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1、Chapter TenInsuranceSample letters Sample letters(1) Sample letters(2) Sample letters(3) Sample letters(5)Sample lettersLetter-(1)1. Insurancen. 保险保险代理人insurance agent 保(险)额insurance amount 保险凭证insurance certificate Words And Expressions 保险索赔 insurance claim 保险公司 insurance company 保险范围 insurance cov

2、erage 保险批单 insurance endorsement 保险批单 保险批单是为变更保险合同内容 ,保险公司出具给被保险人的补充 性的书面证明,与保单具有同等的 合同约束力。而且优于保险合同。 保(险)单 insurance policy 保(险)费 insurance premium 海洋运输货物保险 ocean marine cargo insurance 陆上运输保险 overland transportation insurance 邮包保险 parcel post insurance insurance后接介词的一般用法: 表示所保的货物,后接on eg.请为货物投保偷窃及提

3、货不着险。 Please effect insurance on the goods against TPND. 表示投保的险别,后接against eg.如果想投保附加险,则需要支付额 外的保险费。 If you wish to cover insurance against any additional risks , you should pay the extra premium. 表示保额,后接for 按照买主的要求,请按该货发票金额 的150%投保一切险和战争险。 Please effect insurance for 150% of the invoice value again

4、st All Risks and War Risk, as requested by the buyer. 表示向某保险公司投保,后接 with 我们一般对按CIF价出售的货物向中 国人民保险公司投保。 We usually cover insurance with the Peoples Insurance Company of China for the goods sold on CIF basis. 表示保险费或保险费率,后接at, 如 insurance at a slightly higher premium, insurance at the rate of 5;2. insur

5、e vt.保险,投保 1)用作及物动词,宾语一般为所保 的货物如: 我将就装载的货物按发票金额的 130%投保。 I will insure the shipment for 130% of the invoice value. 2)宾语有时也可为投保的险别,如: 一般来讲,如果是以CIF价成交的话, 我们投保水渍险。 Generally speaking, we insure W.P.A on CIF sales. vi. 保险,投保 按照买主的要求,请按该货发票金额的 150%投保一切险和战争险。 If you wish to insure against any additional r

6、isks , you should pay the extra premium.3. insured 1)adj. 投保的 insured amount 保(险)额 insured cargo 投保的货物 2)被保险人 The insured( insurant) 被保险人向本公司索赔时必须提供 下列单证。 The insured shall submit the following documents when presenting a claim to this company. In international trade, by transportation insurance we

7、mean that the insured, who is usually the importer or the exporter, covers insurance on one or several lots of goods against certain risks for a certain insured amount with the insurer, i.e. (that is)the insurance company, at an agreed premium.Excercise 在国际贸易中,我们所说的货物 运输险,是指被保险人,通常即进口商 或出口商,对一批或若干批货

8、物向保险 人,即保险公司,按一定的保额投保一 定的险别。4. underwritern.保险商 既然索赔要求是在保险责任范围内, 保险商就应负责赔偿。The underwriter have the responsibility for the claim since the claim is within the scope. 5. handsome adj.可观的6. rebate ribet n. 回扣 您会像其他保险商那样付给我们保险 费用回扣吗 ? Will you give us a premium rebate just as other underwriter do? 7. I

9、nterval ntv()l n. 间隔;间距在间断了很长一段时间后,贸易关系 开始恢复正常。 After a long interval, trade relations began to return to normal. 8. cover 1)n.保险; 你们的保险单是否提供适当的破碎险? Does your policy provide adequate cover against breakage? 2)vt.保险,投保 We shall cover all risks and war risk for you. 我们将为你方投保一切险和战争险。 This insurance pol

10、icy covers us against breakage. 这份保单给我们保了破碎险。 3) coverage n. 保险范围 这是一项承保范围广泛的保险。 This is an insurance with extensive coverage. 4) coverable adj. 可投保的,可承保的 该险别的保险费是百分之零点二五。 This risk is coverable at a premium of 0.25%. Useful expressions1.办理(保险)手续 2.预约保险单 3.与某人关系良好 4.保险范围 5.中国人民保险公司 6.单独海损 7.平安险 8.一切

11、险1.take out 2.open policy 3.on very good terms with 4.scope of cover 5.the Peoples Insurance Company of China 6.Particular Average 7.FPA(Free from Particular Average) 8.All Riskstake out 投保,洽办保险 to arrange insurance to cover insurance to effect insurance to provide insurance to take out insurance op

12、en policy 预约保险单 我们将在这里根据我方预约保险单规定 办理保险。 We shall take our insurance at this end under our open policy. 预约保险单 它是一种长期性的货物保险合同。 预约保险单上载明保险货物的范围、险 别、保险费率、每批运输货物的最高保 险金额以及保险费的结付、赔款处理等 项目,凡属于此保险单范围内的进出口 货物,一经起运,即自动按保险单所例 条件承保。 被保险人在获悉每批保险货物起运 时,应立即将货物装船详细情况包括货 物名称、数量、保险金额、运输工具种 类和名称、航程起讫地点、开船日期等 情况通知保险公司和

13、进口商。 这种保险单据目前在我国一般适用 于以FOB或CIF价格条件成交的进口货 物以及出口展览品和小卖品。the Peoples Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司 中国海洋运输货物保险条款(Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses)所包括的三个基本险别是: 1)平安险(Free from Particular Average,缩写 为F.P.A.或FPA) 2)水渍险(With Particular Average,缩写为 W.P.A.或W.A.) 3)一切险(All Risks) 注意平安险和水渍险两个险别,在表示 投保时,前面不再用介词a

14、gainst,比较 下面各组句子: We shall cover insurance against all risks. We shall cover FPA (or WPA) insurance. Please insure against all risks. Please insure FPA (or WPA). We thank you for your letter of May 10, quoting us 100 metric tons of Wool on CIF terms. We regret, however that we prefer to have your qu

15、otations and/or offers on CFR terms.Text Translation 感谢你方5 月10 日的来信按成本加 运费加保险费价报100 公吨的羊毛。然 而,很遗憾我方更愿意你们按成本加运 费价给我们报价或报盘。 For your information, we have taken out an open policy with the Lloyd Insurance Company, London. All we have to do when a shipment is made is to advise them of the particulars. 顺告你方,我们已通过伦敦劳埃德保 险公司出具了预约保险单。货物装船 时,我们只须通知他们详情。 Furthermore, we are on very good terms with them. We usuall



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