必修2 unit 4 vocabulary

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《必修2 unit 4 vocabulary》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修2 unit 4 vocabulary(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 decrease to 减少到 学生减少到300人。The students have decreased to 300. decrease by 减少了 学生减少了300人。The students have decreased by 300.恐龙已经灭绝了。Dinosaurs have died out.reserve n. 保护区 v. 预约,预定 我们必须在电影院预定两个座位。We must reserve two seats in the cinema. burst out + doing burst into + n.她突然大笑起来She burst out laughing.=

2、She burst into laughter.突然have mercy on 对表示怜悯 The man is selfish and has no mercy on the poor and disabled. 这个男人很自私,他对穷人和残疾人没有 怜悯之心。 be of great importance = be very important 学英语很重要。 Learning English is very important. Learning English is of great importance.protectfrom 保护不受(危害 ) 他戴着太阳镜以保护眼睛不受强烈的阳光

3、 的伤害。 He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.millipede n.千足虫 His school bag _ a lot of books, _ a cartoon book.他的书包里装了很多书,包括一本漫画书。contain包含, 容纳内容或成分include包括整体的一部分,通常指同类 including+被包括部分 被包括部分+includedcontainsincluding I had warned him of possible danger,but he didnt pa

4、y attention to it.我已经警告他了所有可能的危险,但是他 没有对此引起注意。1. appreciate后不接不定式2. 当表示“感激” appreciate后接物或事 thank后接人She _ his kindness. She _ him for his kindness.appreciatedthanked I am employed.我被雇佣了。 The children employed themselves in painting.孩子们忙于画画。do harm to 对有害e.g. 在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。Reading in bed does harm to your eyes. sothat 如此以致This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.这本书如此有趣以致于人人都想看看。 (结果) so that 以致于;结果 He got up very early so that he could catch the train他起得很早以便能赶上火车。(目的) He raised his voice ,so that everyone heard him他提高了声音,结果大家都听见了。(结果)


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