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1、考前给力20天考前第2天记一记 单词识记 signal 信号,标标志 significance 意义义,重要性 simplify 简简化 situation 形势势,局面 specific 具体的,特定的 spirit 精神,情绪绪 splendid 壮丽丽的,辉辉煌的 spread 铺铺开;传传播 stable 稳稳定的,可靠的(2009年高考湖北卷)In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a signal for everyone to stand up.在课堂上,铃声响起,老师合上书就是

2、我们起立的信号。 staff 全体职工standard 标准stare 凝视starve 挨饿state 状态,陈述 statistics 统计 steady 稳定的 strength 力量,长处 stress 压力,紧张 struggle 斗争,努力 stubborn 顽固的,坚定的 To make members of a team perform better ,the trainer first of all has to know their strengths and weaknesses. 为为了让队员发挥让队员发挥 得更好,教练练首先必须须要 知道他们们的优势优势 和劣势势。s

3、ucceed 成功;发发达success 成功;成就suffer 遭受;经经受suggestion 建议议suitable 合适的suit 适合summary 概要;总结总结superior 上级级的;较较高的supply 供给给;提供support 支持If you raise it at the meeting,Ill support you.如果你在会议议上提出这这个问题问题 ,我会支持你的。短语有约1和away构成的短语语:throw away 扔掉clear away 清除掉,消散die away 逐渐渐消失,减弱wash away 冲走take away 拿走put away 收拾

4、起来,存起来She has a few thousand dollars put away for her retirement.她为为退休生活积攒积攒 了几千元钱钱。2be loyal to 对对忠诚诚,忠于be particular about 对对挑剔be popular with 受的欢欢迎或喜爱爱be sensitive to 易受的影响,对对敏感(2011年高考江西卷)She has already tried her best.Please dont be too particular about her job.她已经经尽最大努力了,请请不要对对她的工作太挑剔了。佳句诵读1An

5、 idea occurred to me when I might turn to my English teacher for help.我可以向我的英语语老师师求助这这个念头头出现现在我的脑脑海中。2Word came from Mr. Smith that he could arrive on the following Saturday.消息传传来说说,史密斯先生会在下周六到来。3(2011年高考天津卷)Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking can lead to many diseases.现代科学给出了明确的证据,

6、吸烟能导致许多种疾病。练一练 (2011年湖北荆荆州毕业毕业 班质检质检 )I was shopping at a department store and had just boarded the down escalator (电动电动 扶梯) when I noticed a woman standing at the side. She looked about 65 years old,and her expression told me she was _1_ . I turned toward her and asked, “Do you need help?”As the es

7、calator continued moving I heard the woman reply_2_ , “Im afraid.” There was a hint(暗示) of disbelief in her _3_ .“Do you want me to come _4_and get you?” I called to her. She _5_. But by the time I _6_ her, the woman reconsidered, “Sorry, I dont think I can even put my feet on it.” I was suddenly _7

8、_ that I took a more difficult task than I had expected.“I know we can do it,” I comforted her, “I can _8_ you.” She looked down at the beast. Then her eyes came back to mine, looking _9_ . “This has never _10_ me before,” she said, as much to herself as to me. I felt that her sudden _11_ had someth

9、ing to do with the escalators inhuman mechanical coldness.I took her arm.She made a little sound of _12_ as we stepped on, but she _13_ slightly as the stairs moved us _14_ .“I dont understand this at all,” she said.As we neared the bottom, her _15_ was tight on my arm again, but we did fine. “Im so

10、 _16_.” she said.“It was nothing,” I said, “I was happy to do it.”Yes, I was very happy at that moment. I am busy _17_a family and working full time. I do _18_ to help others. For a brief moment, I had a flash of understanding into why someone would become a nurse or a social worker. When I _19_ the

11、 woman, I felt pure, whole and purposeful. It was a _20_ moment than Id had in weeks.1.A.scared BdelightedCenjoyable Dfrustrated2. Apatiently BpleasantlyCcoldly Dsoftly3A.behavior BexpressionCquestion Dvoice4A.in Bback Cdown Dout5. Anodded BrefusedCsmiled Dwaved6A.arrived Bleft Creached Dgrasped7. A

12、disappointed BconvincedCsure Daware8. Acare about Bhold on toCsend for Dtake control of9. Aoptimistic Bproud Cdoubtful Dangry10A.attended to Bhappened toCcame across Dlet down11A.fear Bdecision Cattitude Dchange12. Ainterest Balarm Cjoy Dsurprise13. Afrightened BworriedCreleased Drelaxed14. Adownwar

13、d BupwardCoutward Dbackward15A.push Bhold Cweight Dshake16. Agrateful BafraidCbrave Dembarrassed17A.caring for Bseeking forCreaching for Daccounting for18. Amuch Ba lot Clittle Da little19A.rescued Bcontacted Cseized Dhelped20. Apurer Bmore difficultChappier Dmore significant【解题导语】 作者在超市买东西下楼的时候,看见一

14、个老太太惊恐地看着自动扶手电梯不敢下去,于是作者搀扶和鼓励老太太一起下电梯。举手之劳之事让作者觉得很快乐。1解析:选选A。从第二段第一句老太太说说的话话“Im afraid”可知站在电电梯旁边边的老太太脸脸上带带着很惊慌的神色,由此判断选选A“害怕的”。2解析:选选D。下文说说老太太说话说话 的语语气里有种不信任的暗示,由此判断本题选题选 D,softly表示“轻轻柔地”。老太太说话说话 的声音很小。3解析:选选D。她说话说话 的声音里带带着一丝丝不信任。4解析:选选B。从上文的叙述可知作者此时时已经经站在扶手电电梯上, 他要帮助老太太就得返回来。5解析:选选A。从下文可知作者返了回来,因此选

15、选A,老太太点点头头,同意作者过过去帮她。6解析:选选C。这这里用动词动词 reach表示“抵达,到达”,表示当我到她跟前的时时候,她又重新考虑虑了一番。7解析:选选D。此时时,听老太太这样这样 一说说,我意识识到,要帮老太太下电电梯的困难难比我先前预预料的还还要大。这这里用aware表示“意识识到,明白”。8解析:选选B。从语语境可知,作者要帮助老太太下电电梯,因此选选B表示“紧紧紧紧 抓住”:我可以扶着你,帮你下电电梯。A“关心”;C“派人去请请”;D“控制”。9解析:选选C。老太太低头头看看扶手电电梯这这个庞庞然大物,然后看看我,流露出怀怀疑和不信任的神情。A“乐观乐观 的”,B“骄骄傲的”,D“气愤愤的”,都不符合语语境。10解析:选选B。老太太喃喃自语语,“我以前从来没遇到过这样过这样 的情况。”这这里用sth. happen to sb.表示“某人遇到某事”。11解析:选选A。从前面的叙述可知老太太不敢乘电电梯,由此判断选选 A“害怕,恐惧”。12解析:选选B。我们迈们迈 上电电梯时时她惊恐地叫了一声。alarm“惊恐,恐慌”。13解析:选选D。注意转转折连词连词 but。刚刚踏上电电梯的那一刻,老太太惊恐地叫了一声,可是此时时,当电电梯继续继续 运行的时时候,她不那么害怕了,“放松了”一点儿。14解析:选选A。文章开头



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