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1、笔译基础第五讲英汉句子结构对比与翻译(2) 英语句子插入语或修饰的成分多 Ashurst, rather like a bearded Schiller, grey in the wings, tall, long-legged, with large remote grey eyes which sometimes filled with meaning and became almost beautiful, with nose a little on one side, and bearded lips just open Ashurst, forty-eight, and silent

2、, grasped the luncheon basket, and got out too. 艾舍斯特,有几分像长了胡子的席勒,两 鬓斑白,高个儿,长腿儿,两只深邃的大 眼睛有时包藏着无限意味,显得还挺美丽 ,鼻子稍稍偏向一边,长着胡子的双唇微 微张着四十八岁的他,沉默不语,抓起 便餐篮,也跨出车来。 He, said Mr. Harris, a famous observer at the time, demonstrated the ultimate capacity to dominate and control supreme emergency, which is the rare

3、st and most valuable characteristic of any statesman. However, my wife always insisted that, as they were the same FLESH AND BLOOD, they should sit with us at the same table: so that if we had not very rich, we generally had very happy friends about us; for this remark will hold good through life, t

4、hat the poorer the guest, the better pleased he ever is with being treated; and as some men gaze with admiration at the colours of a tulip, or the wing of butterfly, so I was by nature an admirer of happy human faces. 汉语流水句 中国科学技术落后,困难比较多,特别是 人口太多,现在就有十亿五千万,增加人 民的收入很不容易,短期内要摆脱贫困落 后状态很不容易。 China lags

5、 behind in science and technology. We have quite a few problems to solve, especially the problem of our huge population, which already stands at 1.05 billion. This makes it very difficult for us to raise the peoples income and to eliminate poverty and backwardness in a short time. 一米五零的滚元亮,妻子高出他一个头,

6、 当年是寨子里有名的美人,那时的滚元亮 是出了名的神枪手,每次山里狩猎都是满 载而归,因此赢得了岳丈的欢心。这门婚 事,曾经让寨子里的男人羡慕不已。 Gun is 150cm tall, slightly shorter than his wife who was a quite head-turner in the village. Gun was a fine marksman and had never returned from the forest without a full bag of game. This impressed his would-be father-in-la

7、w who finally gave permission for his daughter to marry Gun, leaving many men heartbroken. 流水句可用于应对插入、修饰成分 In the corner diagonally opposite the door Mrs. Higgins, now over sixty and long past taking the trouble to dress out of the fashion, sits writing at an elegantly simple writing table with a be

8、ll button within reach of her hand. 在斜对着门的角落里,坐着希金斯夫人, 现已年过六旬,早就过了在穿着上赶时髦 的年龄,她正写着信,面前是朴素而典雅 的书桌,手边有个按铃。 Its not the turkey alone were grateful for. Not the cranberry sauce or the stuffing or even the pumpkin pie. Some of the people seated at the table are strangers friends of friends, cousins of in

9、-laws and some are almost desperately familiar, faces we live and work with everyday.译文一 我们要感激的不单单是火鸡,酸果曼沙司 ,以及填料,亦或南瓜饼。我们还要感激 在坐的每一个人。这中间有陌生人,诸如 朋友的朋友,亲戚的亲戚;也有工作和生 活中天天见面的老熟人。译文二 我们并不只是为餐桌上的火鸡而感恩,也 不是为蔓越莓酱、火鸡馅,甚或南瓜派。 围桌而坐的有些是生面孔,也许是朋友的 朋友,或者亲戚的亲戚。另外有些人我们 再熟悉不过了,每天与我们一起生活或工 作。译文三 不单单是因为有火鸡我们才感恩,也不是

10、因为有红莓果酱、火鸡馅料,甚至不是因 为有南瓜派。餐桌上就座的人有些是陌生 人,是朋友的朋友,亲戚的亲戚,有些则 是熟得不能再熟的人,一起生活的家人, 一块儿工作的同事。 In any other week, today would merely be Thursday and the gathering of all these people the cooking and serving and cleaning a chore. But today it doesnt feel that way, the host perhaps its you stands up and asks t

11、hat we give thanks, and we do, each in our own way. And what were thankful for is simply this, the food, the shelter, the company and, above all, the sense of belonging.译文一 换作其它任何时间,今天也就是个平常的 星期四,大家聚在一起吃喝玩乐也算常 事。但今天不是那样。你或许就是那个提 议我们进行感恩的主人。吃住,亲朋,还 有最重要的归属感,这都是我们所要感激 的。译文二 要是在任何其他一周,今天不过是个寻常 的星期四,而张罗

12、这样的聚会无疑会是件 苦差事准备食物、招待客人,外加收拾 残局。不过今天给人的感觉却大不相同。 主人(也许是你)起身要大家一起感谢, 在座的每个人纷纷以自己的方式表达。我 们感谢的东西再简单不过了,仅只是食 物、住所、同伴,还有最重要的归属感。译文三 要是一年中其他时候,周四也就是个普通 的周四,这么一群人聚在一起,少不了要 做饭上菜、清洗杯盘,麻烦是难免的。可 今天不同,今天我们并不感到麻烦。主人 (也许正是你)站起身来,邀大家感恩, 每个人便以各自的方式感恩。我们要感恩 ,也就是因为有饭吃,有房住,有人陪伴 ,更重要的是有那份归属感。 As holidays go, Thanksgivin

13、g is in some ways the most philosophical. Today we try not to take for granted the things we almost take for granted. We try, if only in that brief pause before the eating begins, to see through the well-worn patterns of our lives to what lies behind them. In other words, we try to understand how ve

14、ry rich we are, whether we feel very rich or not. Today is one of the few times most Americans consciously set desire aside, if only because desire is incompatible with the gratitude not to mention the abundance that Thanksgiving summons. 同其它节日一样,感恩节也有其特殊的哲 理寓意。这一天,我们会学着去珍惜和感 恩。我们会利用开饭前这一短暂的时刻去 回顾过去

15、展望未来。换言之,不管我们是 否富有,我们都会学着去理解自身的富 足。这一天,美国人会极为罕见地将欲望 放下,因为它与感恩节提倡的感恩和富足 格格不入。 与其他节日相较,感恩节可说是最具反思 意义的。今天,我们试着不像往常一样, 把拥有的一切视为理所当然,而是试着透 视一成不变的生活模式,探究隐藏在背后 的真意,即使只是趁着用餐前的短暂片刻 也无妨。换言之,我们试着了解自己有多 富有,不论事实上我们是否真感到富有。 今天,多数美国人难得将欲望刻意抛在一 旁,即使这纯粹是因为欲望与感恩节唤起 的感恩之心(更别论丰盛的食物)格格不 入也无妨。(赵美惠译)译文三 在众多的假日中,感恩节可以说是最令人

16、 深思的节日。今天我们会把平时习以为常 的东西看得很珍贵。我们至少会在吃饭前 的片刻,看透那一成不变的生活,悟出背 后的道理。换句话说,无论我们觉得自己 富裕与否,我们总是尽力把自己看得十分 富有。今天是美国人难得有意识地将欲望 搁置一旁的日子,这至少是因为今天我们 有一颗感恩的心,更不用说还有一桌丰盛 的菜肴,欲望此时光临便显得格格不入。 儿时的乡村,是可以夜不闭户的。放学回 家,有时家中无人,邻居大婶总是招呼到 他们家,坐在饭桌前,一切都是那么自 然。农忙时,家里农活忙碌,邀邻居来帮 ,只需吃顿简单的饭,聊聊天。现在这里 ,生活的认知和价值观已经发生了很大的 改变。我们都知道,国家在大力发展农村 经济,我也期待家乡环境的改善,也相信 很快就会有大的变化,但乡村的这些事也 让我思考,我们是否应该在文化价值观方 面,做出相应的指点和引导呢?


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