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1、 体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练2009湖北高考There was a very special teacher who made a far-reaching difference in my life.Fall, 1959, the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about to begin. “Who”, I asked a senior, “is Mrs. McN

2、amara, my 10th grade English teacher?” He just 1 and said something about my being in 2 . Soon, I understood what he meant. Mrs. McNamara had a pattern of 3 that she repeated again and again. We would have a literature reading task for 4 . 体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练The next day, when we came to class, th

3、ere would be two or three topics on the blackboard 5 to the homework reading. We were 6 to write an in class essay about one of the topics. The following day, she would 7 the corrected and graded essays and each person would be called 8 to stand in front of the class and to 9 his/her essay. The clas

4、s were required to criticize (评论) that essay, 10 the grade of everyone in class would be reduced. 体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练The first time that I 11 her read-write-criticize method, I had not 12 to do the homework and had written something without knowing what it meant. 13 the extreme embarrassment I suf

5、fered, standing before my classmates, 14 myself. No one laughed at me; no one would be 15 enough, or foolish enough, to do that in Mrs. McNamaras class. The embarrassment came from 16 and along with it came a strong 17 not to let it happen again. 体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练Mrs. McNamara kept all of our wr

6、itten work in files; it was easy to see the 18 in writing that had occurred. What was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken place, at least for me. What Mrs. McNamara 19 me to do was to see myself as others see me and, having done that, I could improve myself. And I 20 . Tha

7、nk you, Mrs. McNamara.【文章大意】本文主要讲述了Mrs. McNamara老师对作者生活有深远影响的故事。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练1.A.noddedB. laughedC. apologizedD. shouted【解析】选B。根据下文可知同学知道作者会陷入麻烦,因此在这里只是笑了笑,并不作答,有幸灾乐祸之意,故选择laughed。nod点头,apology道歉,shout叫喊。 体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练2.A.troubleB. sorrowC. dangerD. anger【解析】选A。从下文看作者因对老师的教法和布置的作业不认真

8、对待,因此会陷入麻烦,故选择trouble,与in搭配也很协调。sorrow悲哀,danger危险,anger愤怒。 体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练3.A.behaviourB.evaluationC.activityD.thought【解析】选C。此处是指Mrs. McNamara有一种特殊的课堂方法或者是组织的一种课堂活动,选项中只有activity 与文意相符。behaviour是指言行举止,evaluation评估,thought思想。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练4.A.reviewB.performanceC.practiceD.homework【解析】选D

9、。根据第5空后面的to the homework reading可推出此处也是homework。不应是复习、表演或实践。5.A.addedB.relatedC.contributedD. compared【解析】选B。这里是指老师在黑板上写上与家庭作业有关的一些话题,应选择related“相关的”。add增加,contribute奉献,compare比较。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练6.A.expectedB.persuadedC.allowedD.advised【解析】选A。此处含义是老师要求我们写一篇课内文章,be expected to do也是一个固定搭配,表示“被希望做

10、某事”。persuade劝服,allow允许,advise奉劝。 7.A.collectB.returnC.sendD.receive【解析】选B。作业做完了肯定要交给老师批阅,然后老师第二天退还给我们,此处选择return。collect收集,send发送,receive接收。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练8.A.on purposeB.at firstC.by chanceD.in turn【解析】选D。这里是指学生们轮流站在讲台前向全班学生读出自己的作品,故选择in turn。on purpose故意地,at first首先,by chance偶然。9.A.talk thro

11、ughB.hand overC.read outD.show off【解析】选C。根据上下文可知此处是指先读出作品,然后由其他同学点评。选择read out“朗读出”。talk through电话接通(开始讲话)、通话完毕,hand over交出,移交;show off炫耀,显示。 体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练10.A.soB.andC.butD.or【解析】选D。根据上下文可知班里的同学都要评论他/她的作文,要不然全班同学的分数就会降低,选择or“不然的话”符合逻辑。so表因果,and表并列,but表转折。11.A.triedB.adoptedC.examinedD.exper

12、ienced【解析】选D。这里是指第一次经历老师的教学方法,应选择experience。try尝试,adopt吸收,收养,examine检查。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练12.A.undertakenB.attemptedC.botheredD.hesitated【解析】选C。bother to do sth.是一个常见结构,表示“不嫌麻烦做某事”,此处因是否定句,意思可理解成“懒得做”。undertake担任,承担;attempt企图;hesitate犹豫。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练13.A.RememberB.PredictC.BearD.Imagine【解析

13、】选D。此处含义是“试想我所遭受的极度的尴尬”,选择imagine表示“想像”。remember记住,predict预测,bear忍受。 14.A.playing jokes onB.making a fool ofC.setting a trap forD.taking advantage of【解析】选B。make a fool of有“出洋相”之意,符合文意。play jokes on愚弄,捉弄,set a trap for为设下圈套,take advantage of利用。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练15.A.braveB.carelessC.proudD.selfish

14、【解析】选A。根据上文可知这是一项很严格的活动,因此没有哪个学生敢在Mrs. McNamara课堂上嘲笑起哄别人。应选择brave。careless,proud和selfish都不合句意。16.A.aboveB.withinC.behindD.below【解析】选B。此处是指尴尬来自自身,选择within与from一起表示来自自身(内部)。其他介词都与文意不符。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练17.A.tendencyB.preferenceC.determinationD.sense【解析】选C。根据下文.not to let it happen again可知此处表示决心不让此事

15、再次发生,选择determination 表示“决心”。tendency倾向,preference偏爱,sense意识,意义。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练18.A.improvementsB.painsC.difficultiesD.advantages【解析】选A。根据这种方法,学生们可以清楚地看到自己在写作上所取得的进步,选择improvement表示“发展,进步”,pain痛苦,difficulty困难,难处,advantage优点,用途。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练19.A.trustedB.invitedC.forcedD.permitted【解析】选C。

16、根据上文所述,这种方法是带有强制性的,即强迫学生们读评。应选择force。trust信任,invite邀请,permit允许。 体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练20.A.didB.couldC.hadD.would【解析】选A。此处考查动词do/did/does代替另一动词的用法。根据上文I could improve myself可知应使用did代替improved,即“我的确发展了自我”,不能选择could,因为此处强调的是动词improve本身而并非是“能”。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练【思路点拨】做本题时要注意作者所表达的中心意思在第一段,作者所记述的事件是围绕中心展开的,所以事件的发展是告诉我们老师是怎么影响他的,填空时要抓住这一中心思路。体 裁 诠 释典 例 透 析跟 踪 演 练Passage 1I grew up knowing I was different, and I hated it. I was born with a cleft palate(豁嘴),and when I started school my


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