第02讲 why do we need safety engineering

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《第02讲 why do we need safety engineering》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第02讲 why do we need safety engineering(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 Why Do We Need Safety Engineering我们为什么需要安全工程CONTENTS词汇n safety engineering 安全工程(学)ndisaster n.灾难,天灾,灾祸nnuclear plant 核电站nradioactive cloud 放射云ninjury n.伤害ncommuter train 市郊火车noil tanker 油轮ndespoil vt.夺取,掠夺nmanufacturing n.制造业; adj.制造业的neverglade n.湿地, 沼泽地nevident adj.明显的, 显然的navailable adj.可用到的, 可

2、利用的, 有用的nentail vt.使必需, 使蒙受, 使承担, CONTENTSTranslationnIt is difficult to open a newspaper or turn on the television and not to be reminded how dangerous our world is .Both large- scale natural and man-made disasters seem to occur on an almost daily basis. n从电视或报纸传达出的信息,很难不让我们想到( 无不在告诉)我们这个世界是多么危险。大规

3、模的 自然灾害和人为灾害几乎每天都在发生。 CONTENTSTranslationparagraph 1nAn accident at a plant in Bhopal, India, killed over 2,500 people. n印度博帕尔市的一家工厂发生的事故造成了2500 多人死亡。 印度博帕尔毒气惨案: 1984年12月3日美国联合 碳化物公司在印度中央首府 博帕尔市的一家农药厂,由 于剧毒化学物质异氰酸甲酯 的大量泄漏造成2500人死 亡,近20万人中毒,67万 人处在毒气的威胁下,成为 世界工业史上罕见的重大伤 亡事故。 CONTENTS印度博帕尔毒气惨案CONTENTS

4、Translation paragraph 1nA nuclear power plant in Ukraine exploded and burned out of control, sending a radioactive cloud to over 20 countries, severely affecting its immediate neighbors livestock and farming.n乌克兰的一座核电站 爆炸失控,并引发了火 灾,形成的放射云覆盖 了20多个国家,严重影 响了邻国的家畜和畜牧 业。 1986年5月9日,国际原子能机构总 干事布利克斯应苏联政府邀请,

5、乘 直升飞机从800米高空察看核电站的 情况,他认为这是迄今为止世界上 最严重的一次核事故。 CONTENTS切尔诺贝利核事故n1986年4月16日,前苏联乌克兰的切尔诺贝利 核电站第4号机组发生爆炸事故,当时有60余人 死亡,近300人因核辐射住院。n泄漏的放射性尘埃扩散到北欧,在瑞典、芬兰、 丹麦、挪威等国上空形成放射云。在瑞典大气里 的放射性尘埃比平常高4倍,挪威首府奥斯陆的 辐射程度比平常高50以上。n土地、水源被严重污染,成千上万的人被迫离开 家园;切尔诺贝利成了荒凉的不毛之地。20年 后,放射性仍在继续危胁着白俄罗斯、乌克兰和 俄罗斯约800万人的生命和健康。专家们说,切 尔诺贝利

6、事故的后果将延续一百年。 CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 2nA total of 6.7 million injuries and illnesses in the United States were reported by private industry in 1993. nTwo commuter trains in metropolitan Washington, DC, collided in 1996, killing numerous passengers. nLarge oil tankers ran aground in Alaska and

7、Mexico, spilling millions of gallons of oil and despoiling the coastline. n在1993年,私营企业报道,美国共发生伤害和疾病事件达 670万起。n在首都华盛顿,两列市郊火车相撞,死亡乘客不计其数。n大型油轮在阿拉斯加和墨西哥之间的海域搁浅,数百万加仑 的原油泄漏,严重污染了海岸线。CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 2nAn automobile air-bag manufacturing plant exploded, killing one worker, after it had had o

8、ver 21 fire emergencies in one year. Swarms of helicopters with television cameras were drawn to the plant after every call, creating a public relations nightmare and forcing the government to shut down the plant temporarily. n一家生产汽车安全气袋的制造厂爆炸,造成一名工人死亡 。而在此前,该工厂已经在一年中发生了超过21起的火灾 紧急情况。每次发生紧急情况后,都会吸引一

9、大群带有电 视摄像机的直升飞机前来,造成了公共关系的恶化,迫使 政府临时关闭了这家工厂。CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 3nAn airliner crashed into an apartment building in downtown Sao Paolo, Brazil, killing all on board and many in the apartment building. nAnother, airplane mysteriously dipped and spun into the ground in Sioux City, Iowa. n一架客

10、机与位于巴西Sao Paolo市市区的一座公寓 大楼相撞,导致飞机上所有人员和在公寓里的很多 人员的死亡。n另外,在爱荷华州苏语城,一架飞机神秘的旋转下 降到地面。CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 3nTwo airplanes collided on a runway in the Philippines. nAn airliner crashed into the Florida Everglades after an Oxygen generator exploded in the cargo hold, killing all 110 people on bo

11、ard.n在菲律宾,两架客机在飞机跑到上相撞。n一架客机在所载货物中的一个氧气发生器爆炸之后 ,坠落到佛罗里达州沼泽地,造成飞机上110人全 部遇难。CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 4nIn 1995 the Fremont, California, Air Route Traffic Control Center lost power, causing radar screens covering northern California, western Nevada, and 18 million square miles of Pacific Ocean to

12、 go dark for 34 minutes while 70 planes were in the air, almost resulting in two separate midair collisions. n1995年,在加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市,航线交通控制中心 断电,使覆盖加州北部、内华达州西部和太平洋中1800万 平方英里区域的雷达屏幕陷入黑暗长达34分钟,当时有70 架飞机停留在空中,几乎造成两起独立的空中相撞事故。CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 4nIn another incident, a worker in downtown Chicago

13、 cut into a cable and brought down the entire Air Route Traffic Control System for thousands of square miles.n在另一件事故中,一位在芝加哥市区的工人切断了 电缆,使控制几千平方英里的航线交通控制系统全 面陷入瘫痪。CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 5nSome of these accidents occurred many years ago. Some of them occurred very recently.n Many of the acciden

14、ts crossed international borders and affected millions of people in other countries. nMany more did not extend beyond national borders but still affected a great number of people. And some of the accidents didnt kill anyone.n这些事故中有些发生在很多年以前,有些则是发生 在最近。n许多事故跨过了国际范围,对其他国家数百万的人 造成了影响;更多的事故并未超出国界,但是也影 响

15、了很多人,而有些则没有造成任何人伤亡。CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 6nWe all know how quickly technology is changing; as engineers, it is difficult just to keep up. nAs technology advances by leaps and bounds, and business competition heats up with the internationalization of the economy, turnaround time from product design to market launch is shrinking quickly. n我们都清楚科技变化之迅速,作为工程师,也很难跟得上 (这种变化)。n随着科技飞跃发展,商业竞争因经济国际化的升温,从产 品设计到进入市场的转化时间迅速缩短。问题很快变得明 显了:构造产品时,我们如何在保证高品质、低价格、生 产快速的同时,也保证安全?CONTENTSTranslation paragraph 6nThe problem quickly becomes evident: How do we bui



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