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1、题型训练-阅读理解Erin HE 一考查的内容:本部分测试考生理解关于一般性话题 的英语简短文章的能力”(具体),强调“一 般性话题”和“简短文章”,暗示选材不会超 越中学生应有的知识涵盖面。 二考查的目的 1. 这个题型集中、全面地考查考生从阅读 中准确获取信息的能力, 2. 强调考生对语篇的整体把握能力, 3. 对语言文化因素的运用能力和解决实际 问题的能力。 三试题的类型 1.客观性试题 一般要求考生通过扫读全文或细读 文章的某个部分,从而获得解题所需要的信息。 (考题中的细节题) 2.主观性试题 要求考生透过文章的字面信息进行 分析、归纳、推理或想象,如对作者的写作意图 ,人物性格特征

2、、行为动机,事件的前因后果、 故事的发展走向,文章的中心思想等作出合理判 断。(考题中的主旨大意题,篇章结构题,写作 的目的和对象,以及猜词义和句义题)四题目的类型 1.主旨归纳题 1)主题型主旨归纳题 2)作者意图类的主旨归纳题 3)标题类主旨归纳题主旨归纳题答题要诀 1.善用寻读法,找准主题句 1)读首句抓大意(这些文章开门见山提出主题,随之用细节来解释或发 展主题句所表达的主题思想。在说明文、议论文、科技文献和新闻报道多采 用这种格式) 2)读尾句抓大意(这类文章通常先摆出事实依据,层层推理论证,在表述细节后归纳要点,最后自然地得出结论,即段落的主题) 3)从段落中抓大意(此类文章往往以

3、一句或几句话来表达主题,在 主题句出现后,再举例陈述细节或继续论证,即引题主题思想解释或 继续论证) 4)归纳要点抓大意(文章没有明确的主题句,考生必须根据文 章的内容,进行综合分析,找出共同的东西,归纳成一般概念。这类 文章通常是叙述一件事的发展过程,或是陈述一系列同等重要的细节 或事实.)2. 推理判断题 正确理解作者的观点、立场和寓意 纵观全文、看清文章机构、抓住细节、周 密分析、合理推断 作选择时要使你所选答案与作者的立场保持一致 。这也是一条原则3. 词义理解的解决方法 根据定义和解释来猜测词义 根据同义、反义、同等、同位、对等关系 猜测词义 据因果关系和上下文猜测词义4.细节题st

4、eps 1.每段的topic sentence 2.总结 main idea, style, structure 3.浓缩main idea, 选择tiltle 体会作者的purpose,attitude, for whom 4.解决detail 与whole 的关系(段落中) 准确理解所猜new words 与 sentence 的 意 思Three years ago, five parrots were set free in a wild place of Arizona, thousands of miles from the Channel IsIands in Jersey wh

5、ere they had been looked after by zookeepers. No evolutionary strategies informed them how to behave in this new Iandscape of mountainous pine forest unoccupied by their kind for 50 years. To the researchers surprise, they failed to make contact with a group of wild parrots imported from Mexico and

6、set free at the same time. Within 24 hours the reintroducing ended in failure, and the poor birds were back in cages, on their way to the safety of the Arizona reintroduction programme. Ever since then, the programme has enjoyed great success, mainly because the birds now being set free are Mexican

7、birds illegally caught in the wild, confiscated (没收) on arrival north of the border, and raised by their parents in the safety of the programme. The experience shows how little we know about the behaviour and psychology(心理) of parrots, as Peter Bennett, a bird researcher, points out:” Reintroducing

8、species of high intelligence like parrots is a lot more difficult. People like parrots, always treating them as nothing more than pets or valuable collectables.” Now that many species of parrot are in immediate danger of dying out, biologists are working together to study the natural history and the

9、 behaviour of this family of birds. Last year was an important turning point: conservationists founded the World Parrot Trust, based at Hayle in Cornwall, to support research into both wild and caged birds. Research on parrots is vital for two reasons. First, as the Arizona programme showed, when re

10、introducing parrots to the wild, we need to be aware of what the birds must know if they are to survive in their natural home. We also need to learn more about the needs of parrots kept as pets, particularly as the Trusts campaign does not attempt to discourage the practice, but rather urges people

11、who buy parrots as pets to choose birds raised by humans.STEPS I.Topic sentence of each paragraph: 1. the reintroducing ended in failure, and the poor birds were back in cages.(段中) 2.The experience shows how little we know about the behaviour and psychology(心理) of parrots .( 段中) 3.biologists are wor

12、king together to study the natural history and the behaviour of this family of birds. (段首) 4.Research on parrots is vital for two reasons. ( 段首)II Main idea:几年前,人们将几只笼养的鹦鹉放归 自然,但由于这些鹦鹉难以适应野外生活,又飞 回了他们的笼子里。这一现象引起人们的关注, 我们应该对它们的行为和心理有更多的了解。 Style: exposition Structure:1.由实验引出一个现象 2. 分析实验失败的原因 3.这个试验的必

13、要性 4. 建议人们应该怎么做III 1.写作目的通常有以下三种: 娱乐读者 说服读者接受某种观点 告知读者某些信息2.FOR WHOM THIS PASSAGE IS?IV The relationship between each paragraph or in one paragraph:55.What do we know about the area where the five parrots were reintroduced? A. Its landscape is new to parrots of their kind. B. It used to be home to p

14、arrots of their kind. C. It is close to where they had been kept. D.Pine trees were planted to attract birds.对原文句子的同义重复No evolutionary strategies informed them how to behave in this new Iandscape of mountainous pine forest unoccupied by their king for 50 years. IV 56.The reintroducing experience thr

15、ee years ago shows that man-raised parrots _. A.can find their way back home in Jersey B. are unable to recognize their parents C. are unable to adapt to the wild D. can produce a new species正确选项的特征就是对原文相关信息的同义重复,分别 有词汇、句子或词句之间等不同层面的重复 To the researchers surprise, they failed to make contact with a group of wild parrots imported from Mexico and set free at the same time.IV 57.Why are researches on parrots important according to the passage? A. The Trust shows great concern for the programme. B. We need to knows more about how to



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