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1、 Writing in CET-4 Skills to Memorize Vocabularies 1. Keep a vocabulary notebook. 2. Use new words as many times as possible in your daily life. 3. Associative memory (eg: legislate, hatred , upright , fairyland ) 4. Study word roots 5. Learn prefix and suffix (-ible, -able. bility, in-, non-, un-).

2、立法。憎恨。垂直的,正直的。仙女,精灵Writing 1.常考的题材一类是:关于大学生的学习,校园生活及 将来的工作、人生等方面的看法和态度;e.g: On Students Selecting Lectures(06.6)一类是:贴近社会变化、发展和进步的热 点话题,往往与日常生活紧密相关.e.g: On the Spring Festival Gala(06.12)2.常考体裁四级作文常涉及的体裁主要有三类: 说明文:eg: On Students Selecting Lectures 议论文:eg: It Pays to Be Honest 应用文:eg: Welcome to Our

3、Club说明的目的主要在于解释;议论的目的主要 在于说服。议论往往以说明为基础。 3.出题方式(1)提纲式文字作文(2) 提纲式图表作文(3) “情景+提纲”式应用文4.历年考试作文题目2002.6 Students use of computer 2003.1 It pays to be honest 2003.6 An eye-witness accident 2003.9 The day my classmate fell ill 2004.1 A letter in reply to a friend 2004.6 A brief introduction to a Tourist A

4、ttraction 2005.1 A campaign speech (竞选演说)1、你认为自己具备什么条件(能力,性格,爱 好)可以胜任学生会主席工作? 2、 如果当选你将会为本校同学做什么? 2005.6 Honor for my teacher 2005.12 Should university campus be open to tourists? 2006.6 A poster recruiting volunteers 2006.6 On students selecting lectures 2006.12 On the spring festival gala 2007.6 W

5、elcome to our club 2007.12 What Electives(选修课)To Choose 2008. 6 Recreational activities (娱乐活动) 5.写作原则 内容简单化:不要妄图以情动人; 不要妄图在构思上出奇制胜 。 (2) 结构模式化:(主题句-分论点-总结)(3) 语言要包装: 往往使评分产生重大差异(4) 错误要回避:写完一定要检查6.万能框架 I(1). 观点型作文框架 (2). 图表类作文框架 (3). 表述现象类作文框架 (4). 书信、演说词、海报、倡议书、景点介绍等应 用文类作文框架观点型作文框架第一段一般只写三句 第一句:It

6、is widely believed that /By many people for some time that . 第二句:One reason they think is that. 第三句:The other reason they hold is that. 第二段一般只写三句 第一句:While others argue that . 第二句:They maintain (主张) that. 第三句:They also claim that. 第三段写四句 第一句:In my opinion, 第二句:On the one hand, . 第三句:On the other han

7、d, . 第四句:Only in this way can we . 图表类作文框架第一段只写三句 第一句:As is shown in the graph above, we can see clearly that great changes have taken place in fromto 第二句:The first years saw 第三句:The last years witnessed 第二段只写四句 第一句:What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are reasons. 第二句:Firstly, 第三

8、句:Secondly, 第四句:Finally, 第三段只写四句 第一句:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people. 第二句:For one thing, 第三句:For another, 第四句:Only in this way can we successfully solve the problem. 表述现象解决问题类作文框架第一段只写两句 第一句:In recent years, there has been 第二句:In order to solve this problem, it is e

9、ssential for (对 必不可少)us to discuss the causes of it. 第二段只写四句 第一句:What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are reasons. 第二句:Firstly, 第三句:Secondly, 第四句:Finally, 第三段只写四句 第一句:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people. 第二句:For one thing, 第三句:For another, 第四句:Only in

10、 this way can we successfully solve the problem. 万能框架II Advantage and disadvantage Different views Hot issue1 Advantage and disadvantage Nowadays many people prefer (_)because it plays a significant role in our daily life. Generally speaking, its advantages can be seen as follows. On one hand, (_).

11、One the other hand,(_).But every sword has two blades. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the prominent (显 著的)disadvantages is that (_).To make matters worse,(_).Through the above analysis, I believe that The Positive aspects far outweighs its negative aspects. Whatever effects it has, o

12、ne thing is certain,(_) itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses which is put on it that determines its value to our society.2 Different views I There is no consensus (一致意见) among people as to the view of (_).The opinions vary from person to person. Some people hold the idea that (_).A case in

13、 point (恰当的例子)is that (_).On the other hand, other may have a quite different view. According to them, (_). The most typical example is that (_).Weighing the pros and cons (衡量正反两方)of these arguments, I am inclined to (倾向于) agree with the latter. Admittedly (无可否认的), the former point of view seems rea

14、sonable in saying to some extend, but (_) is more convincing.2 Different views II When asked about (_),some people hold the idea that (_).As far as they are concerned, (_).But I could not agree with them in several points. In my opinion, (_).The reason for my choice are listed as follows.First of al

15、l, (_).In addition, (_).Last but not the least(最后一点但并 非不重要),(_).For the reasons mentioned above, I firmly believe (_).3 Hot issue With the development of the society, we have to face a problem that (_).What are the reasons for it? To start with, (_). Moreover, (_). Furthermore, (_).In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken. For one thing, it is high time (正是时候)that people all over China realized the importance of (_); for another, the government should issue laws and regulations to put the situation under control.


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