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1、店内购买程序 Internal Purchase Procedure店内购买Internal PurchaseBoucle Complete 是 一个管理的工具 Boucle Complete is a management tool1店内购买 Internal Purchasel l l l l l l lPurposelTrainerlDurationlAt the end of this training you will be able tolStaff ConcernedlTraining Methodll癡絤揭祘挡盢暗l闽l癡絤l癡絤l丁ObjectiveAt the end of

2、 this training you will be able toPopulationTraining MethodTrainerDuration目的训练课程结束时,你将有能力做到参加人员训练方式训练者时间l 使我们有可靠的理论库存,l l l l 熟悉店间购买相应操作方法 全体营业部门的员工订货组主管,助理,保安部员工,收货组员工及财务部投影仪OP 主管30 分钟To ensure a reliable theoretical stockAll the employees of commercial , OP heads & assistant , Security staff ,rece

3、iving Yard staff& Business controlProjectorOrder Pool Manager 30 minutes To know the basic concepts of Internal Purchase and the operation proceduresAllow a better control of internal purchases and general l expensesl 更好地管理店内购买和普通支,2店内购买 Internal Purchase 店内购买的目的 The objective of Internal Purchase 店

4、内购买的先决条件Internal Purchase Prerequisite 店内购买的流程 Internal Purchase Process内容 Content3店内购买 Internal Purchase 有可靠的理论库存Have a reliable theoretical stock in the system 更好地管理店内购买和普通支出Allow a better control of internal purchases and general expenses店内购买拨的目的 Objective4店内购买 Internal Purchase只适用于生鲜处内部的调拨及杂货从生鲜

5、调拨撕裂袋、磅秤标签及蛋壳Only fit for inside Fresh and C.Goods purchase bags, labels, egg shells from Fresh其余部门之间的调拨一律通过收银线买单All the other internal purchase should be bought from cashier line 有关人员: 整个购买部门或购买服务部门Concerned people: all buying department or buying service购买部门在确认售出部门不缺货的情况下,能够提供所需商品后, 填写店内购买申请单Buyin

6、g Department completes the “Internal Purchase Request Form” (See attachment 1 ) after being sure that selling Department can supply requested goods without running out of stock. Selling Department signs the “Internal Purchase Request Form”购买部门递交店内购买申请单给处长或服务部门主管签字Buying Department give the “Internal

7、 Purchase Request Form” to its Division / Service Manager to sign.店内购买的先决条件 Prerequisite5店内购买 Internal Purchase购买部门递交完成的店内购买申请单给店长以得到同意。该单必须 由店长签字,如果店长不同意,则在该单上注明“取消”Buying Department give the completed “Internal Purchase Request Form” to the Store Manager for approval. The form has to be signed by

8、him. If the request is not accepted, the store manager must write “Cancelled” on the form店内购买的先决条件 Prerequisite6店内购买 Internal PurchaseStep 1:购买部门将店内购买申请单递交给保安The Buying department gives the Internal Purchase Request Form” to security). 店内购买流程Internal Purchase Process7店内购买 Internal PurchaseStep 2: 保安

9、根据店长签字的店内购买申请单填写店内购买簿The security fill up the “Internal Purchase Book” according to “Internal Purchase Request Form” signed by store manager.进价和总金额两栏须留空白Columns of purchase price and amount must be kept blank.对于称重商品,数量栏保留空白For weight items, keep the quantity blank店内购买流程Internal Purchase Process8店内购买

10、 Internal PurchaseRemark:在购买单簿里In the book每张购单都有系列编号Each form with a serial number相同号码的店内购买单一式三份Each form with the same number has 3 copies白联给购买方财务部保留One white for filing in Buying Accounting蓝联给售出方部门保留One blue for Selling Sales Manager粉红联给保安保留One pink for filing in SecurityStep 3:保安将店内购买申请单同店内购买簿白联订

11、在一起Security staples the “Internal Purchase Request Form” to the white sheet of the “Internal Purchase Book”店内购买流程Internal Purchase Process9店内购买 Internal PurchaseStep 4:保安从仓库(或卖场)将商品交给购买部门或相关人员Security takes items from storage (or sales area) and brings goods to the buying department or service 生鲜处 :

12、For Fresh Division:保安同购买部门的营业人员一起取物Security will go with Store Employee from the buying Department对于须称重商品,数量栏在购买过程中填写For weight items, the “quantity” column is completed during purchase店内购买流程Internal Purchase Process10店内购买 Internal PurchaseStep 5:购买部门或相关人员根据保安运送的商品,交叉核对单品和数量 后,在店内购买簿上签字The buying de

13、partment or service signs the “Internal Purchase Book” upon delivery of goods by security after cross-checking items and quantityStep 6:保安在店内购买簿上签字后交给订货小组Security sign the “Internal Purchase Book” and give it to Order Pool店内购买流程Internal Purchase Process11店内购买 Internal PurchaseStep 7:订货小组根据店内购买簿在一天之内

14、调整库存。Stock adjustment must be done by Order Pool within one day into “Item Month-end Stock Adjustment Screen” according to the “Internal Purchase Book”店内购买流程Internal Purchase Process12店内购买 Internal PurchaseStep 8:订货小组打印库存调整报告并将二份复印件分别同店内购买簿的 蓝,白联订在一起Order Pool Clerk prints the Stock Quantity Adjustm

15、ent Report and staples one copy to the white sheet and one copy to the blue sheet of the “Internal Purchase Book.”Step 9:完成后,订货小组在店内购买簿上签字后,交给Business ControllerOrder Pool signs the “Internal Purchase Book” and passes it to Business Controller店内购买流程Internal Purchase Process13店内购买 Internal PurchaseSt

16、ep 10: Business Controller检查店内购买申请单和店内购买簿是否正确 填写和签字,是否相符Business Controller checks if the “Internal Purchase Request Form” and the “Internal Purchase Book” are correctly filled and signed and if they match Step 11: Business Controller进入最近收货查询屏幕检查有关商品的进价 并根据该信息填写店内购买簿的进价栏Business Controller checks into “Last Receiving Inquiry Screen” t



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