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1、Part 2 课时训练基础巩固.单词拼写1.You can trust him,for he is such a (可靠的) man who never tells lies. 2.It suddenly started raining at (午夜). 3.The sun is now (在下面) the horizon (地平线). 4.The water is (使沸腾,开), and keep the boy away. 5.I found a job that is selling (保险). 6.Theres a fine (风景) of the lake from our hot

2、el window. 7.My father insists on listening to the weather (预报)every day. 8.I was surprised to find the factory was in (火焰). 9.In communication,a smile is (通常) a strong sign of a friendly and open attitude. 10.His new book is (安排时间) to appear in May. 答案:1.reliable 2.midnight 3.beneath 4.boiling 5.in

3、surance 6.view 7.forecast 8.flames 9.usually 10.scheduled.完成句子1.As we rounded the bend,a big house (进入视野).(view)2.The car was so fast (以至于它消失) in a short time.(disappear) 3.At one point,they found themselves (在云中骑车)during their bike trip.(cycle) 4.On hearing that his idol (偶像)was coming,he (迫不及待地要见他

4、).(wait) 5.Along the way in their journey,they sometimes met some children (身着羊毛大衣的).(dress) 答案:1.came into view 2.that it disappeared 3.cycling through clouds 4.couldnt wait to see him 5.dressed in wool coats技能提升.单句语法填空1.Tom is very lazy.He comes to school late usual. 2.She is (rely).She never brea

5、ks her word. 3.I will never give up no matter hard it is. 4.It is so big a tree that hundreds of people can sit it to have a rest in the summer days. 5. time went on,the weather got warmer and warmer. 6.Its so good a film Id like to see it a second time. 7.I cant wait (tell) you the exciting news. 8

6、.She was about to walk out of the door the telephone rang. 9.The TV series is so wonderful I want to watch it again. 10.The old man had to give smoking because he had a serious illness. 答案:1.as 2.reliable 3.how 4.beneath/under/below 5.As 6.that 7.to tell 8.when 9.that 10.up.完形填空(2017 福州高二期中检测)The st

7、ory happened ages ago,when my daughter was still little.I was driving across the country with my daughter to 1 my husband. 2 I wanted to reach my destination before suppertime,I 3 quickly for a long time without a stop.Then after driving for many miles,I became 4 and needed to stop for a(n) 5 to get

8、 refreshed. I found a rest area.It was mostly 6 ,in a quiet area of the highway.I 7_ the car and carried my daughter into the restroom.When I came out I saw a middle-aged couple 8 around.Feeling 9 about that,I asked the lady 10 .What surprised me was: they were waiting for us! The lady 11 me that sh

9、e and her husband wanted to see us safely back into our car.She informed me that sometimes rest areas 12 be a dangerous place for a young lady like me.I was very 13 by their being so 14 to a stranger.Being young,and probably inexperienced to the 15 dangers of rest areas,it had never occurred to me t

10、hat there was any 16 of something going wrong.I 17 them for their kindness and continued the journey,reaching our destination safely. I never got their names but years have 18 and the memory of their kindness is still 19 rooted in my mind.Sometimes angels(天使) come in make-up and just because you can

11、t see their 20 it doesnt mean they arent angels. 1. A.attend B.joinC.force D.encounter2.A.Since B.WhileC.When D.Before3.A.walked B.ran C.flew D.drove4.A.worried B.pleasedC.tired D.frightened5.A.rope B.confusionC.break D.advantage6.A.empty B.pleasant C.elegant D.romantic7.A.booked B.ordered C.parked

12、D.bought8.A.warning B.whistlingC.wanderingD.disturbing9.A.anxious B.curious C.obvious D.nervous10.A.why B.how C.where D.when11.A.told B.guaranteedC.reminded D.explained12.A.should B.need C.could D.must13.A.confused B.affectedC.impressed D.moved14.A.tough B.kind C.essentialD.grateful15.A.lost B.hidde

13、n C.raised D.declared16.A.need B.demand C.chance D.duty17.A.complained B.askedC.thanked D.blamed18.A.died B.passedC.gone D.disappeared19.A.finallyB.widelyC.originallyD.deeply20.A.kindnessB.fitnessC.faces D.wings语篇导读:作者是一位年轻漂亮的妈妈,带着小女儿长途跋涉去看望丈夫。在偏僻的休息区,遇见了一对中年夫妇在周围闲逛,主要目的是要等待作者和女儿安全离去,以防他们遇见危险。他们的善行令

14、作者非常感动。答案及剖析:1.B 考查动词辨析。根据文章内容可知,作者带着女儿是去见自己的丈夫,故 B 项符合语境。join sb.意为“与某人碰头” 。2.A 考查连词辨析。since 意为“因为,由于”;while 意为“当的时候,然而”;when意为“在时候”;before 意为“在之前” 。作者由于想在晚饭前到达目的地,开了很长时间的车而没有休息,因此选 A。3.D 考查动词辨析。根据上文中的“I was driving across the country with my daughter to.”可知,作者是开车的,故选 D。4.C 考查形容词辨析。根据上文中的“I 3 quick

15、ly for a long time without a stop”以及下文中的“needed to stop”可知,作者由于开了很长时间的车,感到非常疲劳(tired),所以选 C。 5.C 考查名词辨析。根据上下文可知,作者因为疲劳需要休息(break)一下以恢复体力,因此选 C。6.A 考查形容词辨析。empty 意为“空的”;pleasant 意为“宜人的”;elegant 意为“文雅的”;romantic 意为“浪漫的” 。根据后面的“in a quiet area of the highway”可知,A项正确,作者选择的是一个很安静的服务区,几乎没有人。7.C 考查动词辨析。根据上下文内容可知,作者停完车(parked)后和女儿到服务区休息,所以选 C。8.C 考查动词辨析。warn 意为“警告”;whistle 意为“吹口哨”;wander 意为“漫步”;disturb 意为“打扰” 。根据上下文可知,作者走出服务区时,看到一对中年夫妇在周围闲逛,因此选 C。9.B 考查形容词辨析。根据上文内容可知,服


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