语言学Unit 7 Affirmation vsNegation

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《语言学Unit 7 Affirmation vsNegation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《语言学Unit 7 Affirmation vsNegation(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Affirmation vs. Negation正说反译 反说正译 By PYSH1 1Affirmation vs. Negation l正说反译反说正译 negative affirmative affirmative negative free translation double negation transferred negation some traps l视角转换2 2Affirmation vs. Negation l原文本来是正面表达,译文却从反 面着笔;或者,原文用肯定语气的 ,译文不妨倒过来,采取双重否定 或反义词加否定语气。l原文从反面表达,译文却从正面

2、表 达,也属于该范畴。3 3Typical Examples(1) riot police l防暴警察 (即anti-riot police) (2) crisis law l反危机法案 (即anti-crisis law) (3) spy film l反间谍片 (4) at a loss l不知所措 (5) After you, sir. l先生,您先请。4 4(6) Did you have a good trip?l原译:旅途顺利吗? l改译:路上辛苦了。 (7) Please tender exact fare.l原译:请付确切数目的车费。 l改译:请自备零钱,恕不找补。 (8) Ke

3、ep in lane!l不准换线! (9) Keep off the lawn!l请勿践踏草地! (10) I couldnt agree with you more.l我完全同意你的看法。5 51.1 NegativeAffirmative (1) Verb Dont forget to lock the door. 记着锁门。 (2) Adj. the unbounded universe 浩瀚的宇宙 (3) Adverb You are writing carelessly. 你写得潦潦草草、马马虎虎。 (4) Noun Everybody has his likes and disli

4、kes. 人各有好恶。6 6More Examplesl(5) If you take part in it, there can be no further questioning of your courage.l如果你参加,那就足以说明你是有勇气的。 l(6) The United Nations has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world set on it. l到目前为止,联合国辜负了世界人民的希望。 l(7) Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and

5、realized he was not alone in the garage. l他突然听见背后有声响,便立即意识到车库里还 有别人。7 7l(8) The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him. l归国的念头始终萦绕在他的心中。 l(9) I dont think we have asked for anything that they havent done.l我认为我们所要求的事情,他们都已经办到了。 l(10) Some people can eat what they like and get no f

6、atterl有些人爱吃什么就吃什么,照样瘦。l(11) He manifested a strong dislike for his fathers business. l他对他父亲的行业表示强烈的厌恶情绪。8 81.2 AffirmativeNegative(1) Verb Hold on please. 请别挂断。 (2) Adj. The plan is final. 此计划已无商 量余地。 (3) Adverb I know him slightly. 我对他不太了 解。(4) Noun Its all Greek to me. 我对此一窍不通。 (5) Prep. Its beyon

7、d expectation. 真是想象不出。 (6) Conj. Its more than I can describe. 我形容不出/无法形 容。9 9(7) Thats a thing that might happen to any man.l原译:这样的事情可能发生在任何人 身上。l改译:这种事情谁也难免。 (8) Mind your own business.l别多管闲事。 (9) He was 75, but he carried his years lightly.l他七十五岁了,可是并不显老。1010(10) John was a fool for danger. l约翰是个

8、天不怕地不怕的人。 (11) His speech leaves much to be desired.l他的讲话很不如人意。 (12) Computers may eventually be able to learn by using such senses as smell, touch and taste. But will computers become smarter than people? That is anybodys guess. l计算机也许最终能通过嗅、触、味等感觉来 学习。但计算机会变得比人更聪明吗?这可 谁也说不准。11111.2 AffirmativeNega

9、tive (Continued)(1) I gave you credit for being more sensible. l我没有想到你这么愚蠢。(2) Please withhold the document for the time being. l原译:请暂时扣下这份文件。 l改译:此文请暂且不发。1212(3) He is anything but a bright student.l无论如何,都算不上一位思维敏捷的学 生。 (4) Appearances are deceptive.l外貌是靠不住的。 (5) While she liked his work, she point

10、ed out areas where improvement was possible. 。l她在欣赏他的作品的同时,又指出了它 的不足之处。 (6) There are always more books than one can read.l书是永远也读不完的。1313l(7) It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. l他无权签订这种合同。l(8) Time is what we want most, but what, alas, many use worst. l时间是我们最缺少的,但可叹之至, 偏偏许多人最不善于利用。l(9)

11、 I have read your article. I expect to meet an older man.l拜读了你的大作,没想到你这样年轻 。14141.3 Free Translation l(1) Im new to the work.l这工作我不熟悉。l(2) He is free with his money.l他花钱从不吝啬。l(3) He realized that he was in trouble.l他感到自己的处境不妙。1515l(4) The station is no distance at all.l车站近在咫尺。l(5) Its no less than a

12、 fraud.l这无异于一场骗局。l(6) The works of art were left intact, the money gone. l艺术品原封未动,钱却不翼而飞。l(7) The criminal is still at large.l罪犯仍然逍遥法外。16161.4 Double Negationl(1) It never rains but it pours.l不雨则已,雨必倾盆。 l(2) There is no rule that has no exception.l有规则,就有例外。 l(3) There is not any advantage without di

13、sadvantage.l有一利必有一弊。 l(4) It is impossible but that a man will make some mistakes.l是人就会犯错误。17171.5 Transferred Negationlthink,believe,notbecause I dont think we need waste much time on this. 我想我们不必在这个问题上浪费许多时间 。 She didnt believe that such things mattered much. 她认为这种事情无关紧要。 I dont like teaching just

14、 because my parents are both teachers. 我喜欢教书,并不仅仅因为父母都是老师 。18181.6 Some Trapslallnot(并非都) All that glitters is not gold. 发光的不一定都是金子。 All cities did not look like as they do today. 在过去,城市并不都像今天的模样。lbothnot(并非两者都) Both the instruments are not precision ones. 这两台仪器并不都是精密仪器。1919cannottoo(怎么也不足以 )lYou ca

15、nnot praise the play too highly.l你怎么称赞这出戏也不过分。lI shall never be able to stress too much for your kindness.l不管我怎么感谢你,都不足以报恩于万一。lYou cannot be too careful in your watching the samples. l观察样本时,越仔细越好。2020for all(尽管;不;说不 定)lHe seemed as fresh as ever, for all that I never saw him drink or eat.l尽管我从未见他吃喝,

16、但他却似乎精 神如故。 lYou may leave at once for all I care.l你尽可立即离开,我才不管呢。 lFor all we knew, the files we were supposed to photograph were already on their way.l说不定那些该由我们去拍摄的文件已 在途中。2121It be + adj. + noun + thatlIt is a good workman that never blunders.l智者千虑,必有一失。lIt is a long lane that has no end.l路必有弯。lIt is an ill wind that blows nobody good. l坏事未必对人人都有害处。2222



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