List of headings 段落标题配对

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《List of headings 段落标题配对》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《List of headings 段落标题配对(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、List of headings 段落标题配对一.出题特点1.永远位于文章之前唯一;主旨把握有助于找细节2.选项多为短语,且为乱序干扰选项:文章细节信息的原词重现;3.个别会有示例,选项具有唯一性划去example二.考查要点:区分主要信息和次要信息的能力三.解题步骤:Step 1st:分析题干选项拆分选项,划出题干关键词核心名词或起限定作用的词Step 2nd:归类一组相似选项Step 3rd: 通读段落,匹配标题 MIRTP as a future model Identifying the main transport problems Preference for motorized

2、vehicles Government authorities instructions Initial improvements in mobility and transport modes Request for improved transport in Makete Transport improvements in the northern part of the district Improvements in the rail network Effects of initial MIRTP measures Co-operation of district officials Role of wheelbarrows and donkeys Step 3rd:通读段落,匹配选项(一)大部分是对于中心句的同义替换A:中心句为首句deductive演绎法验证方法:后面的句子是否为其补充性信息/论证1.举例性质论证:for example/instances;专有名词2.话题重复:


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