江苏省丹阳市2012年秋九年级英语上册《Unit 4 TV Programmes》课件 牛津版

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江苏省丹阳市2012年秋九年级英语上册《Unit 4 TV Programmes》课件 牛津版_第1页
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1、 My favourite TV programme is.nameabout stationtimeSports WorldBeijing Music Awardssportsmusic presentationSunshine TVSunshine TV10 a.m. 11.30 a.m.8 p.m. 10 p. m.Listening 1 What kind of information does Sports World cover? 2 What is this weeks Sport World about?A Weekly round-up. With lots of up-to

2、-date information. It covers differernt sports,such as swimming, basketball,badminton and football.Its all about football. There are also a number of interviews with some famous football players.A report on preparations for the coming World Cup. 1. How will this years Beijing Music Awards be covered

3、 ? 2. Who will attend the presentation ? 3. What have lots of fans voted online for ? 4. When will the results be announced ? 5. How can people win two free concert tickets ?It will be covered live.Many famous Asian pop stars.For their favorite songs, singers and music videos.During the programme.If

4、 you send text messages to 1396.( )1. We can watch sports news on Saturday afternoon.( )2. Sports World covers ice skating this week.( )3. There are many interviews with the famous football players in this weeks Sports World.( )4. Beijing Music Awards was recorded last week.( )5. Just a few big film

5、 stars will come to the show.( )6. Twenty thousand fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos.FFTFFT1. round-up 2. up-to-date3. presentation4. announce5. attend6. cover7. liveA. a formal event during which gifts and prizes are given B. a short report of the most impor

6、tant information C. includes the latest information D. take part in an eventE. shown on televisionF. tell a decision, plans, etc. to the publicG. broadcast while the event is actually happeningNew wordsA: Which programme do you like? B: I prefer.because. A: How much time do you spend on TV every wee

7、k? B: I spend. Discussion Is watching TV your problem? Why ? Is it good or bad to watch TV?No matter what kind of TV programme is your favorite, Remember Its harmful for you to spend too much time watching TV. Because it does harm to your mind and body! 1.一周概要 2.最新信息 3. 包括不同的体育项目 4. 足球迷 5. 发现.有点无聊 6

8、. 大量的对.做的采访 7. 为.做的准备 8.即将到来的世界杯 9.被直播 10. 出席颁奖典礼 11. 亚洲流行明星 12. 她们最近的工作 13. 在线投票 14. 宣布结果 15. 写下 16. 发短信到 17. 两张免费的音乐会门 票a weekly round-up up-to-date informationcover different sports a football fan find.a bit boring a number of interviews with. preparations for the coming World Cup be covered live

9、 attend the presentation Asian pop stars their recent workvote online for announce the results write down send text messages totwo free concert tickets1.There _ a number of people in the hall now. The number of them _ about2000. (be)2. The programme _ at 6oclock this night. It _ many different sport

10、s.(cover)3. Plenty of _ with pop stars will be broadcast. They _ about what has happened during the last one year at present.(interview)4. Our teacher always makes the class _. It looks like a _ show.(live)5. Its popular for the young to communicate by send t_ m_.6. We can learn a lot from many _(week) magazines every week.areiswill be coveredwill coverinterviewsare interviewedlivelyliveextessagesweeklyv Try to repeat the two passages v Copy the phrases three timesv 每日英语exercise 2



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