Lecture 5 & 6

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《Lecture 5 & 6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lecture 5 & 6(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Verbal CommunicationWhat sets humankind apart from other animals is the ability to build and manipulate language and other symbolic codes.人类区别于动物的最大特征是创造和使用语言的能力。 Language is important to human activity because it is how we reach out to make contact with others. What Is Language?Language is a set o

2、f symbols and the rules for combining those symbols that are used and understood by a large community to people.A language is a symbolic code of communication consisting of a set of sounds (phonetics) with understood meanings and a set of rules (grammar) for constructing messages.语言是人类特有的用来表情达意的工具,有

3、语音、词汇和语法构成。Language and CultureWord differences are obvious in various languages. The relation between word and its meaning is arbitrary. For example, in Chinese, we live in a 房子. In English, we live in a house. In Spanish, we live in a casa. In Thai, we live in a ban.1. Sapir-Whorf hypothesisSapir

4、and Whorf based their hypothesis on the research on the Indian language Navajo, which emphasizes the nature and direction of movement.1) English: One dresses.Navajo: One moves into clothing.2) English: One is young.Navajo: One moves about newly.linguistic determinist interpretation - Language struct

5、ure controls thoughts and cultural norms. linguistic relativity interpretation - Culture is controlled by and controls language.1) 语 言决定论,即一个人的思 维完全由母语决定,因为一个人只能根据其母语中编码设定的范畴和区别定义来认识世界。2) 语 言相对论,即 语言结构有无限的多样性,因此一种语言系统中所编定的范畴类别和区分定义为该语言系统所独有,与其他语言系统中所编定的范畴类别和区分定义不同。 In Arabic, the camel plays signifi

6、cant roles in peoples life, so there are more than 40 words for “camel”. Nothing is more important than rice to the Chinese, so we have expressions like “人是铁,饭是钢” and “铁饭碗”. 2. Language as a Reflection of the EnvironmentThe environment influences the appropriate vocabulary. Language reflects the env

7、ironment in which we live. In the Amazon area snow is not a part of the environment; therefore, people in that region do not have a word for snow. Most Americans use terms such as snow, powder snow, sleet, slush, blizzard, and ice. 3. Language as a Reflection of Values2Language reflects cultural val

8、ues. Time does not play a role in Navajo (纳瓦霍人) life. As a result, the Navajo do not have the differentiated Vocabulary connected with time and clocks.One of the problems in dealing with people from other cultures is that we translate concepts from a foreign language and culture with words that fit

9、our expectations.For Americans “tomorrow” means midnight to midnight, a very precise time period. To Mexicans, in contrast, maana means in the future, soon.4. The Meaning of WordsSometimes different cultures use identical words that have rather different meanings. The results can be humorous, annoyi

10、ng, or costly, depending on the circumstances. For the American, “administration” in the university context means department chair or dean.For the French, “administration” means upper-level clerical staff.English to Chinese Translation In a physics class Professor: What is matter?Students: Never min

11、d. Professor: Then what is mind?Students: It doesnt matter.Version I教授:什么是物质呀?学生:非精神也。教授:什么是精神呢?学生:不是物质,就是精神。Version II教授:什么是物质呀?学生:没什么要紧的啦!教授:什么是精神呢?学生:没什么关系的啦!Case 1 Look out!A foreign student in the U.S. was sitting by a window reading a book. She heard someone yelling “Look out!”, so she stuck h

12、er head out of the window. Just then a board hurtled down from above, narrowly missing her. She looked up, half in anger and half in fright. There was a man on the roof doing repairs. “Didnt you hear me call Look out?” he demanded. “Yes, and thats what I did,” she replied.Case 2 Shoes for Street Wal

13、kingIt is said that in Rome, in front of a shoe store, there was such a sign to attract English-speaking customers: Shoes for street walking. Come in and have a fit. The sign caught the attention of many English-speaking tourists, but not to look at the shoes displayed in the windows, but to read th

14、e sign and then break out into laughter. The Italian shop owner did not realize that “a street walker” means a prostitute, while “to have a fit” does not mean to have a try, but to become suddenly and violently angry or upset. No wonder the amusement and laughter!3Cultural Loaded Words 文化负载词1.是指标志某种

15、文化中特有事物的词组和短语。2.文化负载词是反映一个国家、一个民族特有的文化和历史的一些词汇。Color Terms in Chinese and English1.红糖2.红茶 3.眼红4.开门红5.红白喜事1.清白2.白眼 3.青天4.背黑锅5.黄色书刊blue booka blue Mondaya white liea green woundred-letter daysredWestern countrybloody(eg.a red battle)RudeIrritableModern meaning:universal love(博爱的 from the film “red”)Ch

16、ina Loyal(忠贞, e.g一颗红心)SuccessfulPopular(受欢迎,受重视,eg. 红人)Lucky(吉利,e.g. 红白事)red letter day “纪念日” “喜庆的日子” red figure, red ink (赤字)in the red(亏损)red balance(赤字差额)red tape (繁文缛节)blackblack money(黑钱)black market(黑市交易或黑市)1. brown sugar2. black-tea3. green-eyed4. to begin well, to make a good start5. weddings and funerals1. pure/clean/stainless2. supercilious look3. blue sky4. be made a scapegoat/ be unjustly blamed5. filthy books蓝皮书(美)刊载知名人士的书倒霉的星期一善意的



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