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1、The Lake DistrictIntroduction to Lake DistrictThe Lake District, one of the most beautiful parts of Great Britain, is actually quite small, measuring about 56km (35 miles) wide. Most of the district is in Cumbria(坎布里 亚郡), though it begins in the northern part of Lancashire( 兰开夏郡). 坎布里亚郡风光 英国湖区,英格兰最大

2、湖温德米尔湖 英国湖区具体指的是一片位于英格兰西 北海岸、靠近苏格兰边界的湖泊地区。坎 伯里山脉横贯湖区,把湖区分为南、北、 西三个区,共有大小不一的16个湖,湖区 拥有英格兰最高峰斯科菲峰(Scafell Pike )和英格兰最大的湖温德米尔湖( Windermere Lake),北部最大的城镇是凯 斯维克(Keswick)。Lake Windermere KeswickLake District National Park Despite the reverence with which the English treat the Lake District, it required an

3、 act of Parliament in 1951 to protect its natural beauty. Sprawling over 885 square miles of hills, eroded mountains, forests, and lakes, the Lake District National Park is the largest and one of the most popular national parks in the United Kingdom, with 14 million visitors a year. Lured by descrip

4、tions from the romantic lake poets, visitors arrive to take in the mountains, wildlife, flora, fauna, and secluded waterfalls. Much of the area is privately owned, but landowners work with national park officers to preserve the landscape and its 2,898km (1,800 miles) of footpaths. 湖区国家公园常被誉为英格兰最美丽的一

5、 角,既有灵秀清幽的自然风光,又不乏各 种休闲娱乐设施。公园拥有雄伟壮丽的山 峰与波光粼粼的湖泊,举世无双的美景激 发了许多作家和诗人的创作灵感,华兹华 斯(William Wordsworth)和比阿特丽克 斯波特(Beatrix Potter)都曾在此写下美 丽的诗篇和文章。除了丰富的文化遗产, 这里还有英格兰最佳的徒步旅行和攀登路 线,以及丰富的旅游景点和室内外活动, 适合各个年龄层次的家庭成员。推荐景点: 温德米尔湖 温德米尔湖是全英格兰最大的湖泊,湖面狭长,全长17公里,最宽处2公 里,绝对是泛舟的好地方。湖中有数个小岛,不过只有一个有人居住。温德 米尔湖附近的小镇和村落有:波尼斯(

6、Bowness),安布塞德(Ambleside), 和鹰岬(Hawkshead)。 葛拉斯米尔湖 葛拉斯米尔湖位于温德米尔湖北边,小巧优美,除了怡人的风景外,这 里也以沃兹华斯的故居“鸽舍”(Dove Cottage)和他散步的故道而闻名,在 诗人眼中,这里是“痛苦世界里安宁的中心。” 凯斯维克 一个维多利亚时期的古老市镇,周边有数条林间小道通向附近的断崖和 瀑布。附近还有著名的凯尔特人的巨石遗迹:卡塞里格石圈(Castlerigg Stone Circle),充满了古老神秘的气息。 游客服务中心在这里有著名的儿童游乐场,可以欣赏到湖边的落日,玩 各种互动的游戏,神话般的花园和可供嬉戏的草坪,

7、商品齐全的礼品店,家 庭式的咖啡馆另外您还可以在旅游旺季的时候在我们的码头乘船出发去游览 风景秀丽的温德米尔湖。 HawksheadI wandered lonely as a cloudWilliam Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high oer vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils, Beside the lake, beneath the trees Fluttering and dancin

8、g in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the Milky Way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: - A poet

9、 could not but be gay In such a jocund company: I gazed -and gazed -but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought. For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; An then my heart with pleasure fills And dances

10、 with the daffodils. 在湖区曾有不少英国著名诗人、作家长年在这里 生活、创作。著名的英国浪漫主义诗歌奠基人沃 兹华斯(Wordsworth)和妹妹多萝西(Dorothy )长期便居住在这里。沃兹华斯和另外两名诗人 柯勒律治(Coleridge)以及骚塞(Southy)合称 为“湖畔诗人”,这个“湖”指的便是英格兰湖区的美丽 湖泊。长年生活在湖区的还有一位著名的儿童文 学作家比阿特丽克斯波特(Beatrix Potter),她 与她的先生相识于湖边,居住在湖边,守着这片 美丽的大湖过了半生。她的彼得兔的故事( 1902)也就是从湖边的美景引发而来。 The Tale of peter Rabbit



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