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1、两张入场券飞机起飞了,我闭上双眼寻思着,该怎样用我的蹩脚的汉语向 她们讲述母亲。千言万语,该从哪里开始?我们的火车开始从香港进入深圳,霎时,我一阵激动,只觉得 额头上汗涔涔的,我的血管突突地跳着,从骨髓深处,我觉得一阵 深切的疼痛。我想,妈讲得对,我觉得唯有这时,自己完全变成一 个中国人了。十五岁那年,为了坚持我皮肤下面流着的中国人的血液,我与 母亲大吵了一场。当时我是旧金山市加利略中学的二年级生,班上所有的同学都 承认:我是中国人。唯有母亲一口否认:“这没有用的!”母亲曾在上海一个著名的 护士学校读过书,她说她精通遗传学,因此不管我同意与否,她一 口咬定:“唯有你出生在中国,否则,你无法感到

2、和想到自己是中 国人。”“总有一天你会体会到的,”我妈说,“这种感觉融化在你的血液 中,等着沸腾的时刻。”“醒一醒,我们已经到了。”蒙眬中,父亲推醒了我。我只觉 得喉咙发紧,胸中一阵剧跳。窗外一片灰色,我们已降落在跑道上 。我们下了飞机,踩着柏油路面向机场大楼走去,此时我真的非 常非常希望,母亲能活到今天同时我又觉得十分不安,我不知 道等在前面的将是什么,我只是机械地往前移着步于。“她到了!”人群中有人高声叫着。然后我看见一个小个子的短头发 女子,她的手紧紧接着嘴上,她正在哭。我知道她不是我妈妈,但那脸庞,却是妈妈的。我清楚记得五 岁那年,我曾走失过一次,当时,她确信我已经死了。可当我又回 到

3、她跟前时,她显出的就是这样的表情。现在我又看见妈妈了,两个妈妈,向我挥着手,手里高举着我 的照片,那是我临行时寄给她们的。我一走进大门,我们就不由自 主地抱成一团,一切疑惑和期待都消失了,留下的只是紧紧的拥抱 。“妈妈!妈妈!”我们低声呼唤着,似妈妈就在我们中间。姐姐们打量着我欣慰地说:“我们的妹妹长大了。”我再一次端详 着她们,她们脸上,我没找到母亲常有的那种表情,但她们对我, 总有一种无法描绘的亲切和骨肉之情。我终于看到属于我的那一部 分中国血液了。呵,这就是我的家,那融化在我血液中的基因,中 国的基因,经过这么多年,终于开始沸腾。我们姐仁团团站着,互相拉着手,互相嘻嘻地笑着,又互相擦着

4、眼泪。“咔嚓”一声,闪光灯一亮,父亲给我们抢了个镜头。我们紧张地注视着那张还呈一片灰绿的快照,渐渐地,我们三人 的形象开始清晰了。我们一声不吭地盯着那逐渐明亮的画面,我们 都很像妈妈:一样的眉目,一样的嘴唇,我们看见妈妈了,正惊喜 地注视着她的梦幻成真Important sentences patterns:The plane takes off.How can I describe to them in my broken Chinese about our mothers life?(拙劣的)It is in your blood, waiting to be let go.My moth

5、er is dead and I am on a train, carrying with me her dreams of coming home.I can feel my excitement rising, my blood rushing , my bones aching with a familiar old pain.The minute our train enters Shenzhen, I feel differentSo there was no doubt in her mind: Once you are born Chinese, you cannot help

6、but feel and think Chinese. I was about as Chinese as they were.“Wake up, we are here,” said my father. And I awake with my heart pounding in my throat.The minute our train enters The minute our train enters ShenzhenShenzhen, I feel different., I feel different.她一听说出了事故就赶到了事故现场.我一叫他的名字他就来了.She came

7、to the spot she heard of the accident.He came the instant I called his name.e.g. Have you returned the money to him?-_ I saw him, I gave it to him.A. As B. The minute C. On D. AtB“一就”表达形式种种 1. Once :连词,“一旦/一就”。引导时间状语从句 ,常含有条件的意思 。 Eg: Once you understand this rule , youll have no further difficulty

8、. 2. As soon as :连词,“一就”。引导时间状语从 句,强调一个动作紧接着另一个动作发生。eg :As soon as I got home my brother went out . 3. On/upon doing :介词on或upon后接ing形式,相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,强调一个动作发生,另 一个动作立即发生。 Eg :On arriving at the station , he found his wife waiting to meet him . 4. Immediately :advconj引导时间状语从句 。Eg:She returne

9、d immediately she heard the good news . 5. The moment , the instant ,the minute ,the second等 除用作名词外,还可作连词引导时间状语,表示“一 就”。 Eg: We will leave the minute you are ready . 6. Hardlywhen和no soonthan表示“刚就 ”,常含有惊奇的意思。 Hardly had we got into the country when it began to rain. No soon had he gone to sleep than

10、 the telephone rang .So there was no doubt in her mind: Once you are born Chinese, you cannot help but feel and think Chinese.1. once conj. 一旦;只要;(用于条件或表时间的状语从 句中) Once you try it, you will get interested in it. 只要试一试,你就会对它产生兴趣。 Once he makes up his mind, he will never give it up. 他一旦下了决心,就决不会放弃。 On

11、ce bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。2. cannot help but + 动词原形 表示“ 不得不;不 能不;不禁;只得常用在美国英语口语中,是cannot but与cannot help doing两者混合的形式。cannot help but /cannot butHe could not help but laughhelp laughing。他禁不住笑起来。Hearing the news, she cannot help crying.听到这个消息,她禁不住哭起来。The boss was busy. I cannot help but wait.

12、 老板在忙着,我只得等。3.There was no doubt thatDoubt :vt怀疑,不确定。当它用于否定句疑问句时,其后常 跟that引导的从句;当它用于肯定句时,其后跟if引导的从 句。v. I dont doubt that he will pass the exam.I doubt whether /if he will pass the exam.n. I have no doubt that he will pass the exam.There is no doubt of his success.There is no doubt that he will succ

13、eed.Without doubt无疑的,必定的/ beyond(out of)doubt确实的There was no doubt _ he would win the match.A. that B. if C. why D. whenAI was about as Chinese as they were.(1)as +形容词词(副词词)原级级 + as ;否定式用 not as (so) +形容词词(副词词)原级级+as(2) as +形容词词+a (an)+单单数可数名词词 as ; as +形容词词+复数名词词 +as ; as + much +不可数名 词词 +as; as mu

14、ch as 还还可当副词词。(3) as many (much) as 多达Translation: 第一课课不如第五课难课难. 他英语语和我一样样好. 他和汤汤姆一样样是好学生. 这这些是我所读过读过的最有趣的书书。 Lesson one is not so difficult as Lesson Five. He studied English as well as I did. He is as good a student as Tom. These are as interesting books as any Ive read. 我们们想要尽量多的书书。We want as man

15、y books as possible. She hasnt got as much money as she thought. 她没有得到原来想象的那么多钱钱。 As many as 200 people died in the accident. You eat as much as you like.你爱爱吃多少就吃多少If only, my mother had lived long enough to be the one walking toward them. 1.在if only引起的感叹句中,要用虚拟语气。要是该 多好啊!或但愿如果我昨天在那里该多好啊!If only I _ there yesterday!A. was B. were C. had been D. has been如果生活中的一切都如我们想要的那样该多好啊!A. If only everything worked out as we wanted it to in life!B. 我如果是只鸟就好了!C. If only I were a bird!C2.if only引导状语从句,要用虚拟语气 “要是若是 ” Eg: If only I had money I could buy a car .If only we had arrived t



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