Person-to-person call1

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《Person-to-person call1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Person-to-person call1(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Person-to-person callPerson-to-person call叫人服务叫人电话(叫人电话(Person-to-person callPerson-to-person call) :经由国际接线生,与指定姓名的接 听者通话。当指定的接听者不在,或 者是尚未联系到的时候,电话不计费 。但是,这种电话单位时间的通话费 率较高。新词释放 Person-to-person call 叫人电话 Collect 对方付费的 Hang up 挂断 Full name 全名 Switzerland 瑞士 Collect call 受付电话 operator 总机,接线员听对话回答以下问题听

2、对话回答以下问题 1.which the country are the guest calling? 2.The guest select what kind of calling ? 对话对话 Farrar : Id like to make an international call. Operator :Certainly,sir. Which country are you calling? Farrar : Switzerland. Operator :A person-to-person or a station call , sir? Farrar : person-to-pe

3、rson Operator :Could you tell me the partys full name and telephone number please? Farrar : Yes, its Nancy and the number is Lausanne 49680Operator :Nancy at Lausanne49680. Farrar : Thats right. Operator :May I have your name and room number , please? Farrar : Yes, its Farrar and Im in Room 834. Ope

4、rator :Mr. Farrar in Room 834. Farrar : Thats right. Operator :Could you hand up , please and we will call you back? Farrar: OK. like to make a person-to-person collect call. 我要打一个受话人付费的电话。 2.what number do you want to call? 您要打的号码是多少?经典句型 3. whats the partys name? 你要叫的人的名字? 4.A person-to-perso

5、n or a station call? 叫人电话还是叫号电话?转接电话告告诉对诉对 方你要方你要转电话转电话 (以及原因)(以及原因) 请稍等,XX先生 / 小姐,我为你转接至 (部门 / 姓名),分机XXXX, One moment please, I will connect you to (Department / Name), extension XXXX.电话转电话转 接后,在接通前,需告知接接后,在接通前,需告知接电话电话 的同的同 事:事: 来来电电者姓名者姓名 所需帮助所需帮助Lili,我是前台的Allen,线上是通用公司的 李先生,他想预订会场。常用电话英语-接电话Welc

6、ome to FocalPrice telephone service center. This is Shirley. May I help you? What can I do for you?Is there anything we can help? 八 常用电话英语-让客户等候 Sorry, would you mind holding for one minute? Could you please hold on for a while? Sorry to have kept you waiting? Hang on a second, please.常用电话英语-对于不能立即解

7、决的 问题 Would you please call back in xx minutes later? Can you please leave us your e-mail address? Well reply you via email in XX minutes?常用电话英语-遇到对方无应答 Im afraid I can not hear you. Would you please change another phone, or send us e-mail to . Sorry, I cant hear you very well. Im having trouble he

8、aring you.常用电话英语-结束通话 Is there anything else I can help? Youre welcome Its my pleasure Dont mention it. Thats all right. No trouble at all . Have a nice weekend! Thank you for calling. Goodbye! Never Vs. AlwaysAlways introduce the department and yourself and extend appropriate hospitality greeting “

9、Good morning” or “Good afternoon”. 总是介绍你所在部门和你自己并运用适当热情的问候语如“早上好” 或 “下午好”。Always speak English and speak slowly. 总是用英语接电话并讲得慢一些。Always have a pen and paper (note pad) near the telephone. 总是在电话旁放一支笔和纸张(草写本)。Always take a message if its necessary. 总是记下客人的留言,如果必要的话。Always give your full attention to th

10、e caller, do not try to do two things at the same time. 总是专心地接电话,不要边接电话边做别的事情Never Vs. AlwaysNever allow the phone to ring more than 3 times. 永远不要允许电话铃声响三遍以上。Never allow two conversations at the same time. 永远不要同时进行两种对话(接电话时与别人谈话)。Never eat or drink and answer the phone. 永远不要接电话时吃东西或喝饮料。Never put down the telephone receiver heavily. 永远不要大力放下话筒。Never leave the receiver uncovered as the caller will hear you speaking. Put Caller on Hold. 永远不要说与对方无关的话时不捂住话筒。


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