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1、高中留学文书之命题作高中留学文书之命题作 文案例文案例【精彩范文】UT-Austin Choose an issue of importance to you - the issue could be personal, school related,local,political, or international in scope - and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself,your family, your community, or your generatio

2、n. The protection of historic relics in Beijing At the age of ten, I was able to navigate Beijing through the public transportation system. In winter or summer break, I wouldn t waste time playing computer games. For me, the best way to relax is to thoroughly explore every single street, avenue and

3、hutong in the city. I visited the remains of ancient city walls and gates. As my hands caressed the surface of the wall, I could feel the profound history of the city unfolding before me and the humiliations it had endured in the late 1800s. As I grew older, I witnessed the skyscrapers rising and in

4、ternational companies coming in. The real estate of Beijing is blooming, the GDP of the city as a whole is prospering. I ve personally experienced the Olympic Games held just around my home, but still feel sorry for this city. As I walk through the alleys, I can constantly see the word “demolish” pr

5、inted on the old wrecked walls, and some advanced machines roaring their way to knock down the old housessentencing them to death.But it is not just a house that is destroyed; it is some cultural relic, the memory of this citythe house where Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, the couple who made huge con

6、tributions to Chinese architecture studies, held salons with famous literates, the market where old Beijingers enjoyed themselves. I m not saying that Beijing should just stay the way it is and stop developingbut the city, especially as one of the most historical cities of China, should preserve its

7、 cultural relics, and should be proud of its own culture.What we, the citizens of Beijing, need is more than a place to settle, we need lovewhich is gradually getting away from us as we move from the courtyard dwelling to high-rising blocks. In the past, I made friends with almost all my neighbors i

8、n the courtyard, but now, I hardly know the residents in the building I live in. We need to know about the wonderful history of this city, rather than just stuffing ourselves and going to school, or work. We need some places to recall our pastwhich is not to be forged or imitated. It is the world he

9、ritage that we are destroying.This is the city I love, and where I feel belonged. I want more people to know about its history, Chinese people and international friends alike. And I hope several decades later, when introducing this city to others, I can still count on the hutongs sprinkled around th

10、e Palace Museum, instead of just referring Beijing to a metropolis who is losing its character in the tides of globalization.The success of a city, to a great extent, lies in how much it knows about itselfthis is a line I once read from Wang Jun, a famous journalist in China. Beijing does not just b

11、elong to a few prominent people; it belongs to people all around the world. There are, at this moment, many sites that we can only find from the scratch books, old photos, or essays. It is of highly importance that the historic relics are protected, and the city be preserved as a place rich in cultu

12、re and in site.【北京的历史遗迹保护】十岁的时候,我就能够乘坐公共交通工具畅游北京了。寒假或者暑假的时候,我不会浪 费时间在电脑游戏上。对我来说,最好的放松方式就是去探索街道 和城市的每条胡同。 我探访了很多古城墙和城门 的遗迹。当我的手拂过那些城墙的表面时,我可以感受到这 座城市深厚的历史和它在十九世纪遭受的屈辱在我面前展开。随着我慢慢长大,我见到很多摩天大厦拔地而起,无数的跨国公司涌入北京。北京的房 地产蓬勃发展,城市的GDP不断攀升。我亲眼看到奥运会在我家 附近召开,但是我却 为这座城市感到难过。当我走 在大街小巷,我总是会看到老旧残破的墙壁上写着大大的 “拆”字,一些先进

13、的机器轰鸣着将那些老旧 房屋一一拆毁判了它们死刑。但那些机器拆毁的不仅仅是房屋,而是文化遗产,关于这个城市的记忆为中国建筑 研究作出巨大贡献的梁思成和林徽因夫妇的故居曾是著名学者聚集 交流的地方,以及老 北京人自娱自乐的市场。我 并不是说北京应该保留原貌,停止发展,但是作为一个城市 ,特别是中国历史感最强的城市之一,北京应该保护它的文化遗产,应该为它的文化感 到骄傲。 像我们这样的北京市民需要的不仅是一个安居的地方,我们需要的是爱随着我们从 大杂院搬进高楼大厦,爱也逐渐地远离我们 的 所有邻居都成为朋友,但是现在在我住的楼房 里,我并不认识几户人家。我们需要 了解这座城市的历史,而不是单纯地压

14、抑自己,麻木地工作学习。我们需要可以让我们 追忆往昔的地方,而往昔是不应该通过伪 造或者模仿的方式来重现的。我们正在摧 毁 的是世界遗产。这是我热爱的城市,我感到有归属感的城市。我希望 更多的人,无论是中国人还是外国人,去了解它的历 史。我也希望几十年过去之后,当我向别人介绍 这 座城市的时候,我依然可以带他们去逛逛故官 周围 遍布的胡同,而不是向他们介绍说北京是一个在全球 化大潮中丧失个性的一个大都市。 一个城市的成功很大程度上取决于它对自己的了解 这是北京著名记者王军曾经说过的一句话。 北京 并不只属于那些地位显赫的人,它属于每一个人。现 在,很多地方我们只能从书中、旧照片里或者文章中 找

15、到踪影。保护历史遗迹非常重要,只有这样域市才 能 作为一个富有文化的地方得以保护。【佳文精评】这是个命题作文,题目是:讨论一件你身边或是国际 大事,讲述它对你、家庭、社会或你这代人的重要性 和影响。在物欲横流的现代社会还能够保持对历史、对文化这 样的热情本身就难能可贵,而能够把这样 一种热情 以如此清晰透彻、鞭辟入里的方式传递给读者就更加 可贵。文章严格遵循着发现问题 分析问题得 出结论的结构递次展开。第一,二段结合亲身经历点 明全文探讨的问题伴随现代化、全球化发展而产 生的文化和历史的流失。第二至四段作者分 别从文 化、情感和城市发展的角度 分析文化荒漠化可能带 来的种种后果。最后一段,作者鲜明地表达了自己的 结论:我们必须保护城市的文化,因为它属于每一个 人。逻辑清晰、论据充分、感情真 挚,这就是一篇 好的议论文的必备要素。


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