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1、中班英语教学活动中班英语教学活动ImIm thirstythirsty 同课异构教案同课异构教案中班英语教学活动Im thirsty同课异构教案执教者:孙超活动目标1.认识水、牛奶、热巧克力、橙汁、柠檬汁、可乐六种常见饮料的英文表达。2.初步理解“Would you like some ?”的意思,知道用“Yes, please.”或“No, thank you!”来回答。3.在买卖饮料的情境中感知语言的应用环境,体会英语学习的乐趣。活动准备矿泉水瓶,售货车,饮料闪卡活动流程1.谈话向幼儿打招呼,谈话提问学过的日常用语,把幼儿带人英语环境中来。唱英语律动热身。师:Good morning,ev

2、eryone! How are you? Whats the weather like? What day is it today?师:Now letsdo the chant “where are you going?”2.新内容引入教师演示口渴,引出“Im thirsy.”师:Im thirsty. Id like to drink some water.师:Would you like some water?幼:Yes,please./No,thank you.师:Water is not very tasty, Id like something else. Whats this?3.

3、情境表演老师充当卖饮料的小贩,示意幼儿来买饮料,针对单词和句型进行训练。师:Now I am a vendor,this is my cart to sell drinks. Welcome to have a drink!角色互换。选幼儿充当小贩,老师充当消费者,进行演练。师:Now you are the vendor, I will buy something to drink from you.4.律动结束课堂Cola,cola,cola, juice,juice,juice.中班英语教学活动Im thirsty同课异构教案执教者:孙超活动目标1.认识水、牛奶、热巧克力、橙汁、柠檬汁、

4、可乐六种常见饮料的英文表达。2.初步理解“Would you like some ?”的意思,知道用“Yes, please.”或“No, thank you!”来回答。3.在买卖饮料的情境中感知语言的应用环境,体会英语学习的乐趣。活动准备矿泉水瓶,售货车,饮料闪卡活动流程1.谈话向幼儿打招呼,谈话提问学过的日常用语,把幼儿带人英语环境中来。唱英语律动热身。师:Good morning,everyone! How are you? Whats the weather like? What day is it today?师:Now letsdo the chant “where are you

5、 going?”2.新内容引入教师演示口渴,引出“Im thirsy.”师:Im thirsty. Id like to drink some water.师:Would you like some water?幼:Yes,please./No,thank you.师:Water is not very tasty, Id like something else. Whats this?3.情境表演老师充当卖饮料的小贩,示意幼儿来买饮料,针对单词和句型进行训练。师:Now I am a vendor,this is my cart to sell drinks. Welcome to have

6、 a drink!角色互换。选幼儿充当小贩,老师充当消费者,进行演练。师:Now you are the vendor, I will buy something to drink from you.4.律动结束课堂Cola,cola,cola, juice,juice,juice.中班英语教学活动Im thirsty同课异构教案执教者:孙超活动目标1.认识水、牛奶、热巧克力、橙汁、柠檬汁、可乐六种常见饮料的英文表达。2.初步理解“Would you like some ?”的意思,知道用“Yes, please.”或“No, thank you!”来回答。3.在买卖饮料的情境中感知语言的应用

7、环境,体会英语学习的乐趣。活动准备矿泉水瓶,售货车,饮料闪卡活动流程1.谈话向幼儿打招呼,谈话提问学过的日常用语,把幼儿带人英语环境中来。唱英语律动热身。师:Good morning,everyone! How are you? Whats the weather like? What day is it today?师:Now letsdo the chant “where are you going?”2.新内容引入教师演示口渴,引出“Im thirsy.”师:Im thirsty. Id like to drink some water.师:Would you like some wat

8、er?幼:Yes,please./No,thank you.师:Water is not very tasty, Id like something else. Whats this?3.情境表演老师充当卖饮料的小贩,示意幼儿来买饮料,针对单词和句型进行训练。师:Now I am a vendor,this is my cart to sell drinks. Welcome to have a drink!角色互换。选幼儿充当小贩,老师充当消费者,进行演练。师:Now you are the vendor, I will buy something to drink from you.4.律动结束课堂Cola,cola,cola, juice,juice,juice.


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