = in particularspecially (1) I love the countryside, especially in spring.(2) I came here specially to see you.(3) Its always difficult being in a foreign country, _ if you dont speak the language.(NMET 2000)A. extremely B. naturallyC. basically D. especiallyD2. Nor / Neither + 助动词 + S (主语

7、)(1)He isnt a Japanese. Nor am I.(2) He cant swim. Neither can I.(3) I havent finished my homework. Nor has he.(4) If you dont go there , _ .A. so do I B. so shall IC. nor do I D. nor shall IDSo + 助动词 + S (主语)(1) She is going to London next week. So is Lucy.(2) I went to the cinema. So did Tom.(3) I

8、f you go to school by bus tomorrow, _ (我也一样) . so shall I(4) Tom is a good student and studies hard. _ (玛利也一样). So it is with Mary(5) Jack is an English boy and cant speak Chinese. _ (汤姆也一样).It is the same with Tom3. I hat hiking and Im not into classical music. I dont enjoy reading too much.A.be in

9、to = be interested in = like very much(1) Im really into Jazz these days.(2) He is into collecting stamps.B. too much + Uncountable Nounmuch too + adj. / adv.(1) Dont drink too much wine.(2) What you said is too much for him.(3) The trousers are much too long for me.4. be fond of = like very much(1)

10、She is fond of light music.(2) Im fond of swimming but not good at it.; http:/ 上海夜场招聘 上海夜总会招聘 上海ktv招聘 orz14msr 头说:“我看不见的!她只不过是南方人一个,习惯了包三鲜饺子罢了!”次日一早,李老乡夫妇俩又和去年的八月十五节一 样,大清早的就来敲耿正兄妹三人租住小院儿的门儿了。不过,他们今年只提来了一些上好的月饼和各色新鲜瓜果。李老乡说 :“我告诉你们婶子,英侄女儿已经和好馅儿醒上面团了,中午也只做一个大杂烩菜,不用急着早来的。但她却说,她还得跟 英侄女儿学学怎么做大杂烩菜呢,因此还必须得

11、早来!”耿英赶快接过他们手里提着的月饼和瓜果,说:“我说叔叔婶子啊, 你们怎么把这些也买来了啊?快进屋里吧!”李妻说:“知道你们肯定准备了午饭的食材了,所以我们只买了这些赏月的东西 。和那边买的一模一样,你们就在这边赏月吧,省得跑远路了呢!只是,要早点儿歇息啊!”耿英感激地说:“放心吧婶子, 我们每天晚上都是读一会儿书才歇息的呢!”耿正和耿直过来从耿英手里接过东西,和李老乡一起进了厅房。耿英则和李妻直 接进了厨房。耿英先给李妻看看和好的馅儿和醒上的面团,笑着说:“今儿个咱们吃羊肉饺子吧。不知道您可爱吃不?”李妻 高兴地说:“我爱吃得很,就是懒得剁肉,才总爱和那种三鲜馅儿的!”又说:“你快教给婶

12、子怎么做大杂烩菜吧,我真不会 做呢。记得以前你们叔叔也经常说想吃,我就稀里糊涂地煮了给他吃过几次,但是他说那杂烩菜不是他们老家的味道,我以后 也就不再做了。”耿英笑着说:“其实啊,做这个忒容易了,比您做那些个精致的南方菜不知道要容易多少倍呢!”然后,耿 英就将备好的菜料一一告诉李妻,说给她先放什么,后放什么,应该用哪些个调料,需要放多少水,要掌握什么样的火候,等 等。李妻认真地记在心里,说:“我学会了做这个,最受益的就是你们叔叔了。我以后可以多给他做这个菜吃,省得他的嘴巴 受委屈!”耿英笑着说:“婶子啊,您可真是一个好妻子,叔叔他有福气啊!”李妻幸福地笑了,悄悄地说:“他是一个大好 人,能嫁给

13、他也是我的福气呢!”一上午的时间一晃就过去了。当大家都围上饭桌的时候,李妻端上了一大盘子香喷喷的大杂 烩菜和对角四大盘子小巧精致的水饺。李妻笑着说:“我今儿个上午时间宽余得很,所以特意包了小小的饺子。只是,没有把 英侄女儿和好的馅儿全部包完!”老乡四人几乎同时哈哈大笑起来,直搞得李妻、李根和小腊梅都莫名其妙地瞪大了眼睛,不 明白他们四个人为啥一起乐呵成这个样子。看他们四个人就好像商量好了似的笑个不停,李妻奇怪地问:“你们笑什么啊?” 李老乡笑着用筷子点着妻子说:“你呀,你呀,辛苦做了傻事儿嘞!”李妻更不明白了,说:“你们把我弄糊涂了,我倒是做 了什么傻事儿啊?”耿直笑着说:“婶子,难道您就没有听人说过



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