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1、七年级英语上 新目标【人】Starter Unit 1 Good morning!话题 Topic和朋友见面 Meeting friends功能 Functions能够问候他人或对他人的问候作出应答 Greet people and reply to a greetingHello!/Hi!Good morning,Helen!/Good afternoon,Frank!/Good evening,Alice!A:How are you?B:Im fine,thanks./Im OK.语法 Grammar一、感知 be 动词 am,are 的用法二、感知人称代词 I,you 的用法字母、词汇和

2、常用表达Letters,Words CD 光盘、激光唱片;BBC 英国广播公司句型集锦1.Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good evening!2.Hi!/Hello!3.A:How are you?B:Im fine,thanks./Im OK.重点语法一、be 动词 am,are 的用法二、人称代词 I,you 的用法教学目标语音重点1.字母 Aa 至 Hh 的准确发音2.元音字母 A 和 E 在重读开音节、闭音节中的不同发音:/ e/和/、/i/和/e/第一课时 1a2e1.记忆字母 Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh;单词 good,morn

3、ing,hi,hello;短语 good morning;缩略词 HB,CD,BBC。2.掌握问候语 Good morning!Hi!Hello!并能运用英语名字与人打招呼。43.通过观看图片和多媒体展示的方式进行听力和口语训练,通过师生合作、生生合作、小组合作、角色扮演的方式,学会在情景交际中练习语言点,训练英语听说技能。用卡片、大小写配对及顺序接龙的方式学习字母。4.创设愉快的学习氛围,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。1.学习日常问候语 Hi!Hello!以及上午问候语 Good morning.等。2.熟悉英文名字。Boys names:Bob,Dale,Eric,FrankGirls name

4、s:Alice,Cindy,Grace,Helen3.学习英文字母 A-H。4.学习一些字母缩略词。1.学会问候别人的英语。Hi!/Hello!/Good morning.2.区分男名、女名。本课时的教学内容是人教版七年级英语预备第一单元的第一课时,重点在于引导学生观看图片,理解语境,学会上午见面的问候语,激发学生的兴趣。同时学会字母 AH,以听和说为主。因此,教师可以将知识目标定为掌握本课时的字母和问候语。情感目标定为培养学生的学习习惯和兴趣。设计教学 PPT,录音机,多媒体,制作 1a 部分的插图和人物对话课件,打印出课中 8 个名字的卡片,首字母用彩色区分,准备字母AH 的印刷体卡片和书

5、写体卡片。Step.Lead in Leading in 【情景 1】T:Hello,boys and girls!Welcome to our school!Im your English teacher,Mr./Ms.XX.This is our English book.Go For It!(Simply explain the meaning of it in Chinese.)Presentation:1.Show the picture of 1a.(S11a)The teacher should explain the words and sentences. 教材解读1.Goo

6、d morning! morning 指的是早晨或上午这段时间,一般是 12:00 之前。人们在这段时间见面时,一般问候说:“Good morning.” 或者“Morning.”翻译成汉语就是“早上好,上午好”。2.Alice Bob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen 在英语中,人的名字大多带有性别特征。因此,一般情况下我们可以从一个人的名字得知此人的性别。例如:Paul(保罗),Tom(汤姆),John(约翰)是男士;Helen(海伦),Betty(贝蒂),Rose(罗丝)是女士等。【Keys】 1a:Boys names:Bob,Dale,Eric,Fr

7、ankGirls names:Alice,Cindy,Grace,Helen设计意图 老师用图片直观地带领学生进入本单元主题。从 morning 到学校上学的语境,导入见面问候语和称呼名字,引导学生观察教材的主题图,按要求完成活动,为学习问候语做铺垫。5Leading in 【情景 2】The teacher wears a name card with an English name on it,then points to the name card and has a self-introduction.T:Hello,boys and girls!Welcome to our scho

8、ol!Im your English teacher.My name is Mr./Ms.XX.This is our first English class.Lets meet some new friends.Show the picture of 1a.Point to the boys and girls in it.And say their names.Collect the students answers.The teacher writes them on the blackboard,leads the class to read the eight names and g

9、ets the students to learn the pronunciation.设计意图 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。通过介绍新的朋友的方法,带领学生进入情景,自然引出英文的名字,为下面的教学内容做准备。Step.Listening and repeating(1)1.Pre-listening activitiesThe teacher should explain the word. 教材解读Hi!/Hello!这是人们见面时最常见的问候语,一天中的任何时候见面打招呼都可以用。回答问候时同样说 Hi!或 Hello!2

10、.While-listening activitiesT:Now listen to the recording carefully.This time just listen and pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words and the intonation of the greetings.(Ss listen for the first time.)设计意图 此步骤的设计是让学生接触到地道的英语,先听后说,练习正确的语音语调,养成学习英语的良好习惯。3.Post-listening activitiesFor Activi

11、ty 1c,get the students to use the target language in natural speech.T:Lets play a chain game.In teams,all students stand up and S1 says “Hello or Hi” and “Good morning.” to S2,and S2 answers S1 and then says “Hi or Hello” to S3,S3 to S4,and so on.Please use your own names.Each sits down after he or

12、she finishes the job.T:Now lets have a competition to see which team finishes first.(The team in which all the students sit down wins the game.)设计意图 此设计主要是鼓励学生尽可能用自己刚才学到的英语名字进行操练,使用自己的中文名字进行练习,其目的是让学生大胆开口,开始养成愿意说的良好习惯。Step.Listening and repeating (2)Show the eight names with colored capital letters.

13、Put them on the blackboard according to the alphabetical order.And put the small letters below them.T:Look at these names and pay attention to the colored letters.These are printed letters,big and small.We can see printed letters in the words in the books,magazines and many other places.Please liste

14、n and then repeat correctly and clearly.The teacher plays the recording of the letters one by one,and students repeat.For the second time,the teacher plays all the 8 letters,and then the students repeat A to H.The teacher should make sure the students can pronounce them correctly in order.设计意图 从听到说,

15、让学生学会字母的正确读音,记住字母表的顺序,认识印刷体以便能够顺利进行阅读。Step.Writing activitiesShow the three-lined paper.T:Look at these letters in 2c.Do they look differently from those in 2a?Ss:Yes.6T:They are in handwritten forms.Lets learn to write them.We write English letters in the three lines.Please look carefully.We must k

16、now which lines the strokes of each letter touch.And see how I write.(The teacher draws the letter grid on the black-board and tells the stroke orders of A and a.)2.Short across.Ss learn to write the letters.设计意图 通过观察比较书写体与印刷体的不同,教会学生按正确的笔划顺序书写,为后面的单词书写做准备。Step.Talking activities1.T:(Show the pictures)(S12e1)What does this mean?Where can you see it?(Ss answer.)Yes.It means Hard Black.Read it aloud.设计意图 掌握一些缩略词,并引导学生关注生活中常见的缩略词。了解英语在生活中的运用。Step.Ex



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