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1、 常山东方大酒店英语培训一、称呼 二、问候语、礼貌用语 三、致歉 四、问询与应答 五、感谢与应答 六、指路、指引 七、时间 八、酒店服务项目英语称呼对男性客人,尊称为Sir; 面对女性客人时尊称为Ms Miss未婚,小姐 Mrs.已婚,夫人MS不知对方是否已婚,女士如果知道客人姓名,例:John Adams 可以叫做 Mr. Adams (Mr = mister) ,也可以直接叫 John,(双方熟悉)。 补充:国外客人姓名与中国之间的区别 姓:first name ,surname(书面) ,family name 名:second name, given name如果想唤起对方注意:可以说

2、:Hello sir (MS) / hello Mr admas / hello john /也可说 Excuse me, Sir (Ms)”, 至于称呼小孩,可以直接使用 Excuse me,但是不可以直接称呼boy或girl. 客人如何称呼我们一般情况下,客会直接说hello 或hi 或 excuse me 下面列举一些各岗位对应的名称:总台: reception desk 商务中心:business center 总台服务员 receptionist 礼宾部:concierge总机接待员 operator 西餐厅:western restaurant收银员 cashier 洗手间:toi

3、let, restroom门僮 doorman/bellman/Bell Attendants 餐厅: restaurant /dining room 服务员 waiter/waitress女迎宾 ceremonial usherette 跑菜员: food runner 预订员: Reservation Agent领班: head waiter/waitress / Bell Captain 餐厅主管: Restaurant Supervisor 经理: manager客房部: housekeeping department 客房服务员: Room Attendant 、house keep

4、er 问候语、礼貌用语How are you doing-well ,thank you How are you doing 不是问你是怎么做的对话演练 1.早上、下午、晚上 与客人相遇相互打招呼 2.见客人从店外归来 3.见客人从酒店外出 4.见客人退房离店 5.(综合)早上见客人路过大堂,外出,下午 见客回店,结账退房后离店。Staff: Good morning, sirmadamms早上好 Guest: Good morning早上好Staff: hello,sir. Welcome back 你好,欢迎回店how are you today 今天过得好嘛 Guest: well, i

5、ts great .thank you非常好,谢谢nGuest: Excuse me, can you get my room cleaned ,Im out in the morning打扰一下,你能把我的房间整理下吗,我上午要出 去nStaff: sure ok, Have a nice day好的,祝你有愉快的一天nGuest: Im leave the hotel today. Thank you for your service.我今天要离店了,很感谢你的服务nStaff: its my pleasure, looking forward to see you again. (hop

6、e to see you soon) Have a nice trip. Byebye 不用谢,这是我的荣幸,希望能再次见到你,祝你旅行 愉快n综合: S: good morning sir ,are you going out? 先生早上好,您要出去吗 G:good morning, yes .Can you get me a taxi? 早上好,是的,你能帮我中辆车 吗 S:no problem. just a second. 好的,请稍等 S: Have a nice day sir, see you later 祝您有愉快的一天,再见 G: Thank you ,bye. 再见 回店:

7、 S: Hi, welcome back ,sir . Nice to see you again. how was your day today.先生你好,欢迎回来,你今天过得好吗 G: not bad 还不错 离店: g: hey buddy ,Im leaving the hotel today ,I wanna say thank you for your service. 我要离店了,谢谢你的服务 S: you are welcome ,its my pleasure. i hope to see your soon. G:bye 不用谢,这是我应该的,希望再次见到你致歉n致歉语Ex

8、cuse me 打扰一下 Im sorry I do apologize 我很抱歉please accept our apology 请接受我们的歉意I assure you it wont happen again 我向你保证下次不会再发生这种 事 Im sorry to hear that 对你所说的事情我感到很抱歉Im sorry we made a mistake 很抱歉我们犯了个错误 劳驾,我想我的账单不对很抱歉,我检查一下,请稍等对不起,您的账单上有个差错,下次不会再发生了划线句可替换为: I think there is something wrong with my bill

9、/order/computer我的账单/我点的菜 有点问题in my room我的房间里面出了点问题Tv set in my room doesnt work我房间里电视机不能使 用 万能句:Im sorry to hear that. ill check it for you right away. Would you please wait a momnet 很抱歉,我马上检查一下,请您稍等如果不是你能修复或纠正的可以说Im sorry , Ill send someone to fix it /check it right away 我马上叫人去给你看下是什么问题 Im sorryi/W

10、e made a mistake例句 Sorry to have kept you waiting . 抱歉让您久等了。Sorry to disturb you. 不好意思打扰您了。I am sorry for this. 我对此表示抱歉。Sorry to interrupt you. 对不起,打扰您了。I am sorry , I dont understand. I will get the manager / supervisor / captain. 不好意思,我不是很明白,我叫我的经理/主管/领班过来。Im sorry .Would you mind saying it again?

11、 抱歉,您介意再说一遍吗?I am sorry to have given you so much trouble. 对不起,给您添了这么多麻烦。I apologize for what Ive said just now. 我为刚才说的话道歉。We are very sorry for the inconvenience. 不便之处敬请原谅。对话练习1.客投诉隔壁房间声音吵 2.客投诉自已点的菜没上来 3.客投诉房间内没厕纸 4.客投诉有骚扰电话打进来客致电总机 o: operator, can I help you 你好总机 G:I can hear loud noise in my ro

12、om, It make me hardly to sleep 我房间里能听到很吵的声音,我很难入睡 O: Im sorry to hear that ,dont worry sir ,Ill send someone to check that. 很抱歉,不要担心,我马上叫人去了解下could you tell me your room number?您能告诉我房间号吗(Im sorry sir ,I dont understand ,Ill get my supervisor ,he can help you ,could you tell me your room number)抱歉,我不

13、懂英文,我叫 我主管来,您的房号是多少 G:909 O: please wait, my colleague will be there soon稍等,我同事马上到G: excuse me 打扰了 w: What can I do for you 有什么可以为你效劳吗 G: why am I still not get my order 我点的菜怎么还没来 W:I so sorry ,Ill check it if it is ready 我去看看好了没 几分钟后 W: sorry to have kept you waiting, here is your dish让你久等了,这是你点的菜G

14、:can you bring me some toilet paper to room 806. 麻烦你能拿点厕纸到806房来 A: ok ,please wait.好的,请稍等G: reception desk? 总台吗 s: yes ,can I help you 是的 G: there is a disturbing call from outside and wake me up from asleep 有个骚扰电话打过来,影响我休息 S: sorry to have cause you inconvenience .I assure you it wont happen again.

15、 Do you need I to put you room in the list of secrecy .so you wont get disturbing call. 抱歉给您造成不便,你需要我把你的房间设保密 状吗,这样你就不会再接到不想接的电话了 G:yes ,please没听懂怎么办?有办法 一、完全没听清的I beg your pardon / pardon me对不起;请再说一遍 二、听懂部分,不确定,没安全听懂sorry, I didnt hear you clearly ,do you mean 不好意思,我没听清楚,你的意思是。sorry, could you say it slowly 您能说慢点吗 三、完全没听懂,不知所云的(这个最简单了) (一定要记住) s


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