八年级英语Educational exchanges课件1

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1、11v学会though和although 的用法。v能区分这两个词。尽管姚明很大个子,他能够快速奔跑。尽管训练很艰苦,姚明从不放弃。尽管姚明成功了,他仍继续努力。Although/ though Yao Ming is very big, he can run fast.Although/ though training is hard, Yao Ming never gives up.Although/ though Yao Ming is successful, he still works hard.1 都表示“尽管,虽然”,但although 比 though 更为正式, 常用书面语中

2、。 Though /Although it was raining,it was not very cold. 2 主句与从句的位置可以调变。It was not very cold, though/ although it was raining. 3 不能与but 连用,但可与 yet, still连用。如:Although he is very old, but he is quite strong. Although he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong. 4 though 可用作副词,一般放在句末,意为“可是、不过”:although没这种

3、用法。They went to the Information Centre for help. It was closed, though. 1. Although Simon has made great progress in his studies, 2. Tony found it difficult to talk to foreigners in English, 3. Although it is good to drink milk at breakfast, 4. She decided to go abroad to further her studies, 5. I c

4、ould hardly hear what he was saying, 6. Though it was Sunday, a although she was not well prepared. b he still works really hard. c my mother got up early as usual. d although he was reading loudly. e although he knew his English was very good. f I prefer orange juice.very tired/ win the gamevAlthou

5、gh he was very tired, he won the game.vHe won the game, though he was very tired.A Although skating is difficult, she enjoys it. B She enjoys skating, though it is difficult. difficult/ enjoy skatingA Although he is very old, he does tai chi every day. B He does tai chi every day, though he is very

6、old. very old/ do tai chiA Although he was afraid, he learnt to dive. B He learnt to dive, though he was afraid. afraid/ learn to diveA Although climbing is dangerous, they love it. B They love climbing, though its dangerous. dangerous/ love climbingv对别人遇到的困难提出建议。v能够用口语表达自己的观点或建议。v用英文写一封建议信。 。Yao Mi

7、ng was chosen to play basketball in NBA in 2002. What difficulties do you think he might have when he first came to America?Li Jie is going to the UK as part of an education exchange. What difficulties do you think she may have?lauguagefoodweatherhost familybeing homesicklonelinesstransportationgett

8、ing lost12115c the weatherb your own rooma foode being friendlyd using the phoneMatch each paragraph with the expressions in the box.She should1 She should take some warm clothes with her. 2 She should always knock at the door and wait before she goes in. 3 She should be polite if she realy doesnt l

9、ike the food. 4 She shuld try to talk to people. 5 She should always ask the family before she uses the phone.你的英国朋友Sophie 下个月 将来广州。请根据中文提示 给她写一封信,字数70字左右。1 广州的春天有点冷,有时候会下雨,最好带厚点的衣服和雨伞。 2 广州以美食出名。同时在广州可以品尝到各国的美食。 3 广州人很友好,遇到困难时要向别人请求帮助。 4 你家里有空房间,她愿意的话可以住你家里。Homework导航P63-64 No.38英语周报Language& writing



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