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1、N. G R E G O R Y M A N K I WPremium PowerPoint Slides by Ron Cronovich 2008 update 2008 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning, all rights reserved3P R I N C I P L E S O FF O U R T H E D I T I O NInterdependence and the Gains Interdependence and the Gains from Tradefrom Trade2CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPEN

2、DENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADEIn this chapter, look for the answers to these questions: Why do people and nations choose to be economically interdependent?How can trade make everyone better off?What is absolute advantage? What is comparative advantage? How are these concepts similar? How are they di

3、fferent?InterdependenceEvery day you rely on many people from around the world, most of whom you do not know, to provide you with the goods and services you enjoy.coffee from Kenyadress shirt from Chinacell phone from Taiwanhair gel from Cleveland, OHCHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE4CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDEN

4、CE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADEInterdependenceOne of the Ten Principles from Chapter 1:Trade can make everyone better off. 现在我们开始学习为什么人们(还 有国家)之间会选择相互依存?他 们又是如何从贸易中获益的?5我们的例子 两个国家:美国和日本两种物品:电脑和小麦一种资源:劳动,用小时为单位衡量我们分析美国和日本将分别生产和消 费多少物品 如果两个国家都选择自给自足 如果两个国家之间进行贸易CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM

5、 TRADE6CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADEProduction Possibilities in the U.S. 美国每个月有50,000个小时的劳动 能用在生产上Producing one computer requires 100 hours of labor. Producing one ton of wheat requires 10 hours of labor. 7CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE4,0001005,0002,0001,000

6、3,0005002003004000ComputersWheat (tons)The U.S. PPFThe U.S. has enough labor to produce 500 computers, or 5000 tons of wheat, or any combination along the PPF.8CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE4,0001005,0002,0001,0003,0005002003004000ComputersWheat (tons)The U.S. Without TradeSuppos

7、e the U.S. uses half its labor to produce each of the two goods. Then it will produce and consume 250 computers and 2500 tons of wheat.9利用下述信息画出日本的生产可能性曲线: 日本每个月有30,000个小时的劳动能用在 生产上 生产1台电脑需要125个小时的劳动 生产1吨小麦需要25个小时的劳动电脑的数量画在横轴,小麦的数量画在纵轴主动学习主动学习 1 1日本的生产可能性曲线日本的生产可能性曲线CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE

8、 GAINS FROM TRADE10CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADEComputersWheat (tons)2,0001,0002000 100300Japans PPFJapan has enough labor to produce 240 computers, or 1200 tons of wheat, or any combination along the PPF.11CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADEJapan Without TradeCom

9、putersWheat (tons)2,0001,0002000 100300Suppose Japan uses half its labor to produce each good. Then it will produce and consume 120 computers and 600 tons of wheat.12存在贸易与不存在贸易条件下的消费 不存在贸易: 美国的消费者总共消费250台电脑和2500 吨小麦 日本的消费者总共消费120台电脑和600 吨小麦 我们比较存在贸易与不存在贸易条件下的 消费 首先,我们需要知道两个国家电脑和小麦 的产量和贸易量CHAPTER 3 I

10、NTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE131.假设美国生产3400吨小麦,那剩余的 劳动时间还能生产多少电脑?在美国 的生产可能性曲线上标出该点2.假设日本生产240台电脑,那剩余的 劳动时间还能生产多少小麦?在日本 的生产可能性曲线上标出该点主动学习主动学习 2 2贸易条件下的生产贸易条件下的生产CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE14CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE4,0001005,0002,0001,0003,000

11、5002003004000ComputersWheat (tons)U.S. Production With TradeProducing 3400 tons of wheat requires 34,000 labor hours. The remaining 16,000 labor hours are used to produce 160 computers. 15CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADEJapans Production With TradeProducing 240 computers requires a

12、ll of Japans 30,000 labor hours.ComputersWheat (tons)2,0001,0002000 100300So, Japan would produce 0 tons of wheat. 16CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADEInternational TradeExports: goods produced domestically and sold abroad Imports: goods produced abroad and sold domestically17主动学习主动学

13、习 3 3贸易条件下的消费贸易条件下的消费最终在美国电脑和小麦分别消费多少?在美国的 生产可能性曲线上标出该点 最终在日本电脑和小麦分别消费多少?在日本的 生产可能性曲线上标出该点假设美国出口700吨小麦到日本,并从日本进口 110台电脑(这也意味着日本进口700吨小麦,出 口110台电脑)CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE18CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE4,0001005,0002,0001,0003,0005002003004000ComputersWh

14、eat (tons)U.S. Consumption With Trade2700270= amount consumed0110+ imported7000 exported3400160producedwheatcomputers19CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADEJapans Consumption With TradeComputersWheat (tons)2,0001,0002000 100300700130= amount consumed7000+ imported 0110 exported0240produ

15、cedwheatcomputers20CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADETrade Makes Both Countries Better Off2002,7002,500wheat20270250computersgains from tradeconsumption with tradeconsumption without tradeU.S.100700600wheat10130120computersgains from tradeconsumption with tradeconsumption without tra

16、deJapan21这些好处来自何方? 绝对优势:用比另一个生产者更少的投入生产某 种物品的能力Absolute advantage: the ability to produce a good using fewer inputs than another producer 美国在生产小麦上有绝对优势:美国生产1吨小麦 需要10个劳动小时,而在日本需要25个劳动小时 如果每个国家在一种物品的生产上具有绝对优势 ,并专门生产这种物品,那两个国家最终都将从 贸易中得到利益CHAPTER 3 INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE22这些好处来自何方?哪个国家在生产电脑上有绝对优势



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