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1、 My name is LiHua . I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province in February 1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. after that I went to No.62 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. The main subjects I studied at school includ

2、ed Chinese, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like computer and English best and I am very good at them. Last year, I won first prize in the school computer competition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps.My favorite sports are swimming in summer and

3、skating in winter.你是李华,申请到一家外企工作.对方要求你用英语写一篇短文, 介绍自己的基本情况.短文应该包括下表所列全部内容.姓名 李华 出生年月 1977年2月 出生地 辽宁大连学历 1984-1990 年光明小学1990-1996年大连市第六中学所学主要课程 语文、 数学、 英语、物理、 化学、电脑特长 英语、电脑、(去年在全校电脑竞赛中获第一名)业余爱好 游泳、滑冰、集邮、流行音乐Unit 2 writingnHow to write an introduction compositionn By Liu Bang Chun n August 17th, 2005请根

4、据以下提示,用英语些一篇介绍香港的短 文,词书100字左右.香港位于中国的东南部, 面积1045平方公里, 人口600多万, 被称作”东方明珠”. 1842年鸦 片战争以后, 当时的中国政府被迫将香港割让 给英国.现在她已经回到祖国的怀抱,而且前景 会更加美好.生词: 明珠:pearl香港:Hongkong鸦片:opium题目: 说明文.理清要点:1.位置,面积和人口2.被誉为3. 鸦片战争后香港的处境4. 97年后回到祖国怀抱5. 前景会更美好列出短语 1.位置: lie in, lie to the +方位名词, be located in, 2.面积: have / cover an a

5、rea of , the area is 3.人口:the population is; have a population of; with a population of 4.被称为: be well-known as 5.鸦片战争后香港的处境: be given up to; 6.97年后回到祖国怀抱: return to 7.前景会更美好make sth more + adj.1.香港位于中国东南部. lie in, lie to the +方 位名词, be located in, Hongkong lies in/is located in the southeast of Chi

6、na.她有面积1045平方公里, 人口600多万. She has / covers an area of 1045 km2 and a population of more than 6 million. Or: She has / covers an area of 1045 km2 with a population of more than 6 million. 她被称为”东方明珠”. She is well-known as “the Pearl of the East”. 1842年鸦片战争后, 她被中国政府给英国. In 1842, she was given to Britai

7、n by the Chinese government after the Opium War. 1997年, 回到祖国的怀抱. 人民将把她建设的 更美好. In 1997, she returned to motherland, and the people of Hongkong are and will be working hard to make her more beautiful.初稿:Hongkong lies in the southeast of China, which has a area of 1045 km2 with a population of more th

8、an 6 million. She is well-known as “the Pearl of the East”.(We were sorry to say that) in 1842, the Chinese government was forced to give it /her up to Britain after the Opium War. And the people suffered a lot.(To our delight, ) in 1997, she returned to motherland, and the people in mainland and in

9、 Kongkong are and will be working hard to make her more beautiful.the people in mainland and inKongkong are and will be working hard to make her more beautiful.Working hard together as one people, the people in mainland and in Hongkong are and will make her more beautiful.A better version:Hongkong l

10、ies in the southeast of China. She has a area of 1045 km2 with a population of more than 6 million and is well-known as “the Pearl of the East”.In 1842, the Chinese government was forced to give up Hongkong to Britain after the Opium War, then the people of Hongkong suffered a lot/ led a hard living

11、.After the return of Hongkong to China in 1997,the people of Hongkong are united more with the Chinese people in mainland, and they are and will be working hard to make her more beautiful.向首次来中国的外国朋友简介中国. 要点:中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家,也 是一个多民族的国家. 中国人对世界文化作 出过重大贡献,如造纸(paper-making)、 印刷术(printing)和指南针(compass)。中

12、 国的长城世界闻名。长江、黄河是主要河流 ,台湾、海南岛是主要岛屿。中国的面积有 960万平方千米,13亿多人口。中国是一个 发展中国家,近20年来发生了巨大变化。但 有的地方还很贫穷,污染问题也很突出。欢 迎大家来到中国。祝大家在这 儿玩的愉快 。汉语解码: 女士们先生们, 欢迎大家来到中国.我想向大家介绍我的祖国.中国 是一个有着悠久历史的国家,也是一个多民族的 国家. 中国人对世界文化作出过重大贡献,如造纸 (paper-making)、印刷术(printing)和指南针 (compass)。众所周知,长城世界闻名。长江、黄 河是主要河流,台湾、海南岛是主要岛屿。中国的 面积有960万平

13、方千米,13亿多人口。中国是一 个发展中国家,近20年来发生了巨大变化。但有 的地方还很贫穷,污染问题也很突出。欢迎大家 来到中国。祝大家在这 儿玩的愉快。Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to China. Id like to say something about my motherland.China is a country with a history of more than 5000years. The Chinese nation is made up of 56 nationalities.China has done a lot to the w

14、orlds culture, such as printing, paper-making and compass. China has a long history with many nationalities.contributedintroduceAs you may know, the Great Wall is well-known all over the world. And, the Yangtzi River and the Yellow River are the main rivers here. It is well-known that the Great Wall

15、 isfamous all over the world.Taiwan and Hainan are main islands of hers. China covers more than 9.6 million square kilometers and has the largest population in the world: more than 1.3 billion now. Taiwan and Hainan are main islands of hers. China covers an area of more than 9.6 million square kilom

16、eters with the largest population in the world: more than 1.3 billion now.Being a developing country, China has changed greatly in the recent 20 years.However, some areas remain poor and one of the serious problems is pollution. Now ,thats enough/all and its time for me to say welcome. Wish all of you a good time here.Ladies and gentlemen, welcome



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