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1、外研版 高二 Module 1 BaskateballReadingMichael Jordan Wilt Chamberlain Read the information about Michael Jordanand Wilt Chamberlain and answer the questions. 1.Did Jordan and Chamberlain ever play against each other? 2.How much taller was Chamberlain than Jordan?3.Who scored more points in his career?4.

2、How old was Chamberlain when he died? 5.Which record do they both hold?No, they didnt 19cm Jordan 63Consecutive seasons leading scorer . hold v.consecutive adjtitle n. centre n. scorer n. 保持连续的,不间断的 (重大体育比赛中的)冠军(足球,篮球等的)中锋(进球得分的)运动员 Michael JordanWilt Chamberlain Born Height NBA career First season

3、Position Games Points Record Holder 17th February 1963 21st August 1936 1.98m 2.17m 14seasons 1984-1985 19591960 Guard Center 1,072 1, 045 32,292 31,419 15seasons Most points in a season: 4,029(1961-1962) Consecutive seasonsleading scorer: 7 (19601966) Most seasons leading scorer: 10 Consecutive sea

4、sons leading scorer: 7(19871993) Fast-reading Read the passage and answer the questions five minutes given. 1.Which basketball team did Michael Jordan play for? 2.How many times did Michael Jordans team win the NBA title?3.Why do the fans admire Jordan so much? The Chicago Bulls, the United States O

5、lympicBasketball Team, and the Washington Wizards.6 times(1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998.)Because of his athletic ability, his motivation and his confidence. Learn the new words by using the sentences from the text .Michael Jordan was named the Chicago Bulls mostvalued player five times and he b

6、ecame the mostsuccessful basketball player in the history of the game. .valued: adj, 有价值的Jordan grew up in North Carolina. grow up: 长大 Jordan attended the University of North Carolinafor a year before leaving to join the Chicago Bulls. attend: v.上学He finished his first season as one of the top score

7、rs in the league, with an average of 28.2 points per game. gold medal: with an average of: per: 平均为金牌每Millions of fans admire his athletic ability, motivation and confidence. motivation: 动力Jordan rescued the Bulls from ending a game on a tie. tie: n.平局Jordan loves the steakso much. steak: n.牛排Jordan

8、 is an awesome player. awesome:adj. 了不起的。alongside prep . 靠着;并排Judge the sentences true or false. 1.Michael Jordan is the bestknown athlete in theworld. 2.Jordan finished his studies before he joined the Chicago Bulls. 3.Jordan was the second person to score more than3,000 points in a season. 4.Jord

9、an made a film in which he acted with a cartoon character.True False he only studied for a year. True True Read the second part of the text- Wilt the Stilt- the Tower of Power. Please answer three questions.1.How many basketball teams did Wilt Chamberlain play for? 2.Which were the first and last te

10、ams Wilt Chamberlain played for?3.Why is Wilt Chamberlain called the Tower of Power ? 4 teams Philadelphia Warriors/ Los Angeles Because he was very tall and strong. His father William worked ina shipyard. shipyard: 造船厂,船坞As a child, Chamberlain had various health problem. various:各种各样的Chamberlain a

11、veraged over 50 points per game for an entire season. entire:全部的,整个的。The giant player was an immediate success. adj. 立刻的,即刻的。 There is no doubt that he deserves the title “ outstanding player of his generation”There is no doubt thatdeserves:outstanding:generation: 毫无疑问 值得,应得 杰出的,优秀的,出色的。一代人 Judge th

12、e sentences true or false. 1)Wilt Chamberlain was taller than his brother and sisters. 2) Chamberlain was a strong child.3) The NBA changed their rules to try to stopChamberlain being so successful. 4) Chamberlain played for the same team for thelast five years of his career. True False True True Fi

13、nish EXX 4 and 5 on page 4. Listen to the recording. Homework According to the text, the students can introduce the two characters by the order of time. ; http:/ 逍遥宫招商代理 vdg41wgv 着这种热闹中的默契和顺畅。除了热闹非凡的十字大街之外,在小镇的最北头还有一个规模不小的骡马市场。每逢集市日,小 镇周围村里的那些卖大牲口的人们,会早早地牵着想要卖的马、骡、驴、牛等云集在这里。中间,就有一些经纪人活跃在买卖 双方之间,撮合买卖

14、成交。这些人俗称“牙人”,他们先观看牲口毛色,然后扳开牲口的嘴查验牙口,最后与卖主拉手在袖筒 里用手指商讨牲口的卖价;接下来,再用同样的方式告诉买方另一个卖价。买方若不接受这个价格,并不会说什么,只是揺揺 头或不理会“牙人”即可;若同意这个价格,就攥一下“牙人”的手,这挡子买卖就算谈成了。接下来,买方与牙人到一旁将 钱交给“牙人”;而后,“牙人”与卖方再到一旁将钱交给卖方。此后,买方就高高兴兴地牵着牲口走了,卖方也满意地拿着 钱回去了,“牙人”赚了买卖双方相互不知道的买价与卖价之间的差价钱。买卖双方虽然都知道“牙人”会从中赚钱,但他们 相信这些熟悉牲口好坏和时价的聪明“牙人”,乐意接受这种流传

15、已久的交易方式。而骡马市场也因为有这些“牙人”的参与 ,始终维持着一份难能可贵的和谐和繁荣。与集市上别处的市场不同,骡马市场是日出开市,日中即散,交易时间较短,因此 ,骡马市也被称作“露水市”。对了,忘记说了!在骡马市场旁边,还有一个羊市哩,那里不时地传出来羊儿们“咩咩咩”的 叫声。羊市的经营时间也不是很长,骡马市场散了个把时辰之后,羊市也就散了。日月轮回、四季交替、年复一年,“三六九 ”集市辈辈相传、久久延续,永远都充满着勃勃生机。习以为常地,在“三六九”集市日这一天,镇上各家各户的亲友们也往 往会趁着赶集,顺便来家里走走看看。因此,这一天也是镇上人家忙于接待客人的日子。尽管镇上人家一直恪守

16、着“好狗不咬 上门客”的做人原则,时不时地为接待客人忙碌着,但还是经常被周围村里的人们指责为“寡情”和“不好客”。这是因为, 他们只是热情接待上门之客,而对于那些在集市上经常碰到的亲友,则通常只是打个招呼,或者陪着站一会儿说说话而已,并 不会十二分热情地将他们拉到家里来做客。这也并没有什么可指责的,他们所以没有像周围村里人们所希望的那样“好客”, 是因为这种情况他们见得太多了。镇上的人所以不如游牧民族那样好客,因为游牧民族在平日里所能够见到的,除了牛马羊和 野狼之外,是很少能够见到人的。因此间,如果哪一天有幸见到人,都会感到无比亲切,自然也就会非常热情地将他们接进自 己的蒙古包里,作为坐上宾而款待了。每逢“三六九”集市日,也是镇子上半大娃儿们非常高兴的时候。沿街散发的饭菜香味 诱惑着他们、热热闹闹的场景吸引着他们。手里攥着


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