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1、人物类话题figure Stout :A stout person is rather fat. Stocky:heavy and strong Plump: slightly fat (委婉的说法) Chubby: slightly fat (委婉的说法) Tubby: short and plump Skinny slight slim slender bony lanky: tall and thin Petite: short or slender women medium build and average height体态特征 Big bone A Beer-belly pot b

2、elly Wide shoulders Sexy Well-built Lovely figureHair Comb-over: Wavy-hair:Hair Curly hair: Frizzy hair: Hair Shoulder-length hair: Greasy hair: Hair Lifeless hair: Shiny hair: Silky hair: Hair Ponytail:Pigtail/braid/plait:Hair Centre parting: Side parting:Hair Fringe: Dreadlocks: Hair Spiky: Tied b

3、ack:Hair Shaved/bald:Color Light brown: Dark brown: Color Auburn:Blonde black:肤色 Fair skin Dark skin SB has fair skin/dark skin. Fair-skinned Dark-skinned SB is fair-skinned/dark-skinnednose Pointed nose: Flat nose: nose Snub nose: Roman nose: beard Moustache: Goatee: beard Stubble: Hair face: face

4、Bushy eyebrows: Long curly eyelashes:face High cheekbones: Double chin: face Dimples: Chin dimple:face Freckles:超级无敌描述人外貌句型1 身材+体态特征+年龄 他是个有着啤酒肚30多岁的矮胖子 He is a stout man with a beer-belly in his 30. 身材+with体态特征+in年龄 他中等身材中等身高大骨架50多岁 He is a man of medium build and average height with big bone in hi

5、s 50 她是个瘦高瘦高身材超好20对岁的美女 She is a skinny girl with a lovely figure in her 20练练试试看行不 中等身高20多岁兽兽的一美女 She is a lanky/bony/skinny girl with average height in her 20 圆圆胖胖的中等身高的一10多岁的小胖子 He is a plump/stout/stocky/chubby/tubby boy with average height in his 10. 瘦瘦高高的一80多岁老头,肩膀挺宽 He is a lankly man with wid

6、e shoulder in his 80. 身材超棒的一瘦瘦的30左右的少妇 She is a skinny young lady with a lovely figure in her 30.超级无敌描述人外貌句型2 肤色+发型颜色+发型 (顺序可变,用with链接) 他有着浅色皮肤,留着黑色的毛寸 He is fair-skinned with black spiky. 这个黑货梳着深棕色的黑人发型 He is a black guy with dark brown dreadlocks 她梳着红色的马尾辫,肤色不好 She has red ponytail with bad skin 她

7、留着白色的爆炸头,肤色偏浅 She is fair-skinned with white frizzy hair超级无敌描述人外貌句型3 脸部特征若干+声线 他留着山羊胡,脸上两酒窝,声音低沉 he has goatee and dimples with a deep voice 她长着长长弯弯的睫毛,还有个美人豁,声音非常迷人 She has long curly eyelashes and chin dimple with a charming voice. 华仔有着鹰钩鼻,留着胡茬子,声音沙哑 Andy has a roman nose and stubble with hoarse v

8、oice 身材+体态特征+年龄 肤色+发型颜色+发型 (顺序可变,用with链接 ) 脸部特征若干+声线翻译翻译看看自己水平咋样 我的表哥二十五六岁,中等身材中等身高!他很帅! My cousin is a man of average height and medium build in his mid-twenties. He is very handsome. 实际上他是我们家唯一一个长得好看的 Actually he is the only good-looking man in the family. 看起来他好像遗传了他父母所有好的方面:大眼睛,尖鼻 子,好皮肤! It looks

9、 as if hes inherited all the good things from his parents: big eyes, pointed nose and good skin. 我的爸爸快六十了! My father is in his late fifties. 他个子不高但很结实,有个大肚子 He is a short and stocky man with a pot belly. 他小眼睛大鼻子,留着八字胡,带着眼镜! Hes got small eyes and a big nose. He also wears a small moustache and glass

10、es. 我阿姨身材娇小大约有155cm高 My aunt is a petite woman who is about 155cm tall. 她比我妈妈小两岁 She is 2 years younger than my mum. 我阿姨和我妈妈一样有着长鼻子和高颧骨 My aunt has the same long nose and high cheekbones as my mum. 人们总是把她们弄混 People often mistake her for her sister. Sensitive 唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。 Donna is sensitive to strong

11、 smells. 她很敏感人们对她是怎么想的。 She is sensitive to what people think of her. 千万别笑他, 他很敏感. Don t laugh at him ; he s very sensitive. 拜托!别这么敏感行吗?她就是我一普通朋友! Come on!Dont be so sensitive! She is just an usual friend!Aggressive 积极的推销员 an aggressive salesman 他表面上好与人争, 而实际上却很善良厚道. He seems aggressive but at botto

12、m he is kind and good-natured. Cheerful 性格开朗的人 a man of cheerful temper 他是个乐呵呵,大大咧咧的小伙子。 He is a cheerful, care-free person 令人高兴的一天(房间、微笑) a cheerful day (room,smile) Arrogant 这些人是愚蠢的,自大的、疯狂 的。 They were foolish and arrogant, crazy. 约翰太骄傲自大,以为比谁都强 John is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than

13、 everyone else. 你们这些人全都一个样,都是些 冷酷无情、老奸巨滑、自命不凡 的人。 Youre all of you cold, perfect, arrogant people. Stubborn 象骡子一样顽固;非常固执的 as stubborn as a mule 约翰很固执,他从不承认自己人的错误。 John is very stubborn. He never eats his hat. 别在他身上白费口舌了,他非常固执。 Dont waste words on him. He is as stubborn as a mule bossy 护士长凶极了 The hea

14、d nurse is very bossy. 她专横得要命,谁也不喜欢她。 Shes terribly bossy and nobody likes her much. 她小气,心胸狭窄, 又拔扈。 she is stingy, narrow- minded and bossy. Fussy 你别那麽挑食 Don t be so fussy ( about your food ). 他像一个繁琐的老太婆一样。 He is as fussy as an old woman 婆婆妈妈的人,过分注重细节的人 A fussy person Nosey 麦克是一个爱管闲事的家伙,他老是想知 道每一件事情

15、。 Mike is a nosey chap, he always wants to be in on everything. 别管闲事 mind ones own Business; dont be nosey 别好管闲事,不然你会惹麻烦的! Do not get nosy, or youll get into trouble! inquisitive 她太爱打听别人的私事。 She was very inquisitive about other peoples affairs. 孩子都很好奇。 Children are inquisitive. Absent-mindedloyal 我们对我们的职责应该是忠诚的 We should be loyal to our duty. 他对妻子很忠诚。 He is loyal to his wife. 不论如何,我们仍会保持忠诚。 We will remain loyal, come hell or



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