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1、子宫内膜异位症不孕的中医临床研究 思路与方法 Clinical study Approaches on TCM of Endometriosis-related Infertility w广州中医药大学妇科 w欧阳惠卿 wOuyang Huiqing wGynecological Department, wGuangzhou University of TCM wMarch.22.2009 wNew York . USA子宫内膜异位症不孕 Endometriosis-related Infertilityw子宫内膜异位症(内异症)是指有生长功能 的子宫内膜组织在子宫腔以外的组织和器官 生长,并

2、因异位内膜病灶的存在引发一系列 临床症状和体征的疾病。 wEndometriosis is a disorder in which abnormal growths of tissue, histologically resembling the endometrium, are present in locations other than the uterine lining.子宫内膜异位症不孕 Endometriosis-related Infertilityw结婚2年,同居、性生活正常,未避孕而不孕 者称之为不孕症wA couple is said to be infertile if

3、 pregnancy does not result after 1 year of normal sexual activity without contraceptives.子宫内膜异位症不孕 Endometriosis-related Infertilityw与内异症共存的不孕症称为内异症不孕. wIt has been suggested that endometriosis may more likely develop in women who fail to conceive for other reasons and thus be a secondary phenomenon

4、; for this reason it is preferable to speak of endometriosis- related infertility in such cases. 子宫内膜异位症不孕w患内异症的妇女中合并不孕的约有3050 ,不孕症患者约有3058同时患有内异症 。 wAccording to medical statistics it is estimated that 30-40% of women with endometriosis are also infertile. w30-58% of infertile women are found to ha

5、ve endometriosis.内异症不孕发病机理 (一) Pathogenesis 1、盆腔器官解剖结构改变 1.The implication of endometrial adhesions w内异症的盆腔存在程度不同的粘连 ,使输卵 管的拾卵以及在输卵管内的输送障碍 ;w内膜异位病灶,直接影响受孕 ; wIf the Endometriosis related adhesions obstruct or close off the fallopian tube, they could obstruct the pathway of the egg and sperm and thus

6、 prevent conception;内异症不孕发病机理 (一) Pathogenesis w卵巢周围粘连影响排卵; w盆腔腹膜的痛性结节造成的性交痛,可使性交频率 减少甚至拒绝性交,从而减少了受孕机会 ; w子宫后倾固定,宫颈向前变位难以接触精液池,影 响了精子的输入 ; wAdhesions around the ovary could influence ovulation; wEndometriosis also leads to dyspareunia due to some tender nodules in the posterior vaginal fornix; wSper

7、m motility may also be influenced by the cul- de-sac adhesions of the uterus.内异症不孕发病机理 (二) Pathogenesis 2、盆腔局部免疫环境的改变 2.Endometriosis causes reduced immune function in the Pelvic Cavity w盆腔内异位内膜病灶的病理生长和发展过程,使腹 腔液量增加和细胞成分的改变,激活了盆腔局部免 疫系统并引起了一系列效应是造成内异症不孕的重 要环节 。 w巨噬细胞 ,细胞因子 (白细胞介素1 、白细胞介 素6 、肿瘤坏死因子 等

8、),前列腺素(PGS) wWomen with endometriosis appear to display immunologic defects or dysfunctions; w (Macrophage ,Cytokines(IL-1,IL-6, TNF-), Prostaglandins) w 内异症不孕发病机理 (三) Pathogenesis 3、卵泡功能异常 3.Endometriosis results in the dysfunction of the Ovum w可能与腹腔液中前列腺素的含量增高有关; wProstaglandins are released into

9、the abdomen instead of the uterus; w促卵泡成熟素(FSH)含量偏低,泌乳素(PRL)含量偏高也 是影响卵巢排卵功能的因素之一 ; wlow level of FSH and high level of PRL; w常有黄体功能不足 ; wOccasional luteal insufficiency; w黄素化未破裂卵泡综合症(LUFS)。 wLuteinized unruptured follicle syndrome;内异症不孕发病机理 (四) Pathogenesis4、子宫内膜功能的改变 4.Dysfunction of Endometriumw子宫

10、内膜自身抗体及炎症改变 ; wEndometrial antibody;Inflammatory responses ;w白细胞介素2(IL-2) ,可以促进淋巴细胞增 生影响有效封闭抗体形成,使母体对胚胎产 生免疫攻击,抑制胚胎的发育 ; wIL-2;内异症不孕发病机理 (四) Pathogenesisw一氧化氮合酶 ,持续过高的分泌可能降低精子活动度,过量 或不足会破坏胚胎早期发育而影响妊娠率 ; wNitric Oxide Synthase ; w整合素; wIntegrin; w芳香化酶 ,局部过高水平的芳香化酶所导致的E2水平升高 可增加子宫肌收缩性和引起子宫内膜的微环境变化而影响胚

11、 胎的种植促成不孕 ; wAromatase; w基质金属蛋白酶(MMPS)及其抑制物(TIMPS)。 wMMPS/TIMPS。 内异症的病理类型 (一) Pathology w内异症在组织学上是良性表现,但由于在疾 病发展中可引起局部浸润、播散,造成盆腔 器官或组织的广泛损害,因而导致内异症的 病理形态表现为多形性和不一致性。 wEndometriosis is a benign lesion, but can be invasive; widely implanted and recurrent, causing multi-formations w按异位病灶发生的部位 可分为: wMan

12、ifestations of the pathology differ according to locations:内异症的病理类型 (二) Pathology1、腹膜内异症 1. Peritoneal Endometriosis w镜下病变 wLesions under the microscope w早期临床病变或活动性病变,又称红色病变 wred lesions w典型病变或进展活动性、晚期病变,又称黑色病变 wblack typical lesions w愈合病变或非活动性病变,又称白色病变 wwhite lesions 内异症的病理类型 (三) Pathology 2、卵巢内异症

13、(又稱卵巢朱古力囊腫) 2. Ovarian Endometrial Cysts or Endometrioma - “chocolate cysts“ due to the large amount of blood and debris they contain; 3、结节性或阴道直肠子宫内膜异位症 3.Deep Nodular Endometriosis - ectopic tissue infiltrates into the rectovaginal septum or fibromuscular pelvic structures (e.g. uterosacral and ute

14、ro-ovarian ligaments). 内异症不孕的临床诊断 (一) Diagnosis1、症状 1.Symptoms w不孕; wInfertility w痛经为内异症患者的常见症状,多为继发性和渐进性; wDysmenorrhea; w或痛经发作时伴有腰骶部疼痛、肛门下坠感; wLower back pain and Dyschezia ; w部分患者表现为持续性下腹部疼痛、性交痛等; wDyspareunia (painful intercourse); w部份患者表现为月经量增多或经期延长。 wHeavy or long menstrual periods.内异症不孕的临床诊断

15、(二) Diagnosis 2、体征 2.Signs w典型的内异症多表现为子宫后倾固定; wFixed and retroverted uterus; w子宫直肠陷窝、宫骶韧带或子宫后壁下段等部位可扪及大小 不等的触痛性结节; wTender nodules in the posterior vaginal fornix and pain on gynaecological examination; w宫颈或阴道壁可见点状或结节状紫蓝色病灶; wIndigo nodules; w可在一侧或双侧附件区扪及与子宫有粘连的囊性包块; wAdnexal masses; w重度者可触及“冰冻骨盆”。

16、winternal organs may fuse together, causing a condition known as a “frozen pelvis” (advanced stages); 内异症不孕的临床诊断 (三) Diagnosis3、影像学检查 3.Imaging tests w阴道B超对卵巢内膜异位囊肿的诊断准确率较高。 w肠道浸润的深部内异症,经直肠超声是一种较准确 的诊断方法。 w核磁共振(MRI)对卵巢囊肿、宫骶韧带独立结节和 阴道直肠膈结节的敏感性又高于阴道B超。 w但對盆腔广泛性病变的诊断性不高。 wUltrasound wMagnetic resonance imaging内异症不孕的临床诊断 (四) Diagnosis4、腹腔镜检查腹腔镜检查及术中活组织检查是诊断内异 症的“金标准” 4. Laparoscopy w能直接观察到腹



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