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1、Module BUnit 19 Software Installing and Operation Part One Software Installing vStep 1 点击Proteus_setup_7.4sp3的界面 Key Words v1install shield 安装v2Wizard 向导v3Professional 专业版v4continue 继续v5click 点击,单击v6Cancel 取消 Notesv1Welcome to the install shield Wizard for Proteus Professionalv欢迎使用Proteus专业版的安装向导(sh

2、ield有保护 的意思可不译出)v2The install shield Wizard will install Proteus Professional on your computer.v该安装向导可以将Proteus专业版安装在你的计算机 上。v3To continue, click Next.v要继续,请点击Next. v4Installation or use of this License in a virtual environment requires explicit permission from Labcenter Electronics LTD.v在虚拟系统中安装或者使

3、用该许可证需要有Labcenter Electronics LTD的明确的许可。vCopy rightv版权vLimited warrantyv有限保单v5Do you accept all terms of the preceding License Agreement?v你接受前面的许可证协议全部条款吗?v6If you select No, the setup will close.v如果你选择不安装,准备工作就结束。v7To install Proteus Professional, you must accept this agreement.v安装Proteus 专业版,你必须接受

4、这个协议。 vStep 2许可证协议对话框(1) 许可证协议对话框(2) Key Wordsv1License Agreement 许可证协议v2carefully 仔细地v3PAGE DOWN 向下翻页v4rest of 其余的v5SINGLE USER 个人(单机版)用户v6purchase 买,购买v7software 软件v8virtual 虚拟v9environment 环境v10term 条款v11accept 接受v12preceding 前面的v13select 选择v14setup 准备工作Notesv1Please read the following License Ag

5、reement carefully.v请仔细阅读以下许可证协议。v2You have purchased a License to use the PROTEUS software on a single computer at anytime.v你已经购买了一款在任意时间用于个人计算机的PROTEUS 软件的许可证。v3You may install the software on more than one of your computers but you may run only one copy at any one time.v你可以安装该软件在多台计算机上,但在一次你只能运行一

6、个复制进程。v4Installation or use of this License in a virtual environment requires explicit permission from Labcenter Electronics LTD.v在虚拟系统中安装或者使用该许可证需要有Labcenter Electronics LTD的明确的许可。vCopy rightv版权vLimited warrantyv有限保单v5Do you accept all terms of the preceding License Agreement?v你接受前面的许可证协议全部条款吗?v6If

7、 you select No, the setup will close.v如果你选择不安装,准备工作就结束。v7To install Proteus Professional, you must accept this agreement.v安装Proteus 专业版,你必须接受这个协议。vStep 3选择许可证密码对话框 Key Wordsv1type 类别,类型,种类v2suits 符合v3need 需要v4choose 选择v5locally 本地地,当地地v6key 密码v7server 服务器Notesv1Select the setup type that best suits

8、your needs.v选择最适合你的需要配置类型。v2Choose whether to use a locally installed or server based license key.v是选择使用本地安装还是选择使用基于许可证密码的服务器 。v3Use a locally license key.v使用本地许可证密码。v4Use a license key installed on a server.v使用安装在服务器上的许可证密码。vStep 4产品许可证密码对话框 Key Wordsv1valid 有效的v2Manager 管理程序v3Browse 浏览v4button 键,按

9、钮v5navigate 导航v6location 位置v7file 文件v8Product 产品Notesv1Proteus Professional requires a valid license key before it will run.vProteus 专业版在运行以前需要一个有效的许可证密码。v2Click Next to run the License Manager.v单击Next运行许可证管理程序。v3And then use the Browse button to navigate to the location of your license key(LXK)file

10、.v再使用浏览键导航到你的许可证密码lxk类型的文件所在位置 。v4No license key is installed.v尚未安装许可证密码。vStep 5选择准备要安装文件的文件夹对话框Key Wordsv1Destination 目的地,终点v2folder 文件夹v3different 不同的v4Lab center 实验中心v5Electronics 电子Notesv1Choose Destination Location.v选择目标位置。v2Select folder where setup will install files.v选择准备要安装文件的文件夹。v3Setup wi

11、ll install Proteus Professional in the following folder.v配置将在以下文件夹内安装Proteus专业版。v4To install to this folder ,click Next.v安装在这一个文件夹上,单击Next按钮。v5To install to a different folder, click Browse and Select another folder.v安装在另一个文件夹上,单击Browse键,选择另一个文件 夹。vStep 6选择一个程序文件夹对话框 Key Wordsv1Program 程序v2add 添加v3i

12、con 图标v4list 名单,列表,列举v5type 键入v6existing 现有的,存在的,Notesv1Please select a program folder.v请选择一个程序文件夹。v2Setup will add program icons to the Program Folder listed below.v配置在所列举程序文件夹表下添加程序的图标。v3You may type a new folder name.v你可以键入一个新的文件夹名。v4Or select one from the existing folders list.v或从文件夹列表中选择一个。v5Click Next to continue.v单击Next按钮继续。vStep7Proteus Professional软件安装进行中的界面Key Words & Notesv



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