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1、澳大利亚展览领导讲话及翻译稿澳大利亚展览领导讲话及翻译稿各位来宾,各位朋友: distinguished guests, dear friends,女士们,先生们:ladies and gentlemen,大家下午好!good afternoon!在这秋高气爽的十月,我们欢聚一堂,为“巴尔戈丘澳大利亚当代原住民艺术展览”举行开幕仪式。inthis golden autumn season of october, we gathered together to hold the opening ceremony of balgo: contemporary australian art from

2、 the balgo hills.我谨代表广东省博物馆,向出席开幕仪式的各国驻穗领事馆官员和省外事办、省文化厅、*市文广新局等单位的领导,还有文博界、美术界同行以及新闻媒体的朋友们表示热烈的欢迎!on behalf of guangdong museum, i would like to extend our warm welcome to consular officials in guangzhou and officials of guangdong foreign affairs office, department of culture of guangdong province a

3、nd administration of press, publication, radio and television of guangzhou municipality, as well as peers from museums, culture and art community and friends in the media. 澳大利亚原住民艺术以其丰富的题材内容、鲜明的艺术形态、独特的艺术造型而著称,成为人类重要的文化遗产和艺术瑰宝。the aboriginal art of australia is famous for its rich themes, distinctiv

4、e artistic style and formative models, which is a vital part of the cultural heritage and artistic treasures for all mankind.“巴尔戈丘澳大利亚当代原住民艺术展览”由 26幅作品组成,将在全球巡展。在中国大陆,只有北京和*两个城市参与巡展。我们馆十分荣幸和澳大利亚驻*总领事馆共同承办本次展览。the exhibition of balgo: contemporary australian art from the balgo hills consists of 26 wo

5、rks and will tour internationally. beijing and guangzhou are the only cities in mainland china to host the balgo exhibition. we feel quite honored to organize the exhibition in partnership with australian consulate-general in guangzhou.所展出的 26 幅作品聚焦于澳大利亚巴尔戈丘的原住民艺术,既具有鲜活的原始生命力,又具有强烈的现代形式感,相信一定会受到观众的欢

6、迎 。the 26 works exhibited focus on the aboriginal art from the balgo hills in australia. with primitive yet modern styles, we believe that the audience will like the exhibition very much. 广东省博物馆是一座大型的综合性博物馆,也是中国首批一级博物馆之一 。在省委、省政府的关心 、支持下,在省文化厅的直接领导下,广东省博物馆新馆于今年 5 月 18日建成开放,成为展示广东历史、文化、艺术、自然和对外文化交流的重

7、要平台。guangdong museum is a large comprehensive museum, and one of the first national museums in china. under the support of the provincial committee and government, and the direct leadership of the department of culture, guangdong museum was open to the public on may 18, which grows to be an importan

8、t platform to display canton history, culture, art, nature and cultural exchange.今天开幕的“巴尔戈丘澳大利亚当代原住民艺术展览”是新馆开馆以来举办的第一个涉外展览。今后,我们将充分发挥新馆的优势 ,继续大力推进对外展览的交流与合作。the exhibition of balgo has been the first foreign exhibition since the new museum building was open. we will give full play to the advantages of our museum and continue to vigorously promote exchanges and cooperation of foreign exhibitions.最后,预祝“巴尔戈丘澳大利亚当代原住民艺术展览 ”圆满成功! 谢谢大家!finally, i wish the exhibition a complete success! thank you!



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