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1、初中英语教学设计应 关注的几个问题 1、教学设计应关注“三维目标”的有效整 合三维目标:知识与技能、过程 与方法、情感态度价值观2、教学设计应关注学生问题意识的培养o美国心理学家布鲁纳指出:“教学过程是一 种指出问题和解决问题的持续不断的活动 。”o 3、教学设计应关注学习群体的差异性发 展 Lesson 70 教学设计方案一oProperties: Computer, Projector, PPT document provided.oTeaching Objectives: 1. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn new

2、words. 2. Go over the Past Perfect Tense.oLanguage Focus: New words: British, fail, summit, misty, mistoUseful expressions: disappear into, the first men to do tins, try to reach the t Teaching Procedures:oShowing the teaching aimso II. RevisionAsk the students to act out the dialogue is provided in

3、 Lesson 69- 1.asf III. Lead ino Give the students some information and pictures about Mount Qomolangma, and check their homework. Let them speak something about the history of climbing the Mount Qomolangma.o For example: o It was formed 60million years ago and ascends to the height of 8850. Surveyor

4、 General Andrew Waugh proposed to name the mountain Everest after his predecessor, George Everest. This name prevailed until today, although the mountain has two local names - Qomolangma in Tibetan, Sagarmatha in Nepali. IV. Watch and listen oAsk the students to watch the flash Because it is there.s

5、wf which is provided. Listen the text carefully, and finish the questions:o True or Falseo 1. Mount Qomolangma is the tallest mountain in the world. ( )o 2. George Mallory is a professional (职业的) mountain climber. ( )o 3. Mallory had tried four times to reach the top of the mountain. ( )o 4. In 1921

6、 he tried to climb the mountain for the first time. ( )o5. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were thought to be the first men to reach the top of the mountain. ( ) o 6. Edmund Hillary found Mallorys body in 1999. ( )o Answers:o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. V. Read the textoLet the students read the text carefu

7、lly and grasp the main idea of this article. And find out what happened in different years (1921, 1922, 1924, 1953, 1999). o Main idea:o A story about George Mallorys climb of Mount Qomolangma. VI. Explanation omist mist n. 雾,a thin fog made by very small drops of water in the air. 其 形容词为misty,比较级为m

8、istier,最高级 为mistiest。o wonder v. = question是“想要知道” 的意思,它常跟宾语从句。同时它还有“感到 惊奇”之意。o alive adj活着的,come alive表示“ 活跃起来”,stay alive表示“继续活着;幸 存”的意思。obe busy dong sth 是“忙于做某事”的意思 。VII. Practiseo Show the film of Lesson 70- 2.asf which is provided. Finish the exercises 2 on Page 88, and practise the sentences

9、one by one.VIII. Homeworko Why Because its there is used as the topic of this article? What spirit do this sentence show us? Write something about it. Lesson 70教学设计方案二oProperties: Recorder, Overhead Projector. oTeaching Objectives:1. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn new words.2. Go

10、 over the Past Perfect Tense.o Language Focus:New words: British, fail, summit, misty, mistUseful expressions: disappear into, the first men to do tins, try to reach the top ofTeaching Procedures:o I. Showing the teaching aimso II. RevisionCheck homework. Ask the students to act out the dialogue.III

11、. Leading inT: Today we are going to read a story about George Mallory. What do you know about him? Where was he from? What was he? What did w do in 1921 and 1922? Was he successful?IV. Readingo Let the students read the text carefully, look at the questions in Workbook, exercise 1. Let than discuss

12、 the answers orally. Then check the answers with the whole class. Explain some language points.V. Practiceo Play the tape, let the students listen first, then repeat the text after the tape. Give them some time to practise reading the passage.VI. Workbooko Let the students do Exercise 2 together. Th

13、e answer are: climbing, climb, mountain, top, weather, disappeared, return, later, found, unknown, reached o For Exercise 3, the answers are: 1 who 2 which 3 whether 4 that 5 why 6 as 7 whoVII. Consolidationo Get the students to ask and answer questions according to the text. Let them really underst

14、and the passage. Finally try to retell it.VIII. SummaryExercise in class Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms. 1. The earth _ (go) round the sun.2. Look! The baby _(cry) in the street.3. When _ the Party _( found)?4. They _ (work) there since they came to the factory.5. Betty _ ( enjoy) writ

15、ing plays.6. I remembered I _ ( bring) the hook with me.7. When _you_ (begin) to study English?8. He said he _ ( arrive) in half an hour.9. Mary_(cook) when her husband came into the kitchen.10. Its dangerous! _.(not climb) up the hill.Answers: 1. goes 2. is going 3. was founded 4. enjoys 5. have worked 6. had brought 7. did begin 8. world arrive 9. was cooking 10. Dont climbIX. HomeworkRead the whole story and retell it.Lesson 70教学设计方案三oProperties: Recorder, Overhead Projector. oTeaching Objectives:1. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn new words.2. Go over the Pa



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