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1、1专八作文应试秘籍学号 06 12 22 23 24 302一 考试大纲(新变化)时间:45分钟。 字数:400单词。一:考试概述3二: 作文评分1.评分标准: 内容(content) 结构(organization) 语言(language) 2.评分方法:整体评分法(global scoring)。5三:命题分析1.命题组成n提供文章相关的背景和提示,给出题目或要求学生根据相关的背景和提 示自拟题目n(以2008年真题为例:In a few months time you are going to graduate from university. How do you think you

2、r college years have prepared you for your future life? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic)n对文章结构提出要求,包括在引言部分点题,在正文部分用相关细节论 述,在结尾部分做自然概括。(In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with ap

3、propriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary).n说明评分标准(Marks will be awarded for content, organizations, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks).62.命题范围 2009年:Are diale

4、cts just as acceptable in public places? 2008年:What I have learned from years at university 2007年:自拟,谈谈贫富差距是否影响友谊.2006年:On Ambition 2005年:自拟,谈谈你对面试的看法。 2004年:Should University Students Go in for Business? 2003年:自拟,与以前时代的人相比,讨论当今中国的年轻人是否更 以自我为中心,缺乏同情心。 2002年:The Most Important Personality of a Univer

5、sity Student 2001年:补充题目The Impact of the Internet on_ . 2000年:Education as a Lifelong Process 1999年:Competition or Cooperation 1998年:One Major Problem in the Process of Urbanization 1997年:Sowing the Seeds, Nurturing Growth and Harvesting the Rewards 1996年:In Support of Dormitory Policy73.命题范围社会热点问题n

6、包括就业、环境、能源、媒体、交通、婚姻、伪劣商 品、犯罪等。n学校生活n学习方法、课堂活动、体育、人际关系、讲座、军训 等。n科技n电脑、克隆、空间科学、交通工具、海洋资源、能源 利用等。n个人兴趣n业余爱好、生活方式、时尚、旅行等。n青少年问题n代沟、吸烟、理想、职业、减负等。8四:写作步骤及时间分配l写作阶段: 以准确有效的 语言呈现内容 和结构,用时 30分钟。l前写作阶段 :以标题式大 纲确定内容和 结构,用时 58分钟。l后写作阶段 :检查并改正 错误,美化语 言,用时25 分钟。Pre- WritingWritingPost- Writing1.Pre-writing高效审题 目前

7、专八写作项目形成自己的特色。这个 特色就是项目内的几个部分(观点/情景 、标题、写作要求)具有内在的联系, 从而构成一个整体,因此审题就意味着 不仅仅是浏览一个标题,而是还要兼顾 其他部分。只有这样才能明确写作的目 的,领会写作的要求)专八写作题目解析n2011真题:nAccording to a recent newspaper, many famous sites of historical interest in China have begun or are considering tourists higher entry fees during peak travel season

8、s. This has aroused a lot of public attention and also public debate. What is your opinion? Should famous Chinese sites of historical interest charge higher fees during peak travel seasons? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.2010年真题2009年真题n2008年真

9、题:nIn a few months time you are going to graduate from university. How do you think your college years have prepared you for your future life? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: What I Have Learned from My Years at Universityn2007年真题:nSome people think that financial disparity

10、 affects friendship. What do you think? Write an essay of about 400 words. n2006年真题:nJoseph Epstein, a famous American writer, once said, “We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide (so) that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matte

11、r how different the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.“ Do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essa

12、y of about 400 words entitled: On Ambitionn专八写作任务类型(议论文和说明文为 主):n第一类:是否同意某一观点;n第二类:两个观点选择一个;n第三类:解释事物或现象的因或果;n第四类:就某问题或现象提出建议。17列好作文提纲lTopic outline Title: The Advantages of Taking a Part-time Job 1.Introduction: There are many advantages of taking a part- time job for college students. (Thesis stat

13、ement)2.The advantages of taking a part-time job A.Being economically independentB.Having more social experienceC.Being helpful to their academic studies3. Conclusion: Being beneficial to the college students18lSentence Outline Title: The Advantages of Taking a Part-time Job 1.Introduction: There ar

14、e many advantages of taking a part-time job for college students. (Thesis statement)2. Taking a part-time job can do college students a lot good. A. College students can be economically independent by taking a part-time job.B. College students can gain more social experience by taking a part-time jo

15、b.C. College students can improve their academic studies by taking a part-time job.3. Conclusion: Taking a part-time job is beneficial to the college students19la rough outline (简易提纲)Example: Thesis statement: Going to college is expensive. Tuition and other fees Books and supplies Transportation co

16、sts202.wrinting开头写好引言段引言段功能:n基本:引出文章话题 (topic)n基本:表明文章目的(说明文)或观点(议论文)n进阶:暗示文章结构n高级:激发读者兴趣21引言段第一部分:吸引兴趣1 数字Every day millions of job-hunters in the world write letters of application wishing that they would be given a chance of interview.数字使人感到不是在空谈,能给人真实可信的 感觉。在实际考试时数字可以适当夸张以达到 出人意料的效果。222问题Why have I chosen to attend college? Is the four-year academic life worthwhile? After pondering these questions on many occasions, I have final


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