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1、如何撰写科技论文Elsevier Day 7-May-2008 罗丹, Silvia Luo 出版专员, Editorial Specialist 爱思唯尔(中国) 科技部,Elsevier S or changing / omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record. G.C.Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)“The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly disto

2、rted truth.” 18Gustave Dor John Milton “Better to reign in hell, than serve in heavn.“ (Paradise Lost, 1. 263). 图表:“一图千言”“Figures and tables are the most efficient way to present results.” “Your data are the driving force of the paper. Therefore, your illustrations are critical!”198. Discussion研究结果与

3、你最初提出的问题、你在引言部分提出 的研究目的有何联系?通过讨论部分的分析能得出你的结论么? 是否对每个结果都作了阐释?你的研究结果和前人的报道是否一致?如果有所不 同,是什么原因?你的研究(设计)存在何种缺陷或者局限性?20与前人的研究结果相比较,分析异同 we showed that HR212 could inhibit NDV-mediated cell fusion. This was in contrast to the results of others16, which. As a further characterization, we detected the inhibi

4、tion of HR212 added This result implied that the conformational changes of the F protein occurred very quickly after receptor binding to the HN protein This may explain why the inhibition activity was much lower if added after cleavage activation. However, all these results are still consistent with

5、 the idea that HR2 peptides could interact 219. Conclusion清楚的结论有助于编辑和审稿人评判你的论文。22In conclusion, our results obtained with mice increase the knowledge on CPF-induced adverse effects, up to now limited to rats. They seem to suggest that not all the CPF effects measured in rats and the related doses ca

6、n be directly extrapolated to mice, which seem to be more susceptible at least to acute treatment. Even though many questions still remain open, our findings show that the mouse could be considered a suitable experimental model for future studies on the toxic action of organophosphorus pesticides fo

7、cused on mechanisms, long term and age-related effects. 对某一研究课题的贡献实用意义与扩展下一步研究设想2310. 致谢是你表示感谢的机会:研究和撰写论文过程中帮助过你的人,包括技术上 的帮助以及修改文字等。基金资助者所从属的研究项目审稿人和编辑 (再修的文章)你需要做的是:若要在致谢中提到某人的名字必须求得其认可。阐明感谢的原因. 注明基金资助编号24参考文献的注录格式要严格参照 Guide for Authors!按照要求注录参考文献是作者的责任而不是编辑的!检查修改参考文献的格式给编辑工作带来了巨大负担。 如果你能减轻这份负担,他们

8、将非常感激。检查以下各项:作者姓名的拼写出版年份必要的地方使用 “et al.”标点符号11. 参考文献: 正确的格式是非常重要的!25为什么修改是必不可少的?你愿意选择哪个:投出一篇不完备的论文 4-6个月后被拒稿 几天后再次投稿 再次被拒稿 陷入绝望用3-4个月充分准备你的论文 4个月后收到修 改意见 在规定的时间内修改好论文 论 文同意刊用请珍惜你自己的劳动成果!26审稿后的修改: 绝好的学习机会! 要珍惜这个直接与同行探讨问题的机会。对于审 稿意见要给予充分的回应。 在每一条审稿意见下面写出你的看法或回应。不 要漏掉任何一条。特别注明你已经做出的修改( 如果有的话)。标明页码和序号。常

9、见的问题 探讨了许多问题,但是最终也没说清到底做了哪 些修改。 对于你接受的意见给以专业的回应。对于你不接 受的,要有理有据地说明你不赞同的理由,力图 说服对方,同时要保持应有的尊重和礼貌。27一个例子“Reviewers Comments: It would also be good to acknowledge that geographic routing as you describe it is not a complete routing solution for wireless networks, except for applications that address a r

10、egion rather than a particular node. Routing between nodes requires further machinery, which detracts from the benefits of geographic routing, and which I dont believe you have made practical. Authors reply: We agree and will add an appropriate caveat. Note that for data-centric storage (name-based

11、exact-match and range queries for sensed events), the storage and query processing mechanisms “natively“ address packets geographically-without a “node-to-location“ database. Reviewers Comments: The footnotes are driving me crazy!Authors reply: Well strive to remove some of them. ” Dr. Ramesh Govind

12、an, professor, Computer Science Department, University of Southern Californiahttp:/enl.usc.edu/ramesh/writings/files/NSDI_response.txt28一个提出反对意见的例子Reviewer #4 clearly didnt read my paper carefully enough. Either that or this reviewer doesnt know anything about the field! How should I respond during

13、the rebuttal period?Please dont say: “If reviewer #4 had just taken the time to read my paper carefully, she would have realized that our algorithm was rotation invariant.“ Instead say: “Unfortunately, Section #4 must not have been as clear as we had hoped because Reviewer #4 didnt understand that o

14、ur algorithm was rotation invariant and he was therefore skeptical about the general applicability of our approach. Here is a revised version of the second paragraph in Section 4, which should clear up this confusion.“29退稿: 别太沮丧,这不是世界末日!所有作者都被拒绝过,不只是你! 尽量去了解退稿的原因。要知道编辑和审稿人已经在你的论文上花费了不少时 间,而你也从中学到了有益

15、的东西。要重视他们的意 见。重新审视你的论文,想一想是否值得投往其他刊物。如果你认为值得,要像写新论文一样重新准备从 反复阅读“新目标”的Guide for Authors开始。30切勿不加修改即投往他刊!你的论文很有可能“落入”同一个审稿人(甚至编辑)手中 。我们的建议:在 cover letter说明此文曾被退稿,并指明期刊名 。说明退稿意见,并逐一详细回复。体现你对审稿意 见的重视。解释说明为什么选择这个期刊重新投稿。例如,你 认为你的论文更适合这本期刊;或者你在读了这本 期刊的某篇综述后修改了你的论文;等等。31怎样才能得到“ACCEPTANCE”? A Attention to de

16、tails CCheck and double check your work CConsider the reviews E English must be as good as possible P Presentation is important T Take your time with revision A Acknowledge those who have helped you N New, original and previously unpublished CCritically evaluate your own manuscript E Ethical rules must be obeyed Nigel John Cook, Editor-in-C


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