Stress Management - Carol Yoken, PhD:压力管理-卡罗尔裕垦,博士

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《Stress Management - Carol Yoken, PhD:压力管理-卡罗尔裕垦,博士》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Stress Management - Carol Yoken, PhD:压力管理-卡罗尔裕垦,博士(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Stress Managementdeveloped by Sandra Haddad and Carol Yoken at the Counseling Center, University of CincinnatiWhat is stress? Stress is something that overwhelms a persons coping abilities Similar events can lead to different stress reactions in different peopleWhat are some reactions to stress?1. P

2、hysical 2. Cognitive3. Emotional4. Behavioral1. Physical reactions to stress Increased heart rate High blood pressure Difficulty breathing Sweating Fight or flightLack of concentration Im sorry, what did you say?Forgetfulness What time was my appointment?Negative thinking There is no way I am going

3、to be able to do this!Confusion Who? What? Where?2. Cognitive reactions to stress3. Emotional reactions to stress Anxiety Depression Moodiness Anger Irritability4. Behavioral reactions to stress Increase/decrease in sleep Fighting with others Excessive drinking Drug useTriggers Do you know the trigg

4、ers and your own stress reactions? When _ happens, I _ _ _How do you react? How do you usually react to stress? _ _ _Here are some ways to manage your reactions. Keep emotions in check Keep behaviors in check Deep breathingKeep emotions in check Emotions vary according to your level of stress. To ma

5、intain stability, focus on controlling emotions. For example, if you know you react with anger to a stressful situation, make an effort to be more mellow the next time a similar situation arises.Keep behaviors in checkKnow personal triggers to behaviors. If you know you drink when under stress, avoi

6、d places that promote drinking. Keep alcohol out of your home. If you know seeing a certain person triggers arguing, plan how to keep your cool. Try some relaxation exercises every once in a while. For example, deep breathingdeep breathing1. Place one hand on belly and one hand on chest2. Use focal

7、phrases such as “relax” or “calm”3. Practice when not under stress4. Make time for brief relaxation dailyHere are more ways to cope with stress:Problem-focused coping dealing with the problem Time management Social supportEmotion-focused coping dealing with the emotion Acceptance Positive thinkingTi

8、me management Set up a priority list Use a planner and color code Do it nownot later Do one thing at a time.Social support“I can look to my family and friends for help, advice, and support” Talk to family and friends Sharing can help give you ideas and advice You dont have to go through it aloneAcce

9、ptanceIt is normal to react in a certain way in a given situation.“What I am feeling is a normal reaction to stress”“Things are what they are. I must deal with them”Positive ThinkingWhat is positive thinking? Positively worded statements Use in the present tense Remind yourself daily Repeat them reg

10、ularly Belief will followFor example: “I am capable” “I am lovable” “I am good enough” Remember: Its sometimes easier to say nice things about others, but you can also say nice things about YOU! Negativity can be destructive. It has also been shown to decrease your immunity, putting you at higher ri

11、sk of getting sick. On the other hand, trying to remain optimistic in a difficult situation can make it easier for you to see things more clearly and therefore better equipped to handle things. As they say, try to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. What are you thinking? Thoughts are

12、closely related to emotions and behaviors Negative thoughts can create or maintain negative feelings Changing thoughts can change feelings Positive thoughts can increase coping with difficult situations. For example, failing a testFailing a test Identify negative thoughts that are contributing to a

13、negative mood Im a failure! Im not smart enough! Reframe the thoughts: I failed because I didnt study. Im smart, but maybe I need to change my study habits. Conclusion Stress is inevitable Know when you are likely to become stressed Learn how to recognize your stress reactions Know which coping strategies work best for you Build those into your day


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